Daily Health Tip


Day Date Health Tip
Friday December 30, 2011

Eight early signs of Cognitive Decline that may point to Alzheimer's

  • Asking the same question over and over
  • Repeat the same story over and over
  • Forget how to do something that you normally can do easily
  • Getting lost in familiar surroundings
  • Misplace things often
  • Neglect to bathe
  • Rely on someone else to make decisions you'd normally make yourself.

Keep in mind if we loss our mind - does it matter about the status of the rest of our body??  Your mind comes first. 

MY COMMENT: Keeping your Hormones balanced from the time each hormone starts to decline is highly protective to your Brain.  Recently studies of Alzheimer's women given Estriol showed cognitive improvement within 6 months. Stay away from drugs that have negative impact on your brain - Ex - Statin drugs (like lipitor etc) decrease CoQ10 within weeks of starting them.  Every option should be done to correct Cholesterol before randomly starting Statin Drugs.  DHA - Your brain fat is 1/4 DHA (which you obtain from FISH OIL) - take minimum of 200mg to protect your brain and 600mg to 1500mg to improve cognitive loss. 

Thursday December 29, 2011

We live in a World of all kinds of chemicals surround us.  They come from cars, factories, our foods and shampoos, toxins are in our homes and offices.  Some of the toxins that we encounter are potentially very harmful and can cause cancer, asthma, or allergies, and they can also reduce your quality of life in more subtle ways.  They may cause minor irritations or fatigue or a general feeling of "blahness."

It is important to Look at labels - get rid of MSG - High Fructose Corn Syrup - Aspartame -etc.  
I also recommend to my patients to periodically do a Metabolic Detoxification from Metagenics.  This is a 9 day program, the first step being a trip to the grocery storeto pick the correct foods. This 9 day program will help your entire system to function better.  

Wednesday December 28, 2011

The Perfect Environment for Sleep

  • Cool Dark Room
  • No Laptops, TV, - Use the Bedroom for two activities - Sleep and Intimacy
  • Add White Noise - Fan - or Sounds that relax "rain forest"
  • Dress appropriately - Few and loose clothes
  • Establish a standard wake-up time, including on weekends.  This helps your circadian rhythm and trains you to stay on schedule.
  • Get the BEST mattress you can afford = Pillows, mattresses and coverings are a most for good sleep.

Good Sleep is your best vitamin - One of the major items women in menopause suffer from is poor sleep.  Is it any wonder that chronic poor sleep yields to depression?  When I see a female patient is it very important to do every "Natural" solution possible to correct sleep.  

Tuesday December 27, 2011

More benefits of Caffeine --- Due to the phytochemistry of coffee with its phenolics that have a direct action of dampening inflammatory activity.   This activity reduces the risk of developing---

  • Diabetes --13% with one cup daily
  • Cancer -- 1 cup daily - 42% decrease risk of liver cancer
  • Liver Disease --4 cups daily - 84% decrease risk of cirrhosis
  • Cognitive decline
  • DNA Damage -- 13% decrease risk of cancers in general

MY COMMENT: Although many people, including physicians, advise limitation of coffee intake, there seems to be a wealth of information on beneficial effects. So I tell patients Stop the Soda or Pop - - and if you are drinking it due to the caffeine - drink coffee or green tea instead.   

Monday December 26, 2011

Enjoying your coffee daily may lower your risk of Alzheimer's disease.  Alzheimer's disease is becoming increasingly prevalent with aging, striking more than 40% of those over 84.  Consuming daily coffee cuts the risk of Alzheimer and dementia later in life.   Scientists have discovered that long-term coffee intake exhibits a dose-dependent association  with improved cognitive function and memory, and it protects primary neuronal cells.   More surprising was a research study that connected human consumption of 5 cups of coffee daily beginning to reverse Alzheimer's damage in just 5 weeks!!! 

MY COMMENT:Isn't it amazing that something as common and readily available as coffee could be helpful in such a terrible disease as Alzheimers.  Of course, it goes back to Research dollars only be spent on expensive drug therapy and Pharmaceutical companies only interest----which new drug will capture market share?  

Friday December 23, 2011

When you walk even 20 minutes moderately 5 times weekly the "feel good energy" will last up to 12 hours. According to the University of Vermont study 30 minutes of walking for 5 days weekly yielded reports of patients having more energy to get through their daily tasks, feeling healthier, more confident then those patients who walk infrequently.

MY COMMENT: Every time you walk, your body releases hormones that make you feel good and reduce stress. That's  a two-for-one emotional adjustment -- and it's FREE.  Just think - PERFECT HORMONE LEVELS AND DAILY WALKING = BEST OPTIONS OF FEELING GOOD!!

Thursday December 22, 2011

The University of Michigan found that sedentary, prediabetic adults who walked for an hour daily improved their sensitivity of insulin by 59% and their ability to produce insulin by 31% in just 7 days.  Both measures indicate an improved ability to regulate blood sugar.  Based on this study, if you keep on trucking, over the long haul, you could lower your risk of developing diabetes by 58%, especially if you drop a few pounds along the way.


Wednesday December 21, 2011

Losing weight without exercise will increase the amount of Muscle loss you have.  So it is critical to exercise with your weight loss program.  The University of Pittsburgh did a study of Weight loss with and without exercise. Conclusion: if you exercise with your weight loss, you double the fat-burning ability compared to lose who diet without exercise.  The other benefit in exercising with your weight loss is the cosmetic issues --- You are more compact and firm than fat, so it looks much better.


Tuesday December 20, 2011

The Harvard Nurses Health Study tracking behavior of 200,000 women for 3 decades showed that moderate walking for an average of 30 minutes daily can lower the risk of heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes by 30 to 40% and the risk of breast cancer by 20-30%.  Walking keeps your mind sharp, boosts your mood, fights off colds, revs up your energy level, improves your sleep, reduces pain, helps you live longer and curbs food cravings.


Monday December 19, 2011

"Approximately 90 epidemiological studies have examined the role of Vitamin C  or Vitamin C -rich foods in cancer prevention, and the vast majority have found statistically significant protective effects.  Evidence is strong for cancers of the esophagus, oral cavity, stomach, and pancreas.  There is also substantial evidence of protective effect in cancers of the cervix, rectum, and breast.  Even in Lung cancer there is a recent evidence of role for vitamin C" - American Journal of clinical Nutrition.

MY COMMENT: Increasing Vitamin C intake to 380mg/d would lower breast cancer rates in the US alone by 16%.   
This was reported by Journal National Cancer Institute.

Friday December 16, 2011


  • REDUCE FAT- studies have shown fatty meals appear to stimulate abdominal symptoms.
  • INCREASE Dietary fiber  -Supplementation may increase stool weight and decrease intestinal transit time.
  • AVOID refined Carbohydrates - It is suggested that spasm of the smooth muscle is the cause of the discomfort from the bowl.
  • Rule out food sensitivities - There appears to be a subset of patients that have strong food allergy component.

With elimination the symptoms of Irritable bowl will improve.     Administration of Good quality and High potency Probiotics on Experimental studies have shown improvement in Mucous colitis, irritable colon and Idiopathic Ulceration Colitis. 

MY COMMENT: If you are having Symptoms of Irritable Bowl  (chronic constipation/diarrhea) cramping -  
Once you determine there is NO BOWL pathology, then it becomes important to control the symptoms.  Using proper diet - Detoxification - Possible digestive enzymes and Probiotics - You have the option to control Irritable bowl symdrome.   

Thursday December 15, 2011

B12 - more benefits on making your blood levels optimal
Supplementation has been shown to improve allergy issues.  

  • Intractable asthma 18/20 improvement
  • Chronic urticaria 9/10 improvement
  • Chronic contact dermatitis 6/6 improvement
  • Atopic dermatitis 1/10 greatly improved /5/10 moderate improvement

Blood levels indicate that sub-lingual B12 becomes available as early as 15minutes after administration and is still elevated  at 24 hours suggesting that a once daily dose may be effective in the situation of allergies.  
These are case reports and observational studies, but knowing that B12 at optimal levels is beneficial in inhibiting cerebral atrophy; (which was documented by brain scans) one would say "why not take sublingual B12 if you are dealing with allergies"?  Benefit your Brain and your immune system.

 MY COMMENT: This is a cheap health maintenance and needs to be part of "Wellness-Program" for everyone.  The problem in Medicine is FOCUS on DISEASE and forget what we need to do to maintain HEALTH.  The amount of items that can be done to keep our brains - heart - bones - gut healthy are cheap and easy.  
Everyone needs Vitamin B12 levels looked at - Everyone needs Vitamin d 25-OH levels looked at -
Don't accept levels that are out of Disease range.  Make sure your levels are optimal numbers

  • B12 - OPTIMAL 1000pg/ml
  • Vitamin D 25-OH - 60-80 ng/ml

Just remember the best form of B12 is sublingual METHYCALBALAMIN. - There is no pass thru the liver, sublingual will go from the mouth to the blood stream.

Wednesday December 14, 2011

800,000 Americans annually have heart attacks, stroke, and other related vascular diseases.  150,000 of these Americans are younger then 65.  The United States is failing to prevent the leading cause of death - CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE.

MY COMMENT: Many of the treatments needed are low cost and highly effective.

  • Detoxification is first step
  • If weight loss needed then use a controlled medical diet
  • Fish oi
  • Daily Exercise 

Tuesday December 13, 2011

It was shown in Laboratory experiments that a highly absorbable form of magnesium was shown to increase Magnesium blood levels and increase Magnesium brain levels.  In response to this there were improvements in Cognitive Function. In just 24 days oral supplementation with magnesium L-threonate produced an increase in short and long-term memory scores.

MY COMMENT: My recommendations are 600-1000mg of Magnesium daily.  This is best if mixed with the Calcium and in the multidose vitamin.  If you are suffering some of Diseases that connect to low Magnesium then do the higher dosing.

Monday December 12, 2011

Magnesium is probably the most deficient mineral in the American Diet. Lots of research on the link of low magnesium intake and high cardiovascular risks.  One governmental study showed a staggering 68% of Americans do not consume the recommended daily intake of Magnesium.  Magnesium is needed for more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body.  It helps maintain normal muscle and nerve function, keeps  bones strong, keeps heart rhythm steady, supports a healthy immune system, and keeps bones strong.

MY COMMENT: My recommendations are 600-1000mg of Magnesium daily.  This is best if mixed with the Calcium and in the multidose vitamin.  If you are suffering some of Diseases that connect to low Magnesium then do the higher dosing.

Friday December 9, 2011

Poor Vitamin B12 may connect to decrease in  
BRAIN VOLUME and FUNCTION -- The better your B12 level (upper levels of the lab) - then better volumes of Brain -  
The lower the levels of B12 the more association of poor global cognitive testing.

MY COMMENT: There could not be a cheaper prevention of Brain volume loss and associated Cognitive decline then keeping your B12 level optimal.  As we age we see a decrease in Intrinsic Factor of the Stomach, which absorbs B12.  This replacement is easy - You can obtain good quality B12 as METHYCALBALAMIN.  Ask for a B12 level and then keep it at 1000 or greater.  Consider just doing a good multiple dose vitamin that has Minerals and B-complex. 

Thursday December 8, 2011

Current Vitamin D levels are Inadequate for African- Americans and Others   

63% of African-Americans have vitamin D Deficiency with levels in disease range. Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine did serum analysis and found the recommendations for Vitamin D are extremely low.  Skin Melanin levels, sun exposure and vitamin D intake were determined during this study.

MY COMMENT: Vitamin D is critical in Multiple functions of the body -Studies have shown that Doubling vitamin D levels May increase your life expectancy by an average of two years.  Vitamin D is cheap - You need to get a good quality vitamin D and monitor your lab by checking blood every year . Aim for the mid to upper quartile of the lab. 

