Replacing all of our deficient Hormones -- Thyroid, Testosterone, estrogen, Progesterone, DHEA and Melatonin to levels in our twenties is beneficial to both our health and quality of life. Aging as been accepted as a natural event that cannot be altered. This is NOT true. With Bioidentical Replacement therapy and proper lifestyle and nutritional supplementation we are able to age with the vibrancy of Youth.
Thyroid | Estrogen | Progesterone | Testosterone (Men) |Testosterone (Women) | DHEA | Melatonin
Thyroid hormone initially is produced in the thyroid gland as T4.. Once in the body, this circulation T4 is converted to the actice form of thyroid called T3 by an enzyme. As we age, this enzyme becomes less effective and the production of T4 by the thyroid gland diminishes. (return to top)
Estrogen is produced in the ovaries and adrenal glands. Men actually produce estrogen from conversion of testosterone, although this is an extremely small amount, There are three types of estrogen found in a women's body; ESTRONE, ESTRADIOL AND ESTRIOL. The levels of all of these hormones fall dramatically at the onset of menopause, which yields the symptoms of menopause. Hot flashes, insomnia, vaginal dryness, bladder problems, difficulty concentrating, and anxiety. Unfortunately the disease processes, such as cardiovascular disease, stroke, osteoporosis, and Alzheimer's, only increase in the absence of estrogen. Replacement of estrogen by Natural hormones (identical to what you made when you were young) will prevent the significant deterioration that occurs from loss of estrogen. (return to top)
Progesterone is another female hormone of equal importance as is estrogen for the aging woman, although it is commonly over-looked. Progesterone is produced by the ovaries and is used in nature to balance estrogen. It too can safely and effectively relieve menopausal symptoms, protect against cancer, prevent osteoporosis, and improve overall well-being. Physicians have been accustomed to prescribing the synthetic PROGESTIN (BRAND PROVERA) and clearly this was the culprit in the increased incidence of Breast Cancer. Natural Progesterone enhances the action of estrogen and the hormones work together. (return to top)
Testosterone For Men is responsible for the sex drive of both men and women. As testosterone diminishes with age, so does the sexual functioning in both men and women. Restoring testosterone to youthful levels can reverse this situation. Studies now show that replacement with natural testosterone results in a decreased total cholesterol and increased HDL. Patients see additional benefits in increased energy, increased stamina, and an elevated mood. A study from UC San Diego not only showed that men with higher baseline levels of testosterone had less cardiovascular disease, but supplementing to youthful levels prevented worsening of cardiovascular disease. Supplementation helps reduce obesity, raise lean body mass, normalize blood clotting and raise the good HDL cholesterol, all of which decrease the incidence of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. It also prevents cognitive decline and reduced C-Reactive Protein levels (CRP) a measurement of inflammation in blood vessels. Testosterone protected against heart attacks and progression of heart disease. The summary article from the "New England Journal of Medicine, January 2004 found, "decades of reviewed research found NO evidence that testosterone therapy causes prostrate cancer." Testosterone was found to protect against heart disease and is a beneficial and safe hormone.(return to top)
Testorone for Women per Suzanne Somers in her book "The Sexy Year" - her comments on testosterone, " I feel so much like a woman again. I have plenty of energy and sex is like what it was at age 20." Testosterone is a female sex hormone, not just a male hormone. This hormone is critical important for a women to feel physically and emotionally healthy. Women also lose their libido as they age which is directly related to loss of serum testosterone. Replacement of testosterone in women restores their libido as well as restores energy, strengthens bones, prevention of osteoporosis, and improvement of overall of well-being and zest for life. Testosterone improves women's skin, muscles, bones, tendons, and joints. Remember it is only natural testosterone that does all these good things. (return to top)
DHEA or Dehydroepiandrosterone is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands, and is derived from cholesterol. DHEA improves the function of the immune system, improves brain function relieves stress, and has been shown to be a very potent anti-cancer supplement. (return to top)
Melatonin is a hormone secreted by the pineal gland and is critically connected to deep stages of sleep. It is in these deep stages of sleep that our immune system is stimulated. The pineal gland controls the activities of virtually every cell in the body. The pineal gland uses melatonin to maintain the body's balance, equilibrium and homeostasis.
If published scientific studies show a natural hormone supplement can boost immune sleep patterns, and possibly slow the aging process, then I feel that most people should be taking melatonin as a supplement.
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