Wednesday December 7, 2011

Options that have shown natural benefit in reducing Hypertension (high blood pressure)

  • CoQ 10
  • Vitamin D
  • Garlic
  • Hawthorn
  • Fish Oil
  • Calcium

What does this mean?  According to a review published by the JOURNAL OF CLINICAL HYPERTENSION lifestyle interventions - Dietary Approaches  and nutritional supplements are viable alternatives to drugs prescribed!!!!      
MY COMMENT:  As a medical community we promise to do no harm - When a patient comes in with Hypertension our first step should be to look at all we can do before we write those Hypertensive drugs.   
 As a first step with each of these patients do a METABOLICDETOXIFICATION - Using programs that are structured dietary regimes (food the patient purchases from the grocery store) and correct supplementation - Potentially most patients can gain control over their Hypertension.  I use Metagenics program because of the Science behind it.

Tuesday December 6, 2011

PER Dr. Neal Rouzier-------------- 
Optimizing thyroid function by replacing thyroid hormones to optimal (upper range of normal) can significantly increase energy, metabolism, and well being. Many studies (NEJM & JCEM) demonstrate that raising Free T3 levels in addition to T4 levels is essential to obtaining these results. Traditionally physicians have prescribed thyroid hormone in a form of T4 only, also known as Synthroid®, Levoxyl®, or L-thyroxine. Recent studies, however, have demonstrated that this may not be sufficient in many patients to truly feel well. Many thyroid treated patients commonly request even more thyroid, knowing that more makes them feel and function better. The patient might not have realized how lousy they felt until they felt better. This might not be accomplished, as per recent literature, until these patients have improved or optimized T3 replacement as it is the T3 at the cell level that is responsible for thyroid function, and not T4. Nevertheless, it is usually only the T4 preparations that physicians are taught to use for thyroid replacement. Unfortunately using primarily a T4 only preparation typically does not allow for adequate conversion to T3 and therefore improvement in symptoms is often not adequate. Many factors play in the inadequate conversion of T4 into T3 and are related to a defective function of the 5'-deiodinase enzyme responsible for this conversion. Whatever the cause for the inadequate conversion of T4 to T3, many patients have persistent low thyroid symptoms despite adequate T4 replacement. Several landmark studies demonstrate that this can be overcome by simply adding T3 on to the T4 regimen. Improvement in T3 levels can be attained by compounding both T4 and T3 together into a capsule or through the use of the commercially available desiccated thyroid preparations that contain T4 and T3 together in tablet form. The commonly prescribed T4 preparations of L-thyroxine, sometimes referred to as synthetic thyroid and contain only T4 and no T3, might not convert to the active form of T3 which is especially critical for patients who are not able to properly and adequately convert T4 to T3. A paper published in JAMA demonstrated the importance of T3 in predicting morbidity, mortality, and functional decline. Neither TSH nor T4 were predictive, thereby further establishing that T3 should be the main marker utilized for thyroid replacement."

MY COMMENT :Even though Compounded Thyroid HAS been clearly shown to make patients FEEL better, the medical community continues to write for the standard pharmaceutical thyroid which is only T4 -- It makes you wonder why these studies are not being addressed.  Could it be the power of the Pharmaceutical companies?? 

Monday December 5, 2011

Fatigue, weight gain, forgetfulness, mood swings...did the holidays just hit? Or are these symptoms an indication of hypothyroidism? While you might struggle with the holiday season to maintain energy and sanity, these persistent symptoms are a few of the signs related to low thyroid function, also known as hypothyroidism.
What Is Hypothyroidism? More commonly found in women, approximately 5% of Americans have hypothyroidism, which occurs when the thyroid gland is unable to produce enough thyroid hormone to support several metabolic functions in the body. The thyroid gland secretes two main hormones, thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). T4 is the hormone that is principally produced by the thyroid gland which is then converted in the liver and kidney to the metabolically active T3 hormone. It is the T3 that is responsible for regulation of metabolism, energy production, body temperature, body fat, cholesterol, cognitive function, and symptom improvement.
How do you know if your thyroid levels are low? There are over 200 symptoms related to low thyroid function that improve with optimal thyroid replacement:

  • Colder body temperature
  • Symptoms of poor circulation in the hands and feet
  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Forgetfulness and fuzzy thinking
  • Muscle and joint pain
  • Dry skin and brittle nails
  • Digestive ailments (constipation, IBS, etc.)
  • Menstrual irregularities and infertility
  • Emotional instability
  • High cholesterol
  • Weight Gain

MY COMMENT:  Even though Compounded Thyroid HAS been clearly shown to make patients FEEL better, the medical community continues to write for the standard pharmaceutical thyroid which is only T4 -- It makes you wonder why these studies are not being addressed.  Could it be the power of the Pharmaceutical companies??

Friday December 2, 2011

The NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE REPORTED "Patients that took a combination of T4and T3 experienced better mood, energy, concentration and memory and improved well-being.  Patients on just T4 experienced NO change."

MY COMMENT : This statement from one of our most prestigous journals was written over 10 years ago.  Even though Compounded Thyroid HAS been clearly shown to make patients FEEL better, the medical community continues to write for the standard pharmaceutical thyroid which is only T4 -- It makes you wonder why these studies are not being addressed.  Could it be the power of the Pharmaceutical companies?

Thursday December 1, 2011

In looking this week at the issues of Elevated Blood sugar We must remember the use of Metformin

  • Originally a Botanical Compound
  • Safe  and Widely used for type 2 diabetes
  • Powerful calorie restriction - mimicking drug
  • Protective  with other nutraceuticals against cancer
  • Should be aggressively used for those patients with Elevated Insulin - Elevated Hemoglobin A1C and elevated BMI

Best of all this option is Free at some pharmacies for patients with no insurance.

MY COMMENT: Where is main stream medicine = THE NORMAL FOR FASTING SUGAR IS TOO HIGH!!!   
Current criteria specify that you are not "diabetic" unless fasting blood glucose exceeds 125mg/dl.  The range between 100-125 is considered "pre-diabetic"  So is your blood sugar is 99 you Doctor will say everything is fine and send you home.  OPTIMAL BLOOD SUGAR is your goal = 70-85 mg/dl   

Wednesday November 30, 2011

New findings show a natural compound in Green Coffee Bean can help to lower after- meal blood sugar surges.  Coffee consumption is associated with reduced risk of Type 2 Diabetes.  There are available products of Green Coffee Bean extract that have shown reduction in Blood sugar.  Anyone with Fasting Sugar > 85mg/dl or 2 hours after starting the biggest meal a blood sugar > 125mg/dl should consider supplementing with Green Coffee Bean Extract.

MY COMMENT: Where is main stream medicine = THE NORMAL FOR FASTING SUGAR IS TOO HIGH!!!   
Current criteria specify that you are not "diabetic" unless fasting blood glucose exceeds 125mg/dl.  The range between 100-125 is considered "pre-diabetic"  So is your blood sugar is 99 you Doctor will say everything is fine and send you home.  OPTIMAL BLOOD SUGAR is your goal = 70-85 mg/dl

Tuesday November 29, 2011

An epidemic of Elevated Blood Sugar -
One study evaluated 46,000 middle-age and older individuals - this group showed more then 85% had fasting blood sugar of 85mg/dl or greater.  Since incidence of disease starts to increase when fasting blood sugar rises above these levels, this means the vast majority of aging humans today endure chronic cellular damage associated with elevated blood sugar. This epidemic of elevated blood sugar will accelerate age-related disease until the medical profession realizes that their test values for defining "normal" blood sugar are horrifically defective.

MY COMMENT : Where is main stream medicine = THE NORMAL FOR FASTING SUGAR IS TOO HIGH!!!   
Current criteria specify that you are not "diabetic" unless fasting blood glucose exceeds 125mg/dl.  The range between 100-125 is considered "pre-diabetic"  So is your blood sugar is 99 you Doctor will say everything is fine and send you home.  OPTIMAL BLOOD SUGAR is your goal = 70-85 mg/d

Monday November 28, 2011

Despite what you think are healthy intentions, you may still be at risk for a heart attack or stroke.  There is a silent killer that can be stalking you.  This silent killer attacks 1 person every 10 seconds and more then half of the people never knew they were at risk.  What is this silent assassin??  IT IS DIABETES!!
If you have a family history ...... Hypertension ..... High Cholesterol.... Not getting enough sleep ..... Carry a "few" extra pounds, these are all risk factors for developing diabetes.  Look at your insulin levels and Hemoglobin A1C - these are often much more accurate predictors to increase levels of Blood sugar then looking just at a fasting blood sugar.

  • Your Hemoglobin A1C should be less then 5.7
  • Your Fasting Insulin should be less then 8
  • Your Fasting Blood sugar should be less then 80

MY COMMENT : What should you do???? Fix the items that need to be corrected - If weight is an issue - 'BITE THE BULLET" and use a controlled medical diet -

Get to goal and then use food as your medicine - eat correctly and live longer

Friday November 25, 2011

Large epidemiological studies repeatedly demonstrated that depressed people have significantly reduced levels of DHA and EPA in red blood cell membranes or serum.  In healthy adults increased omega-3  intake is positively associated with greater brain volume in regions associated with emotional arousal and regulation of behavior.  People who get more omega-3 have bigger, more functional brains.  People who have lower omega-3 levels may be more likely to suffer from a Cognitive impairments including dyslexia, ADHD, and Cognitive decline. Bipolar disorder - One study of patients were supplemented with 9,600mg of omega-3 showed significantly longer periods of remission than did placebo groups. On MRI studies the brain tissue showed favorable cell membrane alterations.  Several small studies showed reduced frequency of Manic and depression symptoms even within 6 weeks of supplementation.

MY COMMENT: These amounts of EPA/DHA are obtained by a good quality fish oil - I recommend a company Metagenics FISH OIL because of the potency - quality and price.    Why is the medical community not looking at the BEST of cheap treatments to complex diseases?? Fish oil does so much and most Doctors do not routinely recommend this to their patients.

NEAL ROUZIER M.D.'s BOOK "How to Achieve HEALTHY AGING" - Why Everyone Should Replace Hormones - a review of the Medical Literature ---  

Thursday November 24, 2011

Reverse Brain Aging -- Omega-3 fatty acids are particularly important.  Omega-3 fatty acids exert profound anti aging effects on brain structure and function, from cognition and memory to mental health and Alzheimer's prevention.    IF YOU HAVE - * Depression * Aggression * Mental Disorders   * Cognitive Decline   * Early Alzeiheimers   You need to be taking 1000-3000mg of EPA You need to be taking 1000-1500mg of DHA

MY COMMENT: These amounts of EPA/DHA are obtained by a good quality fish oil - I recommend a company Metagenics FISH OIL because of the potency - quality and price.   

Wednesday November 23, 2011

Vitamin D Associated with better Physical Function in Older Men and Women  
Wake Forest University analyzed data from 2,788 healthy participants.  Lower extremity function was evaluated at the beginning of the study and at 2 and 4 years.  Although physical function decreased for all participants, those who had high vitamin D levels at the beginning of the study retained better function, with improved performance scores and gait speed across the 3 time points.

MY COMMENT : Another reason to have your Vitamin D level be at the upper quartile of the lab.  Draw Vitamin D 25-OH levels.

Tuesday November 22, 2011

Mainstream medicine is allowing blood sugars to be much higher then is ideal (fasting up to 100) ideal is under 80 and 2 hours from the start of the largest meal blood sugar should be no more then 40 points above your fasting.   
Information from the International Diabetes Federation issued these warnings to patients that postprandial sugar (2 hour blood sugar after meal) above 140 increases the risk for the following:

  • Damage to the retina
  • Increased intima-media thickness of the carotid artery
  • Oxidative stress
  • Increased Inflammation
  • Endothelial Dysfunction
  • Decreased Myocardial blood flow
  • Increased Cancer risk

MY COMMENT: It is important for you to make this assessment - if you have extra weight and family history of Diabetes, don't wait till a Doctor diagnoses Type II Diabetes.  Be proactive---- correct you risk and correct your Blood sugar.  Meformin is an option that is cheap and reasonable to consider.

Monday November 21, 2011

Options to help in WEIGHT loss also include using a product called "Xenical".  Xenical inhibits 'lipase enzyme' in the digestive tract.  When taken before a meal (three times daily) it will prevent about 30% of ingested fat from being absorbed into the blood stream.  Some studies have shown 17-20 pounds of weight loss after 3-12 months.  There is an over the counter brand called "alli".   Now the negative -  
because this inhibits fat absorption you need to supplement with fat soluble nutrients.  Anyone taking these products should take Vitamin D (which all patients need), vitamin K, and Omega-3 (which all patients need).  If you take "Xenical" or "Alli ", your requirements could be higher.  Make sure you are getting DHA 600mg and Vitamin D enough to keep your blood levels 60-70.

MY COMMENT : It is worth using these products if  Psychologically you see the benefit of seeing undigested fat passing naturally from the body.  For best results patients need to do low fat (fruits - veggie - low fat protein).  If patients don't do this they may get oily spotting and loose stools.

Friday November 18, 2011

PPI Drugs - Proton pump inhibitors- These are drugs like Nexium etc.  60-70% of patients taking them do not need them.  From the Archives of Internal Medicine --PPI's - 

  • Increase risk of fractures in postmenopausal women
  • Increase in Clostridium Difficile Infection (causing diarrhea)
  • High dose do not reduce your risk of additional bleeding
  • Multiple vitamin deficiency due to malabsorption

MY COMMENT : If you do not have a positive scope (EGD) then do not take these drugs for indigestion.  Adjust your eating pattern and your food style.  If you have weight issues get it corrected.   Eat your biggest meal at breakfast and lunch and make dinner fruit and veggie with elimination of carbohydrates.

Thursday November 17, 2011

Vitamin D Deficiency   

Reduced levels linked to Cognitive Decline -
Archives of Internal Medicine found a greater risk of cognitive decline in older individuals with Vitamin D insufficiency compared to those with sufficient levels.

Low Vitamin D levels can predict Parkinson's Disease.   
Archives of  Neurology reported finding of a correlation between blood levels of vitamin D and an increased risk of developing Parkinson's Disease. This was a longitudinal study looking at 3,173 participates.

MY COMMENT : How much better to prevent these two devastating diseases -
Every patient should demand their Doctor draw VITAMIN D LEVELS - Test = "Vitamin D 25-OH"  
GOAL = Upper quartile of the lab - for most lab 60-80.

Wednesday November 16, 2011

Aggressive Actions Needed to Avert Obesity Crisis- 
 Our current Health care system and Policies of the Government have failed to divert this disaster.  Three Times more Americans are obese then compared to 1960.  More staggering is the fact that Six Times more Americans are MORBIDLY OBESE. Morbid obesity (body mass index 40 and above) then in 1960. Bariatric Surgery is the last avenue you should consider.  The vitamin malabsorption and the risk issues need to be put as a solution when everything else has been tried. Our children are being raised in a obesogenic society.  JAMA published that for children becoming more physically fit is the first option vs just addressing the weight.   I recommend starting a program of DETOXIFICATION - follow with a controlled Medical Diet.  You need to be losing 2lbs per week or your program is not working.  One easy option to try is "Cave Man" diet - fresh fruits and veggies with protein -(if you eat meat then do organic).

MY COMMENT : Walking 30minutes 3x weekly and losing 10lbs (if you are overweight)
will cut your risk of diabetes by about 60 percent.  Make it a family affair - The AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION tells us to NOT end your day without walking 10,000 steps.

Tuesday November 15, 2011

"Bone Density is rapidly lost when Hormone Replacement Therapy is stopped.  Hormone Replacement Therapy should be continued indefinitely."

From - Journal of the American Medical Association - 2002 -  
Bone loss and Osteoporosis is a serious Disease and should not be put on the "back burner".

MY COMMENT : Bone loss should not be treated with DRUGS that the pharmaceutical companies have developed - Bisphosphates.  These drugs have been looked at as Benign - non harmful -  NOT TRUE.  From increase in Linear Hip Fractures to Necrosis of the Jaw - To Esophageal problems - Patients should refuse this group of drugs and do a bone program that will make your body keep your bones and restore your bones (if there is already bone loss)

  • Bio-identical Hormones
  • Calcium + D3 + Magnesium + Minerals
  • If bone loss currently - Then add the mineral STRONTIUM

Monday November 14, 2011
Dr. Neal Rouzier's Blog --- 

While it has been argued testosterone therapy increases the risk of prostate cancer by raising estrogen levels, research has also shown the opposite is true. Low levels of testosterone increases prostate cancer risks. A literature review found that there is a limited capacity for androgens to stimulate the growth of prostate cancer cells.  Another review of research did not find a significant association between testosterone or estrogen levels and prostate cancer.  Only men that currently have prostate cancer should avoid testosterone therapy, as this is the time when androgens may further proliferate cancer cells.
Several studies indicate that low estrogen levels in men can be detrimental and raising estrogen levels has protective benefits, such as strong bones, sustained cognitive function, and cardiovascular health. In fact, increasing estrogen levels is not harmful when optimal testosterone levels are present. The ratio of estrogen to testosterone is what matters most, as low testosterone and high estrogen blocks testosterone receptor sites.  Testosterone therapy is a beneficial way to restore healthy testosterone levels and balance the testosterone/estrogen ratio. Testosterone therapy was given to 207 men between the ages of 40 to 83, finding the therapy had a significant decrease on prostate volume, prostate-specific antigens (PSA) levels, and lower urinary tract symptoms.  
Conclusion: Optimal Hormone Balance
So, what is the final verdict? Estrogen is not harmful to men. This can best be explained by Dr. Neal Rouzier, who in his most recent webinar stated,"Many conclude that estrogen may be responsible for the high prevalence of prostate cancer in men. That has been extrapolated to [imply that] estrogen causes cancer in men and now everyone thinks that it's bad and everyone is on this kick to lower estrogen in men to protect against that. What does the literature say?...All of the studies to-date, 50 years of studies, where testosterone has been utilized to increase estrogen levels, show it aromatizes to estradiol and all of these levels [testosterone, estradiol and estrogen] are increased. There is no study to support any increased risk of cancer of the prostate when estrogen levels are raised." It is only when estrogen levels are too high and testosterone levels are too low that negative effects can occur in men's health [Estrogen Dominance in Men]. Testosterone levels should be restored to their optimal range to avoid the detrimental effects of this imbalance. "Again, 50 years of studies demonstrate that testosterone administration, which raises serum estrogen levels, does not cause prostate cancer."

MY COMMENT: Every week I have patients coming in telling me their Family Doctor - Gynecologist - Internist - Cardiologist and most disturbing their Oncologist ARE TELLING THEM THEIR BIO-IDENTICAL HORMONE PROGRAM will cause cancer - heart disease - clotting etc.  I find this ignorance (especially among the Oncology physicians) to be appalling!!!!  As a physician if you don't know something for sure - DO NOT TELL PATIENTS FALSE information.  
NEAL ROUZIER M.D.'s BOOK "How to Achieve HEALTHY AGING" - Why Everyone Should Replace Hormones - a review of the Medical Literature ---  

Friday November 11, 2011

From Dr. Rouzier's blog----- 

Since the 2002 report known as The Women's Health Initiative (WHI) Trial, Prempro sales have fallen to $161 million annually and more than 10,000 lawsuits have been filed against Pfizer by women, who declared the company's HRT drug lead to their development of breast cancer and other health ailments. Pfizer Inc. recently set aside $772 million to settle these cases.
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT)
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT)- a $2.2 billion industry, has been promoted by the medical establishment as a means to reduce vasomotor symptoms and decrease postmenopausal health risks. During the 1990's, Pfizer and Wyeth had a strong hold on the HRT industry by selling Premarin, Provera, and Prempro (a combination of the two) to more than six million women.
Fears of Hormones and Cancer
Fears of Hormones and Cancer- It wasn't until 2002 that the WHI trial found these synthetic hormones increased breast cancer, heart disease, and stroke risks among menopausal women. Researchers admonished women to stop taking HRT, while critics asserted these results were inaccurate declaring HRT benefits outweighed the risks. With two opposing views, confusion escalated among physicians and patients.
Re-analysis of the WHI data and findings from other studies demonstrated that the health risks did not apply to women under 60 years old. While breast cancer risks increased when premarin and provera were combined, further analysis of the WHI trial found that the estrogen-only group (premarin) didn't have an increase in breast cancer risks. In fact, breast cancer risks decreased in this group.

MY COMMENT : Every week I have patients coming in telling me their Family Doctor - Gynecologist - Internist - Cardiologist and most disturbing their Oncologist ARE TELLING THEM THEIR BIO-IDENTICAL HORMONE PROGRAM will cause cancer - heart disease - clotting etc.  I find this ignorance (especially among the Oncology physicians) to be appalling!!!!  As a physician if you don't know something for sure - DO NOT TELL PATIENTS FALSE information.  We have for some of the bio-identical hormones OVER 30 years of information showing GOOD AND NO HARM.  What most physicians are doing is looking at the 2002 study and EXTRAPOLATING this information to ALL HORMONES.  This equates to calling COWS -HORSES --- Yes they are both animals BUT completely different animals .  You as the patient must protect yourself and investigate the information yourself -- Obtain NEAL ROUZIER M.D.'s BOOK "How to Achieve HEALTHY AGING" - Why Everyone Should Replace Hormones - a review of the Medical Literature ---

Thursday November 10, 2011

From Dr. Rouzier's blog----- 

Bioidentical HRT is a substantially effective treatment for menopausal symptoms that also protects women from the many other risks associated with low hormone levels. Over 50 years of studies indicate that restoring hormones to premenopausal levels protects women from health risks and encourages well-being. Bioidentical hormones are the safest and most effective way to ensure optimal hormone levels. Bioidentical hormones should not be confused with synthetic HRT (premarin & provera), as they are far superior to their synthetic counterpart.

MY COMMENT: Every week I have patients coming in telling me their Family Doctor - Gynecologist - Internist - Cardiologist and most disturbing their Oncologist ARE TELLING THEM THEIR BIO-IDENTICAL HORMONE PROGRAM will cause cancer - heart disease - clotting etc.  I find this ignorance (especially among the Oncology physicians) to be appalling!!!!  As a physician if you don't know something for sure - DO NOT TELL PATIENTS FALSE information.  We have for some of the bio-identical hormones OVER 30 years of information showing GOOD AND NO HARM.  What most physicians are doing is looking at the 2002 study and EXTRAPOLATING this information to ALL HORMONES.  This equates to calling COWS -HORSES --- Yes they are both animals BUT completely different animals .  You as the patient must protect yourself and investigate the information yourself -- Obtain
NEAL ROUZIER M.D.'s BOOK "How to Achieve HEALTHY AGING" - Why Everyone Should Replace Hormones - a review of the Medical Literature ---  

Wednesday November 9, 2011

Hormones & Cancer - "STILL CLEANING UP THE MESS"
From Dr. Neal Rouzier's Blog--- Clearing the confusion - The Women's Health Initiative study -which looked at Premarin and Provera and showed increase risk of Breast Cancer- Stoke - Heart Attack.  This DOES NOT EXTRAPOLATE to Bio-identical Hormones.  Natural Progesterone has NEVER been demonstrated in ANY study to increase the risk of Breast cancer or any other Medical Disease.  Natural Progesterone has been shown to DECREASE the risk of breast cancer, whereas Provera INCREASES breast cancer in EVERY study.  Natural Estrogen has been proven to not have the clotting or inflammatory Properties as does Premarin.

MY COMMENT: Every week I have patients coming in telling me their Family Doctor - Gynecologist - Internist - Cardiologist and most disturbing their Oncologist ARE TELLING THEM THEIR BIO-IDENTICAL HORMONE PROGRAM will cause cancer - heart disease - clotting etc.  I find this ignorance (especially among the Oncology physicians) to be appalling!!!!  As a physician if you don't know something for sure - DO NOT TELL PATIENTS FALSE information.  We have for some of the bio-identical hormones OVER 30 years of information showing GOOD AND NO HARM.  What most physicians are doing is looking at the 2002 study and EXTRAPOLATING this information to ALL HORMONES.  This equates to calling COWS -HORSES --- Yes they are both animals BUT completely different animals .  You as the patient must protect yourself and investigate the information yourself -- Obtain
NEAL ROUZIER M.D.'s BOOK "How to Achieve HEALTHY AGING" - Why Everyone Should Replace Hormones - a review of the Medical Literature ---  

Tuesday November 8, 2011

Peripheral Neuropathy: This is a Term to define damage to the nerves of the peripheral nervous system that may give numbness, tremor, tingling, pain, or itching in the extremities.  One of the causes of this is the widespread use of "Statin Drugs".  One STUDY found a 14-fold increase in peripheral neuropathy in people who used statin drugs, even at low dose.  In addition to statin use, diabetes, uremia, some pesticides, herbicides, and a number of neurotoxic metals can cause peripheral neuropathy.   
Some of the supplemental items that have been shown to help many patients are R-lipoic acid - carnosine - acetyl-L-carnitine, CoQ10, Optimal B12 levels, Optimal Vitamin D levels, Magnesium, DHA (from fish oil) ascorbate, and Vitamin E.

MY COMMENT Better to prevent a disease then treat a disease.  Do all you can do to optimize your Cholesterol before jumping on the "BAND WAGON" of statin drugs. Many natural ways : Diet - Exercise - Optimal Weight - Plant sterols - Optimal Hormone levels.  

Monday November 7, 2011

Overt Hypothyroidism is fairly easy to detect. But for the majority of people who have this disease in mild to moderate forms, the diagnosis is often missed. Once diagnosed, proper thyroid hormone replacement therapy can remedy a large number of symptoms that could have "plagued" the patient for a long time.  Many patients are treated with Synthetic Thyroxine "T4". The problem with this alone is the conversion of T4 to T3 the most active form of Thyroid hormone.  A combination of T4+T3 does a much better job in relieving the the dry skin, fluid retention, hair loss, weight management etc. One reason Synthetic T4 persists as the conventional treatment has been the marketing that T4 is more stable than natural thyroid.  However it is important to remember that Natural thyroid like ARMOUR is Biologically standardized and DESSICATED Thyroid is made by certified Compounding Pharmacies.  Levothyroxine, the best known brand of T4,  was for a long time 30% below the labeled potency.  Dosing has to be daily and that is the case whether you are taking T4 only (Synthroid - Levothyroxin) or if you are taking T4+T3 - (Armour or Dessicated Thyroid).

MY COMMENT: I use mainly Dessicated Compounded Thyroid for most of my patients, because for most patients they can do a daily dose.   Armour often does need a twice per day dose to maintain T3 at the optimal which is 3.5 to 4.2 at the later afternoon time.  If a patient prefers Armour then just judge the dose on daily or twice daily based on the afternoon lab.  

Friday November 4, 2011

More data on Bisphosphonates (fosamax and it's partners)

  • Osteonecrosis of the jaw - (ONJ OR "JAW DEATH") Develops when bone tissue in the jaw fails to heal after mild trauma, such as tooth extraction.  For this reason, patients taking bisphosphates should inform their dentist before undergoing dental procedures.
  • Esophageal cancer, which is not surprising, considering that irritation of the upper gastrointestinal (GI) tract  is a major complaint of oral bisphosphonate users.
  • Adverse effects on heart function, including a higher risk of developing atrial fibrillation, a form of heart arrhythmia, which can lead to serious consequences, including stroke.  

Can you imagine this terrible group of drugs was "towed" as a "safe" alternative to HORMONE REPLACEMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MY COMMENT: Preventing Osteoporosis is the key -

  • Maintain a well-balanced diet, including vitamin and mineral supplements.
  • Facilitating the absorption and metabolism of calcium and other nutrients.
  • Prevent Loss of calcium and other bone nutrients.
  • Minimize interference with the bone remodeling process.
  • Maintain Hormone balance throughout life's stages.

Thursday November 3, 2011

How do Bones change over time???
Your bones are constantly undergoing a process called "Bone Remodeling".  Old and damaged bone tissue is continuously being cleared away (bone resorption) and replaced with healthy, new tissue (bone formation).  As we age, our bodies become less efficient at constructing new bone, leading to a gradual but cumulative loss of bone strength.  Bone remodeling occurs in both the tough, outer core, which is high in minerals, and the spongy inner core, which is rich in marrow and blood vessels.  Understanding this process can help you understand why just taking a DRUG to rebuild bone IS NOT EFFECTIVE!!

MY COMMENT: Drugs like Fosamax - Boniva - Actonel ONLY work on "one" process of the bone.  They do not effectively balance the "resorption-formation" bone process and result in "Thick - brittle" bone.  Now we are seeing data that shows INCREASE IN LINEAR HIP FRACTURES for women who have been on these drugs for more then 10 years. Once these fractures occur there is also poor- prolonged healing.  How were we as Doctors sold this "bill of goods"?  The pharmaceutical companies job is MARKETING -- Watch the advertisement on the TV - Movie actresses dancing and stressing the benefits of these drugs.  It is time the medical profession REVOLTS on this form of medicine and Use the knowledge we have to understand how the body works.  Our bodies need Balanced Bio-identical hormones and all the nutrients the bone needs and then the natural process of BONE FORMATION AND RESORPTION WILL CONTINUE as we were in our 20's.   

Wednesday November 2, 2011


This conversion takes place primarily in the liver and kidney, and is sensitive to nutrition and a variety of vitamin mineral, or hormonal excesses or deficiencies.



  1. Nutrition: High-Fat Diet, High-Protein Diet
  2. Trace Minerals: Cadmium, Lithium
  3. Hormones: Estrogen -Stress related Hormones such as Cortisol


  1. Nutrition: Fasting, Starvation, Anorexia, Protein Calorie malnutrition
  2. Trace Minerals: Selenium, Iodine, Iron, Zinc
  3. Vitamins: Riboflavin (B2)
  4. Hormones T3, T4, TSH

MY COMMENT: The way to diagnosis thyroid function is by lab for TSH, FREE T3, FREE T4.  Because of all the hormonal imbalances with Menopause the majority of Menopausal women will need replacement with a Bio-identical Mix of T4/T3.  Most patients who are treated with the synthetic Thyroxine (T4) will continue with dry skin, fluid retention, weight issues - and many of the 200 items controlled by T3.   T3 is 10  times more potent then T4.  Once patients are placed on the bio-identical mix with T4/T3 and lab corrected you will usually see reversal of symptoms within several months.   

Tuesday November 1, 2011

How does Estrogen affect Testosterone?
The balance between estrogen and testosterone is key for both men and women.  Together these two hormones define our sexuality.  In the male body an abundance of testosterone combines with an enzyme called aromatase to produce estrogen when needed.  Too little estrogen in a man effects the brain, heart and sexuality.  But for most adult men the problem is an "Imbalance of Estrogen and Testosterone".   
Estrogen in Dominance over the Male Testosterone can occur by: 

  • Age -related increase in aromatase activity
  • Changes in Liver function
  • Obesity
  • Alcohol Abuse
  • Drug abuse -(amphetamines - marijuana, or Cocaine)
  • Zinc Deficiency
  • Ingestion of estrogen-enhanced foods or environmental substances
  • Drug-related estrogen imbalances - OTC pain relievers, antiinflammatory drugs, (motrin etc) Antibiotics, Cholesterol Lowering drugs - Antidepressants - Anti psychotics - Heart and BP medications - Coumadin - certain foods and supplements.

MY COMMENT: The FIRST test ordered when a man is NOT feeling well is A FREE AND TOTAL TESTOSTERONE.  Then look at what creates TESTOSTERONE - DHEA.  The test for this is DHEA Sulfate.  Correct the DHEA by Sustained Release DHEA - compounded - Start with WEIGHT TO DOSE - 100-150LBS = 50-75MG DHEA Sustained Release  
150 - 200LBS = 75-100MG DHEA Sustained Release  Now in saying this if ACNE develops then DECREASE THE DOSE.  If a man is young enough DHEA Sustained Release and HCG may correct the non optimal testosterone.  At a certain age (usually 60 and up) You must give direct TESTOSTERONE - Topically or IM.    
Add to the management evaluating the base and lncrease of Estrogen when you are managing a man with Testosterone replacement.  

Monday October 31, 2011

Life Extension Reports the Following mental problems in response to low testosterone levels:

  1. Moodiness/emotionality
  2. Touchiness/irritability
  3. Great Timidity
  4. Inner unrest
  5. Reduced Interest in surroundings
  6. Loss of ability to concentrate
  7. Memory Failure
  8. Reduced Intellectual Agility
  9. Passive attitudes
  10. General Tiredness
  11. Weak Feeling
  12. Hypochondria

These symptoms, which are also often associated with depression, can usually be alleviated with testosterone replacement therapy.  Testosterone treatments have proven their value as a potential treatment of depression in men.

MY COMMENT: The FIRST test ordered when a man is NOT feeling well mentally is A FREE AND TOTAL TESTOSTERONE.  Then look at what creates TESTOSTERONE - DHEA.  The test for this is DHEA Sulfate.  Correct the DHEA by Sustained Release DHEA - compounded - Start with WEIGHT TO DOSE -
100-150LBS = 50-75MG DHEA Sustained Release  
150 - 200LBS = 75-100MG DHEA Sustained Release 
Now in saying this if ACNE develops then DECREASE THE DOSE.  
If a man is young enough DHEA Sustained Release and HCG may correct the non optimal testosterone.  At a certain age (usually 60 and up) You must give direct TESTOSTERONE - Topically or IM.   

Friday October 28, 2011

Why are so many people Vitamin D deficient?? In the last 20 years we now note a deficiency with Vitamin D in more and more people.  People are living longer and longer.  People do not get enough vitamin D from the sun.  Many people avoid dairy products and more people suffer from obesity, which also increases the risk of vitamin D deficiency.


  • *Pain in muscles and joints and bones
  • Misdiagnosed with fibromyalgia
  • Muscle weakness
  • Seasonal affective disorder
  • Periodontal disease
  • Loose teeth
  • Hypertension
  • Compromised resistance to infection
  • Increased deficiency among infertility patients
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome
  • Women who breast feed can deplete their vitamin D reserves & their babies will be vitamin D deficient.

MY COMMENT: Keep in mind this is NOT a real vitamin - Vitamin D functions on a hormonal basis and we are finding more and more disease issues related around vitamin D deficiency. Get a blood test Vitamin D 25-OH - Replace your vitamin D to achieve blood levels in the upper quartile, which for most lab will be about 60-80ng/ml. For most adults and older children we need 5000iu daily.  On a personal note - With my children (ages 12 & 15) I gave 2000iu daily for 8 months - checked a blood level and they were barely in the 30ng/ml range - not high enough - Now they are all receiving 5000iu daily.

Thursday October 27, 2011

Symptoms of Hormonal Imbalances

DHEA Deficiency

  • Low Bone Density
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Difficulty Losing Weight
  • Mood Swings
  • Sparse Hair

DHEA Excess

  • Acne  or oily skin
  • Increased Facial Hair
  • Deepening of the Voice
  • Mood Swings

MY COMMENT: It is Important that the Hormone levels are perfect - in the upper quartile of a healthy 25 year old man or women.  This requires working with a Physician who know these levels.  The labs will report only the age average norms.  For example: if you are a 60 year old women and your level is 40mcg/dl it will be called normal.  But a healthy 25 year old is best at 250-300 mcg/dl. Dose of DHEA - For men usually 50-75-100mg -
Dose of DHEA - For women 2.5mg - 5mg - 10mg etc - depending on tolerance of DHEA without acne.

Wednesday October 26, 2011

Symptoms of Hormonal Imbalances   Testosterone Deficiency:

  • Low or absent Libido
  • Depression
  • Lethargy
  • Weakness
  • Foggy thinking

Testosterone Excess:

  • Acne
  • Weight gain
  • Fluid retention
  • Male Hair growth
  • Exaggerated moods
  • Aggression
  • Impatience
  • Frustration

MY COMMENT: It is Important that the Hormone levels are perfect - in the upper quartile of a healthy 25 year old man or women.  This requires working with a Physician who know these levels.  The labs will report only the age average norms.  For example: if you are a 60 year old women and your level is 0.1pg/ml on the Free testosterone you are called normal.  But to feel great and get the advantage of a 25 year old your FREE TESTOSTERONE must be 3-6 pg/ml.

Tuesday October 25, 2011

Clinical Observation of Osteoporosis

  • Partially visible tooth sockets, resulting from deterioration of the jawbone and receding gums.
  • Translucent skin on the back of the hands and prematurely gray hair (due to poor vitamin D metabolism)
  • Loss of Height, stooped posture or kyphosis- the "Hunchback posture"characterized by progressive loss of muscle tone and vertebral crush fractures (known as the "dowagers hump")
  • Arthritis-like pain in the bones and joints

Osteoporosis is a serious disease - Hip fractures above the age of 60 can result in a 50% death rate due to the ongoing complications that occur with the fracture.

MY COMMENT: You need routine evaluation of your bone status - DEXA or DXA scan which measures the BMD of the Spine and hip. Normal is "a 20 year old Caucasion women". A BMD significantly below this is the reference point to diagnosis Osteoporosis.  There are pitfalls in the machines that are used and who is performing the test.  Using the same machine is best in following bone density. Following patients with a URINE NTX can guide a physician in therapy.  My formulation for treatment of bone loss is the same as bone loss prevention - Proper Hormone replacement - Proper supplements - I add one additional supplement to BONE LOSS patients called STRONTIUM - Strontium needs to be as close to the amount of Calcium intake as you can get 1000mg of calcium - take 950mg of Stontium.  Do not take them together because the work of bone rebuilding is better if they are taken separately.   

Monday October 24, 2011

Who is at greatest risk for OSTEOPOROSIS??

  • Smokers
  • High Alcohol Intake
  • Caffeine  - Contributes to higher rate of calcium excretion for several hours after consumption.
  • Salt Consumption
  • Soda or Pop - Soft drinks -(with or without caffeine)
  • Sugar Consumption
  • Lack of exercise
  • Anticoagulants (like coumadin)
  • Anticonvulsants
  • Anti-anxiety medications (Klonopin - valium - ativan - inhibits vitamin D metabolism)
  • Aromatase inhibitors - disrupt the production of estrogen and add to accelerated bone loss
  • Corticosteriods
  • Diruetics
  • Immunosuppressants - (Medications used in Psoriasis - Crohn's disease - other autoimmune disease.
  • Kidney dialysis solutions and many antacids containing aluminum
  • Drugs like Prilosec - Prevacid - Nexium (handed out like "candy" to patients and for years many patients taking these drugs that should NEVER have been left on them)

MY COMMENT: Our job in Medicine should always be "To do no Harm", yet we have
developed a system that works against patients and the DOCTOR- PATIENT relationship.  Time spent with a patient is limited to 10- 15 minutes at best and that is impossible in giving patients life style changes and recommendations that would treat their disease and prevent disease.  It is much "faster" and "easier" to write a prescription.  My advice to patients is do your HOMEWORK - don't look for the DOCTOR to guide you on correcting all your issues because the system is set for DRUGS.  Every time a drug is recommended research if there is a NON DRUG way of correcting the problem.   

Friday October 21, 2011

The Thyroid gland - produces thyroid hormones that regulate the body's metabolism. The principle hormones secreted by the thyroid gland are:

  • Triiodothyronine (T3)
  • Thyroxine (T4)  

Nearly 80% of the thyroid gland's production is devoted to T4.  Nonetheless, T3 is functionally the more important thyroid hormone.  "T3 does 90% of the work of the thyroid in the body" The Thyroid gland is stimulated to produce T4 & T3 by the Pituitary gland's production of THYROID STIMULATING HORMONE (TSH). Subtle hypothyroidism has become increasingly common in the 20th century, possibly due to pollutants and other factors of our life style.  
Imbalances that effect the final production of T3 from T4:

  • High fat diet- High protein diet
  • Cadmium  - Lithium
  • Stress related cortisol
  • Malnutrition
  • Deficiencies in trace minerals - selenium - iodine - iron -zinc
  • Vitamins -- Riboflavin (B2)

MY COMMENT: If your Doctor only checks your TSH - you can be completely missing the "Boat".  TSH abnormality will diagnose disease but will not help to correct Nonoptimal T3 levels.  Optimal T3 will give optimal function for the body.  There are over 200 jobs that T3 does and we need to give the Thyroid everything it needs to produce T3 - if we are doing that and the T3 level is still below optimal (3.5-4.2) then you need replacement of T3.   

Thursday October 20, 2011

Menopause is a crossroads - It is the time who we will be for the rest of our lives.  The choices you make will decide your FUTURE - HEALTH AND DEATH.  It is important that You Improve the Journey

  • Decrease Stress and invest time and energy in yourself, NOT everyone else.
  • Improve your diet to reduce the amount of refined carbohydrates, increase the fruits and vegetables, ensure adequate protein, and include moderate amounts of healthy fat, such as olive oil.
  • Critical is taking the correct supplements - WE CAN NOT GET A PERFECT DIET IN THIS CULTURE - NO MATTER HOW HARD WE TRY! - Vitamin D3- Fish oil -Multidose with Minerals (Calcium-Magnesium)  and B-complex - Antioxidants
  • Regular exercise to reduce body fat, improve flexibility and balance, and strengthen bones and muscles.

MY COMMENT: I add to these recommendations the optimal hormone levels - It is important to understand that loss of DHEA - PREGNENOLONE - TESTOSTERONE - ESTROGEN - PROGESTERONE AND THYROID are part of the big picture of aging.. These hormones have a critical job to do on our brains - muscle - sexuality - and slowing the aging process.   Balancing these hormones to prevent disease.  For the medical community to ignore the evidence behind how our body functions with optimal hormones is sad.  I recently had a patient that was told by her oncologist - The "exposure" we get to our estrogen caused breast cancer for women.  This is completely incorrect!  When you look at the data "it is the imbalanced state of our Hormones that cause disease".  That Oncologist theory would lead one to believe all women should castrated early in life to decrease cancer.   

Wednesday October 19, 2011

You CAN reduce your risk of CANCER-  
A landmark study published last year showed an "Inflammatory" factor called Nuclear factor-kappaB or NF-kB was central in the onset of MALIGANT BREAST CANCER. This molecule is implicated in the onset of 95% of cancers.   What Switches off this Molecule?? Many low cost things you can do!

  • Antioxidates - Vitamin C -Vitamin E -Glutathione - Lipoic Acid - Selenium - Zinc
  • Milk Thistle
  • Curcurmin
  • Turmeric
  • Ginger
  • Green TEA extracts
  • Isoflavones - molecules found in plants -particularly bean family
  • Omega -3 FATTY ACIDS
  • Vitamin D
  • Ashwagandha and Pomegranate extracts

MY COMMENT: Where is the medical community in this??? Amazingly - most are totally ignorant in looking at this type of data because we are taught disease = Pharmaceutical drug treatment!  Then we have the "money train" which supports disease treatment = again the pharmaceutical industry.  There is much a patient can do to prevent disease and this is the best step we need to do.

  • Take a good quality Vitamin D3 - get your blood level checked and aim for Upper quartile of the lab you use - If this does not happen with the product you are using then change companies. Not all vitamin D products are the same.
  • A good quality Fish oil = protection against cancer and heart disease
  • Consider adding a combination of Ashwagandha + Curcumin +Green tea extract + Milk Thistle + Bacopa Plant (strong antioxidant) = This is mixed in several options from supplement companies = EX- Protandim by Lifevantage.com
  • GET RID OF THE CARCINOGENS - obviously cigarettes - Toxic elements like Soda's - Dyes - and other Life style toxins (excessive weight)

Tuesday October 18, 2011

Mitochondria are essential to life.  Every human cell contains these tiny "organelles". They convert our food intake and oxygen into energy. Mitochondria are vulnerable to stress.  The BRAIN is a primary target of mitochondria aging.   There is now evidence that we can prevent mitochondrial decay or reverse it by stimulating production of new mitochondrial. There is a product coming from Japan called PPQ (pyrroloquinoline quinone) that protects and restores age-related mitochondrial function.

MY COMMENT: There are many things we should do in our life style to prevent Mitochondrial damage.

  • Don't let your weight push you into Diabetes - insulin crosses the blood-brain barrier and causes BRAIN DAMAGE.
  • Make sure you take 400-600mg of DHA (from fish oil) - Your brain is made up of 1/4 DHA.
  • Keep your blood vitamin B12 level at the upper of norm - >1000 - This inhibits cerebral atrophy.
  • Consider supplements when you have risk --- Like PPQ.  

Monday October 17, 2011

Arthritis Pain: Life Extension reported a study combining krill oil with Hyaluronic acid and astaxanthin reducing pain from arthritis pain by up to 55% pain in under three months, with 63% entirely pain free.  This is pretty amazing information.  Yet again the "standard" of care is not recommending supplements but PHARMACEUTICAL DRUGS!
KRILL OIL - suppresses the activity of C-reactive protein- contributes to arthritic inflammation.  
HYALURONIC ACID and ASTAXANTHIN suppress pro-inflammatory agents.

MY COMMENT: Conventional medicine has failed to effectively alleviate arthritis symptoms.  For many patients they are using drugs like Tylenol #3 - Darvocet, which had the addictive problems and tolerance (causing more drug to be taken) and all the health problems associated with narcotic use.  Drugs that affect your BRAIN - KIDNEY - LIVER are always going to be a problem eventually if taken chronically.   

Friday October 14, 2011


  • Maintain a healthy body weight and body fat percentage may help preserve healthy brain structure and function.
  • Frail bones have been link with cognitive decline in women.
  • Hormonal balance may promote healthy cognitive function.
  • Traumatic brain injury is a common yet overlooked cause of cognitive difficulties
  • Exercise increases blood flow to the brain and may decrease the risk of cognitive decline, while promoting healthy sleep.
  • A healthy diet and extra nutritional support further enhances cognitive function.

MY COMMENT: Declining Hormone levels help to give us the natural restoration of body and mind.   
Measure and Replace: Hormones & Supplements

  • DHEA
  • Omega -3 fatty acids
  • Estradio
  • Vitamin D3
  • Human Growth Hormone
  • B- complex
  • Melatonin
  • Ashwagandha
  • Pregnenlone
  • Acetyl-l carnitine
  • Testosterone
  • Zinc
  • Thyroid
  • Phosphatidylserine

Thursday October 13, 2011


  • Are you using less salt overall?
  • Are you putting less salt on your food directly?
  • Do you use Kosher or sea salt?
  • Do you eat more vegetables and less meat?
  • Are you exercising regularly?

Many of these items are good things but you will get less iodine or lose more iodine.  The recommended Dietary allowance of 150mcg- 290mcg is probably deficient in many patients.  For women who have FIBROCYSTIC breasts Daily amounts of 3,000 - 6,000 mcg may help relieve symptoms of fibrocystic breast disease.

MY COMMENT: As more literature is reviewed it appears that iodine deficiency has increased dramatically in the last 40 years.   Data around breast cancer and fibrocystic breast point to the benefit of much higher amount of iodine then we get in our multidose vitamin.  

Wednesday October 12, 2011

Patients who battle chronic depression have higher rates of premature death from natural causes.  This illness means cost for men of about 15 years of life and women 18 years of life.  Depression is the most common mental illness in the US.  Scientific discoveries now show us the OMEGA-3's are essential components of brain cell membranes and may help increase nerve cell transmission of signals with serotonin. Serotonin levels can be abnormal in depression, improving these levels will decrease depression.  This data reinforces the need for all of us to take our FISH OIL .  Good quality high potency FISH OIL is what you want to look for.

MY COMMENT:Another cheap health benefit = FISH OIL.  People with Major depression and bipolar disorder have low brain levels of OMEGA-3's.  These low levels will worsen depression and risk of suicide.  Our brains are 3/4's fat and 1/4 of that fat is DHA.  DHA is part of the picture of what you get in FISH OIL.  If you fight depression then take a minimum of 600mg of DHA.  Look at your FISH OIL - make sure it is certified for purity and that it contains 600mg of DHA.  

Tuesday October 11, 2011

More regulation and less care for unborn babies -  The FDA granted "KV Pharmaceutical" the right to have an "FDA" approved progesterone injection.  This was given the "FDA"gun OF BEING EXCLUSIVE by the statement the FDA did to Compounding Pharmacies that all other forms of progesterone for the indications in pregnancies be BANNED!!! Now this meant that for 30+ years all pregnant women who have been getting progesterone injections for $20 dollars would now cost $1500 per shot.  This cost meant up to $30,000 dollars of expense for some pregnancies.   An uprising over this forced the FDA to back down and state "it does not intend to take enforcement action against compounding pharmacies." After this statement KV Pharmaceutical  reduced the price to $690 per injection.  -STILL MORE THAN 34 TIMES THE INJECTION WHICH HAS BEEN USED FOR THE LAST 30+ YEARS!!

MY COMMENT: This is an example of the corruption of the FDA - using a cover up that there is protection for pregnant women -- LAUGHABLE! These kind of regulations simply will keep women on Private insurance - Large deductibles - or Medicaid in getting natural progesterone that could save their pregnancies and their unborn babies. My next question?? Who got paid at the FDA (under the table) from "KV Pharmaceuticals" 

Monday October 10, 2011

FDA regulations prohibit compounding pharmacies from making production-scale batches of popular hormones. This causes a much more laber involved process and adds to the cost of Compounded hormones.  Yet, compounded hormones are still dramatically less expensive then pharmaceutical hormones and in many cases the compounded options are much better.  For example; Compounded Testosterone cream can be obtained for less than $30 per month.  Drugs like Androgel (which is what is written the majority of the time) cost $348 dollars per month.   
Compounded Estrogen can combine ESTRIOL and ESTRADIOL - which has advantage over ESTRADIOL.

MY COMMENT: The bottom line is we have a HEALTH CARE CRISIS - all consumers should ask to have the best but cheapest option.  This is not the case in some brand "non generic" drugs.  There are numerous drugs that have huge amount of side effects and do not treat a problem any better then generic options.  It is mathematically impossible to solve this problem if the cost of nongeneric drugs remain the prices that the pharmaceutical companies demand.  No matter how many excuses these companies have about research etc. the cost are beyond reason.

Friday October 7, 2011


  1. Hair: Balding with reduced body hair
  2. Brain: Increased moodiness, depression,inability to concentrate, failing memory
  3. Heart: Increased risk of cardiovascular disease,heart attack, and stroke
  4. Muscles:Reduced strength and stamina
  5. Bone: Increased risk of Osteoporosis
  6. Fat: Increased body fat, especially at the abdomen
  7. Libido:Reduced sexual Interest and Function

MY COMMENT: I can not imagine any man who would want to have these items.....
Yet You will see Doctors who call this "NORMAL AGING".  WHY LIVE WITH THESE ITEMS IS MY QUESTION?? Why would any man not want that GREAT BODY-- FIT MIND - -SEXUAL FUNCTION of a 25 year old?????
Look at the literature:

  • By Jeffrey Life -"The LIFE PLAN" - new out this year
  • By Neal Rouzier - "How to Achieve HEALTHY AGING" 
  • By Eugene Shippen "The Testosterone Syndrome" 

Thursday October 6, 2011

Testosterone is the Essence of Maleness -

This is what makes a man feel better - both physically and sexually.  The male body systems affected by testosterone include brain, voice, hair, muscles, and fat, organs, bones, and libido.  In adult males, Testosterone is necessary to maintain muscle mass and strength, bone mass, normal hair growth, libido, and sperm production. The reality of a male menopause or "andropause" is gradually gaining recognition.  Age related decline of TESTOSTERONE are accelerated by:

  • Abdominal Obesity
  • Insulin resistance
  • Low HDL
  • Low Bone Density
  • Illness or disease
  • Stressful events
  • Depression or mental illness
  • Reduced sexual activity

MY COMMENT: Not addressing male Testosterone decline is a MAJOR Health problem for men.  I have sat with CARDIOLOGISTS who are "fixated" on A slight increase in LDL cholesterol (even in the face of Excellant HDL and Triglycerides) and completely "Ignore" addressing the issue of optimal Testosterone.  This is the type of Specialist that does not approach the "Whole Man".  TESTOSTERONE, DHEA, and Thyoid all "treat" Cholesterol and certainly make a man FEEL sooooo MUCH better.   

Wednesday October 5, 2011

More Symptoms of Menopause

  • Sleep disturbance- May relate to hot flashes and night sweats
  • Depression - often brought on by other circumstances or changes in the hormone levels.
  • Increased Moodiness, irritability, and anxiety - Related to the fluctuations of the hormones.
  • Impaired concentration and memory - Can result from the sleep disturbance and hormone fluctuations.
  • Headaches -Common with men and women due to hormone fluctuations, including migraines associated with PMS.
  • Heart Palpitations - rapid or irregular heartbeats due to stress, hot flashes, or other hormone fluctuations.
  • Skin changes - becomes drier, thinner, less elastic.
  • Hair Loss - brought on by stress and decrease estrogen, thyroid
  • Dental changes - Tooth loss related to osteoporosis and bone loss in the jaw alters the tooth sockets.
  • Increased risk of Osteoporosis - Greatest bone loss in the first 2-5 years of menopause.
  • Increased risk of Cardiovascular Disease - Not necessarily caused directly by Menopause but the constellation of factors that surround menopause
    • Risk of high blood pressure
    • Heart rhythm
    • Cholesterol
    • Poor diet and exercise
    • weight gain

Before menses stop - you don't need the estrogen and progesterone levels.  You may need some of the above and others not.  Once you are in Menopause you need everything.  Men need the Testosterone Free and Total - DHEA Sulfate and Pregnenolone monitored and CORRECTED to the healthy levels of a 25 year old.

Tuesday October 4, 2011

Menopause: A natural Life Transition
Technically speaking it is signified by the last menstral period.  To be sure it is the last menses - Doctors will call menopause after 12 months of no menses.  This usually occurs between the age of 48- 52.  Some women will have this as early as 40 and some as late as 55-56.  Once you are Done with menses you are POST MENOPAUSAL.  The time prior to menopause is called Premenopausal.  To simplify the TERMS - Menopause is used to signify this entire timeframe of PREMENOPAUSE TO NO MENSES and this may last 10-15 YEARS.  Women start to suffer a number of symptoms during this time frame.  Insomnia, irritability, headaches, fatigue, and mood swings are all non specific symptoms that can occur at all ages.  These symptoms are often a result of hormonal imbalances brought on by a variety of other health conditions.
Men can have many of these same hormonal imbalances as part of MALE MENOPAUSE - brought on by declining TESTOSTERONE LEVELS.

MY COMMENT: I would say again--- WHY would anyone want to suffer with these items.  The answer is simple - REPLACE YOUR HORMONES as you lose them and replace them with your "EXACT" chemistry - Bio-identical Hormones.  This is the key -- It is not your chemistry to use a "HORSE ESTROGEN".  It is not your chemistry to use a Synthetic PROGESTIN (that causes breast cancer).  So when I hear other physicians say "ALL HORMONES ARE THE SAME".  This is the most ignorant statement any educated Doctor could say!!!  It equates to saying "ALL BLOOD PRESSURE" medications are the same or "ALL HEART DRUGS" are the same.. You would be laughed at by your medical colleges for saying something so Ridiculous.  Giving patients sleepers, antidepressants and other mood altering drugs is also completely inappropriate when replacing your hormones is the key. 

Monday October 3, 2011

Not all "FISH OIL" is created "EQUAL"

  • Tip #1 Avoid synthetic or Altered FISH OIL
  • Tip #2 The correct dosage & right balance
  • Tip #3 The fish oil must be Free of Toxins AND Contaminates
  • Tip #4 Combining Products like CoQ10, Vitamin D3, Vitamin E work with the Fish oil in a SYNERGISTIC manor to provide maximum health benefits.

If you want to reduce your chance of having a stroke or heart attack then Do what the AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION told us in a 31/2 year  study of 5000 patients --- Take at minimum a combination of EPA/DHA = 1000MG. Keep in mind to help in Brain function you need up to 600mg of DHA daily.

MY COMMENT: As usual my comment is WHY IS THE ADVERTISING FOR CRESTOR - LIPITOR sooooo intense???????  FISH OIL has such intensive health benefits!!!!! MONEY MONEY MONEY - That is the answer.  Don't fall victim to the marketing of the Pharmaceutical companies - THEY have one job in mind -- make that "bottom" line  profit.  My job as a physician (along with all other physicians) is to improve your health - make your body work better and DO NO HARM.  We must criticize every advertising because it is NOT to the advantage of the AMERICAN public.  It is the sole advantage of the DRUG COMPANIES in creating a profit margin.    

Friday September 30, 2011


Symptoms of Hormonal Imbalances   Progesterone Deficiency:

  • Headache
  • Low Libido
  • Anxiety
  • Swollen breasts
  • Moodiness
  • Fuzzy Thinking
  • Depression
  • Food Cravings
  • Irritability
  • Insomnia
  • Cramps
  • Emotional swings
  • Painful breasts
  • weight gain
  • bloating Inability to concentrate
  • Early Menstruation
  • Painful Joints
  • Asthma
  • Acne

MY COMMENT: Why would any women want to endure these problems??  This is a relatively easy fix - Start women on Progesterone (if not sleeping by capsule) and give enough to correct the deficiency.  Prior to menopause I give progesterone  (women who are deficient) 2 weeks prior to menses,  For menopausal women, Progesterone is given daily - if a capsule at night and if dissoluble anytime.   

Thursday September 29, 2011

Symptoms of Hormonal Imbalances - Estrogen Excess:

  • Water retention
  • Fatigue
  • Breast Swelling
  • Fibrocystic Breasts
  • Premenstrual-like mood swings
  • Loss of sex drive
  • Heavy or Irregular Menses
  • Uterine Fibroids
  • Craving for sweets
  • Weight gain

MY COMMENT: Why would any women want to endure these problems??  How do we deal with this ?? It is important to address the issue of PROGESTERONE when Estrogen is in DOMINANCE.  For most women presenting with Estrogen Dominance by giving them enough progesterone - the Dominance of the Estrogen will decrease.  
Many women who present with irregular bleeding and heavy bleeding-- month by month the bleeding will improve. Small fibroid can shrink by doing the supplemental progesterone.

Wednesday September 28, 2011

Symptoms of Hormonal Imbalances - Estrogen Deficiency:

  • Hot Flashes
  • Shortness of breath
  • Night sweats
  • Sleep disorders
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Dry Skin
  • Anxiety
  • Mood swings
  • Headaches
  • Depression
  • Memory loss
  • Heart Palpitations
  • Yeast infections
  • Vaginal shrinkage
  • Painful intercourse
  • Inability to reach organsm
  • lack of menstruation

MY COMMENT: Why would any women want to endure these problems?? Why should women have to deal with all the problems listed? As a (soon to be 57 year old) women, I certainly feel fortunate that I have none of these problems and that is directly due to having a blood Estradiol level being maintained at 60-100.  Keeping your blood estrodiol levels at levels that inhibit disease will rid you of all the above problems.   

Tuesday September 27, 2011

What is Pregnenolone??  
Pregnenolone is the other "Parent" Hormone with DHEA.  
Pregnenolone is a precursor to DHEA and has been shown can be beneficial against age-related cognitive decline.  Failure of memory and lack of mental clarity can be amont the most frustrating aspects of aging.

In determining the need for Pregnenolone  - you need a blood test.  Interestingly - many patients will have adequate Pregnenolone for a number of years.  But other patients could need pregnenolone in their 40's.  I often wait to check the pregnenolone when I start Bio-identical hormones because we are often starting several hormone replacements and patients feel less overwhelmed looking at this at a later visit.   


Monday September 26, 2011

What is DHEA?
Dehydroepiandrosterone -- Nicknamed the "Mother of all Hormones" DHEA has the ability to convert into estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone.  It also has powerful functions onto itself.  This hormone has been looked at in "HUNDREDS" of studies in showing the impact on the body, heart and mind.  Produced by the endocrine glands (glands above the kidney) - It has the ability to "slow" the aging process.   From major journal such as NEW England Journal of Medicine and Journal of the American Medical Association there are studies presented that all Doctors should be reading.  The higher the DHEA the better the protection from "all cause mortality".

MY COMMENT: In determining the need for DHEA - you need a blood test  - THAT TEST IS CALLED DHEA SULFATE -
The best results are if the lab is in the upper quartile of a healthy 25 year old population -  This blood test guides us in dosage of DHEA.  Treating men is much simpler than women.    DHEA dosage for men can be by weight and for most men is it easily tolerated.   Women - I start low and increase per tolerance (acne - if any reduce the dose) - DHEA is best done via A Compounding Pharmacy.  The over the counter DHEA is ususally not reliable.     You want to take enough to get your lab corrected to the 25 year old level and not so much to cause acne-----      


Friday September 23, 2011

Chronic Stress wears down the Body's Natural Defenses and Leads to a variety of physical symptoms

  1. Dizziness or general feeling of "being out of it"
  2. General Aches and pains
  3. Grinding teeth, clenching jaw
  4. Shortness of breath or worsening asthma
  5. Headaches
  6. Indigestion or upset stomach
  7. Increase in or loss of appetite
  8. Muscle tension in neck, face, back or shoulders
  9. Sleeping troubles
  10. Racing heart or palpitations
  11. Cod and sweaty palms
  12. Tiredness, exhaustion
  13. Trembling/shaking
  14. Weight gain or loss
  15. Sexual Difficulties
  16. Immune system decline  

What do you do?? -- You must sleep normally (use natural methods-melatonin - passionflower etc) Exercise daily (can be a simple as walking - 3 miles daily)  Optimal Hormones - restore them as you lose them.  Supplements - B-complex/Multidose - Vitamin D3 - etc.

MY COMMENT: Seeing Menopausal Men and Women--- most are stressed - Between the changing hormone levels and sleep deprivation it is most patients.  The solutions are NOT SLEEPING PILLS - ANTI ANXIETY - ANTIDEPRESSANTS.  This only helps the Pharmaceutical industry. The majority of patients could have a natural solutions that should address this problem.  For EXAMPLE - Menopausal women not sleeping can be helped tremendously with Progesterone capsules and low dose melatonin.  If the need for a pharmaceutical is unavoidable then pick one that has greater then 7 years of use and side-effects are well known.    

Thursday September 22, 2011

What increases my risk for OSTEOPOROSIS???

  1. Gastric Bypass - Don't pick this as your way of losing weight! lots of vitamin and nutritional problems
  2. Problems with Liver-Kidney can impact Vitamin D and secondarily you bones
  3. Hyperthyroidism (not too common but not rare either)
  4. Weight less then BMI = 19 -
  5. Pharmaceutical Drugs - Example - Avandia, Actos, Anticonvulsants, Chronic Opiod use (pain medications) Steroid medications, Proton-pump inhibitors (ex: Nexium).
  6. Smoking
  7. More then 2 drinks of Liquor daily

It is extremely important that we remember that OSTEOPOROSIS is a deadly disease and if one disease is preventable.  There should never be elderly women walking around with backs bent over.  A hip fracture has about 50% risk of death due to the complications that occur past this.    How do we PREVENT bone loss?

  1. Address - never use drugs "lightly" if lifestyle changes can make a solution.
  2. Calcium (1000mg total food and supplement) + D3 (5000iu minimum) + Magnesium (1000mg total) + Minerals (boron -zinc - silicon +etc)
  3. Weight normal = Not to thin and not to heavy BMI = 22-24
  4. Weight bearing exercise


Wednesday September 21, 2011

People who have "Metabolic Syndrome" have 20% more risk of Cognitive decline - Yield "Increase risk of DEMENTIA"
Who has METABOLIC SYNDROME? The syndrome is usually defined by having three or more of the following risk factors:

  1. High blood sugar / Elevated Insulin levels
  2. Low high-density lipoprotein (HDL)
  3. High blood pressure
  4. Excess fat around the waist  (men waist > 40 & women waist >35),
  5. Higher than normal triglycerides (a type of fat found in the blood).  

What should you do?

  1. Get the weight optimal - DETOX - and CONTROLLED medical diet
  2. Control the blood sugar - insulin and Hemoglobin A1C - Use METFORMIN  (a botanical existing for hundreds of years) to help when needed -
  3. Start walking 10,000 steps daily - If you can't walk then use a pool to walk in - Recommended by American Heart Association

None of these recommendations will benefit any Pharmaceutical company - (metformin is FREE for those without insurance)  
The cost savings of this is HUGE for our country

MY COMMENT: When it comes down to your medical care - what most people want is direction and honesty on how to feel and live better.  The current state of Medical care is reach for a script and write a pharmaceutical drug.    
Data : Johnson & Johnson admitting bribing European Doctors and agreed to pay $70 million in civil and criminal court.  
I recommend you read a book "Honest Medicine" by Julia Schopick  Big Pharm money lining the pockets of FDA with one hand and cutting checks to Doctors in the pretext that the medical community will be educated in better medicine.  Beyond that, what we have recently heard in the political area of Merck paying influencial players that are in power to make public policy.  
In most instances Doctors go to medical school to take care of patients. Unfortunately - What has happened is a system that is failing to do that in the best and most cost effective way!   

Tuesday September 20, 2011

The Journal of THE AMERICAN DIETETIC ASSOCIATION published the conclusion of researchers at Yale University and University of Connecticut that many older Americans have insufficient intake of calcium.  This was data from almost 10,000 adults enrolled in this survey. Energy intake declines with aging, calcium dense foods and calcium supplements become vital factors and calcium supplements become vital factors in maintaining adequate calcium intake across the life span.  Reviewing calcium supplementation is an important issue in the clinical setting.

MY COMMENT: Every visit with a patient should review supplements - How much calcium - How much vitamin D (check vitamin D levels twice per year) - What Multi-dose vitamins is a patient taking? Does it have minerals? If there is bone loss, then add Strontium - TAKE this mineral and take it separately from calcium.  Encourage patients to eat daily green vegetables, which are natural sources of calcium.   Keep in mind, calcium by itself cannot work alone - - it needs to work with Vitamin D - Magnesium - Minerals.  

Monday Setempber 19, 2011

In a review published in the Journal of Nutrients 62 Human Studies confirmed that calcium and Vitamin D should be tried before resorting to drugs to help maintain normal bone density.  The findings suggest nutritional therapies should be the first-line treatments for those at risk of osteoporosis, particularly in light of the "HUGH" amount of side effects associated with pharmaceutical drugs.

MY COMMENT: The pharmaceutical companies have made "Billions" of dollars since the "Women's Health Initiative Study" (which showed Premarin and Provera are bad) these companies pushed the use of Osteoporosis drugs .  Once women were not given Hormone replacement, bone loss went up.   Doctors were "encouraged" to consider Drugs like Actonel - Boniva - Fosamax - AS A PREVENTION for Osteoporosis.  This was wrong AND not approved by the FDA.  Drug companies increased their market share and profits went up.   Remember that Vitamin D is not really a vitamin -- Vitamin D is a hormone -- It functions in many ways that show us this.  This Vitamin /Hormone KEEPS us from getting cancer and has ability to strengthen muscles and in combination with Calcium and Minerals and diet will protect our bones.  

Thursday/Friday September 15 & 16, 2011
More Data on Vitamin D---- A new study about people with chronic lung disease showed that taking vitamin D may increase their exercise capacity. The American Thoracic Society conference in Denver showed that a monthly dose of 100,000 iu given to chronic lung disease patients showed significant improvement in exercise capacity and respiratory muscle strength compared to a placebo group.  

MY COMMENT: Remember that Vitamin D is not really a vitamin -- Vitamin D is a hormone -- It functions in many ways that show us this.  This Vitamin /Hormone KEEPS us from getting cancer and has ability to strengthen muscles.  

Wednesday September 14, 2011

More Data on DHEA ---- The National Institute of Mental Health in an inteviewstated,  "We found DHEA to be effective treatment for midlife-onset major and minor depression." A 2006 Study showed reduction in depressin in a challenging population - patients with HIV/AIDS. Another study showed that DHEA  acted in synergy with Prozac.

MY COMMENT:  Ask your Doctor to run a DHEA Sulfate level and you want to be the upper quartile of a healthy 25 year old on the lab.  You can self order this lab from "LIFE EXTENSION" .  The cost is < 50 dollars.  Replacement is most reliable from the compounded DHEA and is still extremely cheap, < 40 dollars for 3 month supply.

Tuesday September 13, 2011

The 2011 Longevity Program - This project looked at centenarians from around the world.  Recommendations --- you need to practice a new simple activity or exercise every day and do this consistently for one month, then add another the next month.  Gradually you will develop 12 new healthy habits by the end of the year.

MY COMMENT: Our minds are vital and without a good healthy mind our aging process will be bad.  Give your mind the tools it needs and the Hormones and Supplements that are the fuel.  Testosterone - Estrogen - Progesterone - DHEA - Pregnenolone - Thyroid -are those key hormones - KEEP THEM AT A 25 YEAR old level.  Add the supplements of 600mg of DHA - in Fish oil to give the brain that needed fat.   

Monday September 12, 2011

Recent study by the Federal Agency for Health Care Research and Quality stated adverse drug effects send 4.5 million Americans to the doctor's office or the emergency room each year.  Serious drug reactions occur more than 2 million times each year among patients in hospitals and are the 4th leading cause of hospital deaths.  What should patients do when you are told to take a prescription drug?

  • Ask to be prescribed drugs that have been on the market for at least 7 years
  • Ask why the doctor is prescribing a particular drug.
  • Ask if there are life style changes you can make instead of taking a drug
  • Review you medications online - especially the vitamin deficiency being caused by chronic use medicine. AAPR'S Drug Interaction checker @ aarp.org/healthtools
  • If you are taking several drugs, ask your Doctor or Pharmacist to review them -- Can any be eliminated ?

MY COMMENT: There seems to be an attitude among Physicians that side effects or vitamin depletion are not serious issues in writing prescription drugs. The first recommendations that a physician should consider -- "Are there any lifestyle changes that will treat a patients problem?" If this is considered as a priority we should be writing far more prescriptions for 'CONTROLLED' medical diets and 'EXERCISE' prescriptions.  

Saturday September 10, 2011


Slow down your aging with Exercise-- How much can exercise slow down aging?  Potentially a lot.  Exercise daily (American Heart Association states 10,000 steps = 3mile day) - aggressively and it can help prevent arterial stiffening - dysfunction of the arterial lining.  It is best to do a mixture of Exercise - High and low impact exercise such as weight training, yoga and cycling.  Different muscle groups are worked.  You will improve elasticity and help prevent blood pressure rise.   The professor of Kinesiology at the University of Maryland states that many of the things we thought were just going to happen with aging don't have to happen if you maintain an appropriate lifestyle.

MY COMMENT: Just get moving - start with walking and set your goal - 10,000 steps. (Which is about 3 miles or 45 minutes of brisk walking)  If you can not walk then walk in water - EVEN those in wheelchairs have improved in the pool.  Attempt to stay active - get off the computers and engage in activities that require REGULAR physical exercise.  If you can have the entire family enjoy walking - biking - swimming then everyone will benefit.    

Friday September 9, 2011

Treatment of DEPRESSION should always begin with Natural correction of any of your Hormones that are not optimal

  • Testosterone - for men and women (optimal - age 25 levels)
  • DHEA - for men and women (optimal - age 25 levels)
  • Thyroid - FREE T3 - between 3.5 - 4.2
  • Progesterone - for menopausal women a blood level 20-30ng/ml
  • Good Sleep - Use of natural melatonin sustained release
  • Estrogen - For the menopausal women - Blood level 60-100pg/ml
  • Pregnenolone - Upper quartile of the lab -


MY COMMENT: In saying this the evidence speaks for itself of the risk of Some of the pharmaceutical "new" antidepressants - One such drug is CELEXA - supposedly a new addition to the ever growing family of "ANTIDEPRESSANTS" for America.  This antidepressant has caused prolongation of QT intervals of the heart - causing change in the electrical activity of the heart.  Of course this may lead to a serious and potentially fatal abnormal heart rhythm.  Patients that have low magnesium and low potassium will be at increased risk.  Was the FDA protecting us allowing this drug on the market????? 

Thursday September 8, 2011

I mentioned a book several weeks ago "POWER UP YOUR BRAIN" by Dr. David Perlmutter - Neurologist -
More BRAIN HEALTH -  A French study of almost 8000 seniors showed that the use of Olive oil Reduced your chance of stroke by 40%.  How much to use ??? Well it looks like it should be in your daily diet.  Participants mostly used extra virgin olive oil and for at least 5 years with the best amount being "intensive use" - (for cooking AND as salad dressing OR with bread).

MY COMMENT: Another cheap prevention - When was the last time your primary care doctor asked if you use "extra virgin olive oil in your daily diet?" 

Wednesday September 7, 2011

I mentioned a book several weeks ago "POWER UP YOUR BRAIN" by Dr. David Perlmutter - Neurologist - mentioning the power of DHA - found in Fish oil.  Now another study -  Researchers from the Memory Disorders Center at Rhode Island Hospital found 819 Older adults had significant improvement in cognitive functioning with FISH OIL supplements - Including brain Volume.  These patients were followed for three years and had testing for memory and brain MRI's.  What was noted on MRI was positive association between fish oil supplementation and average brain volumes in two critical areas utilized in memory and thinking (cerebral cortex and Hippocampus).

MY COMMENT: Again - a cheap fix for BRAIN health - FISH OIL.   In saying this I advise patients to use FISH oil that is purified - certified for its purity and potency of DHA/EPA = 1000MG - That means the SUPER CHEAP fish oil you get for a few dollars that causes you to burp up FISH or smells like rotten fish is NOT your choice.  I prefer good quality and it still can be purchased for under 20 dollars per month. 


Tuesday September 6, 2011

Signs to ALERT you that your THYROID is not working the best for you

  • Blood pressure irregularities
  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Memory Problems
  • Elevated Cholesterol - Treatment Resistent Cholesterol
  • Weight Gain
  • Infertility
  • Miscarriage
  • Menstrual Irregularities
  • Loss or reduction of sex drive
  • Muscle Weakness
  • Constipation
  • Joint or muscle pain
  • Hair loss
  • Increased risk of heart disease

Ask for TSH - FREE T3 - FREE T4  Remember TSH is only a good screen for DISEASE of the thyroid - it does not help in treating "NON-OPTIMAL" Thyroid function -  Conversion to FREE T3 is the main item to look at.  Free T3 is the "work horse" of the THYROID - There are over 200 jobs that our FREE T3 does.  If you are not converting well to T3 then you will experience symptoms of NON-OPTIMAL THYROID FUNCTION.  

Monday September 5, 2011

DEAR READER, Vitamin D --- more data !!!!!!

  • BREAST CANCER reduction - at least 11 controlled studies.
  • US NATIONAL CANCER INSTITUTE - States that women can see 39% reduction in BREAST cancer if the vitamin D level is in the upper quartile---
  • University of California found a 50% reduction in breast cancer if your VITAMIN D 25-OH was at least 47mg/ml.

MY COMMENT: Whooo - Powerful data!  Just think a reduction in BREAST CANCER BY using a high potency vitamin D  (Many researchers state at least 5000iu daily).  Ask your Doctors to check your blood - If you can not get this done  --(You can self order this for less then 50 dollars - via LIFE EXTENSION.)   

Friday September 2, 2011

Sleep Enhancement

  1. Melatonin - declines with age -- taken 1-2 hours before sleep -start with a low dose - sustained release and progressively increase every 3-4 weeks to achieve adequate sleep time.
  2. L-tryptophan - usual does is 250-2500mg converts to the sleep-regulating hormone serotonin.
  3. Valerian - Multiple double-blind studies have been shown to improve sleep.  Usual doses  are 300-600mg taken one hour before bedtime.
  4. Passion Flower - another option with doses up to 300mg that can help in inducing natural sleep.

MY COMMENT: It is important to do all natural aspects to help achieve natural sleep.  Sleep is a problem for up to 70% of women in menopause.  Taking pharmaceutical drugs for sleep induction develops a dependance issue and it is often very difficult to stop these medications.  It is also important to note that Progesterone by capsules at night is also extremely important in helping to achieve good natural sleep.  

Thursday September 1, 2011
Vitamin K and Cancer---- Vitamin K is now known to have effects on tissues throughout the body, including having a positive effect on suppress of cancer.  Vitamin K2 (MENAQUINONE) has been shown to kill liver cancer.   Recently published studies from Uruguay show tumor cell destruction of prostate cancer.   Even more dramatic is the combination of VITAMIN D and Vitamin K2--- In 2010 a clinical study using this combination suggesting that this is effective for myelodysplastic syndrome related to leukemia.    

MY COMMENT: How amazing - Therapy that is "Pennies" - HELPING CANCER! It is hard to explain why this is not being examined aggressively.  The only thing that can explain this is that CANCER treatment in the United States is a  MULTIBILLION dollar industry.  Is there any reason for Pharmaceutical companies to invest dollars on research on something they will not make huge profits from??  

Wednesday August 31, 2011


Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in men.  Insulin resistance, which trigger rising levels of insulin and insulin-like growth factor increase a man's risk.  What should be done??        DECREASE INSULIN LEVELS -- This can be done by METFORMIN - Metformin also acts by blocking the prostate cancer cells reproductive cycle by decreaseing levels of a cancer growth-promoting protein.

MY COMMENT: What is the solution --

  1. Our insurance and medical resources should be doing effective programs to reduce Obesity.
  2. Patients need to realize that a "little" increase in blood sugar numbers is like being a " little pregnant".  Disease is still there.
  3. Aggressive treatment with Metformin -(FREE at some pharmacies if you don't have insurance) - This product was original a Botonical Compound - from the French lilac which has had a place in folk medicine for hundreds of years.
  4. Isn't it amazing something that is virtually FREE can do so many things. -   (Note - Men with prostate cancer when diagnosed have LOW TESTOSTERONE)

Tuesday August 30, 2011

Diabetes and Prediabetes is predicted to be an impact for 1/2 of the American population within 9 years.  A national tragedy of Failure in our health care system - This is due primarily to obesity.  In a remarkable finding, a team of Swiss researchers found that diabetic women on a long-term metformin regimen (5 years or more) experienced a 56% reduction in breast cancer risk!  It also slashed pancreatic cancer rates by 62% in diabetics and may cut lung cancer rates in smokers.  Glucose intolerance is also connected to increase in Cancer.

MY COMMENT: What is the solution --

  1. Our insurance and medical resources should be doing effective programs to reduce Obesity.
  2. Patients need to realize that a "little" increase in blood sugar numbers is like being a " little pregnant".  Disease is still there. 
  3. Aggressive treatment with Metformin -(FREE at some pharmacies if you don't have insurance) - This product was original a Botonical Compound - from the French lilac which has had a place in folk medicine for hundreds of years.
  4. Isn't it amazing something that is virtually FREE can do so many things. -  

Monday August 29, 2011

PREVENTION IS THE ANSWER -  Hundreds of Thousands of People are fightening and being diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease each year.  A study published in Neurology in 2006 reported that people who consumed 230.9 mcg or more of vitamin B6 daily had a 54% lower risk of developing PARKINSON'S DISEASE.  Vitamin B6 may help reduce Parkinson's by decreasing Homocysteine, an amino acid that is toxic to dopaminergic brain cells.  Dopamine is the hormone lacking for Parkinson's patients. 

MY COMMENT: There is no money in promoting this  -- The big money is in the "Parkinson's Drugs" - THESE drugs do little for the suffering patients and the most effective drug remains Carbi/ Levo Dopa Which is now generic and cheap.  Until the Money is removed from Expensive drugs that do NO cure and No help in slowing the progression - Patients will continue to be diagnosed and suffer -- We need a cure for this disease and NOT a system supporting the drugs that are little to no help.

Friday August 26, 2011

Blood Pressure - What should be your goal - Normal blood pressure without the NEED of medication.  Blood Pressure Medications routinely Deplete Nutrients.  Look at the list of items depleted----------------------------
Calcium, Magnesium, potassium, sodium, vitamin B1, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, and Zinc, CoQ10, and Phosphorus.
What happens with these depletions?  These nutrient losses can afferct your energy, mood, libido, immune function, and in short -- YOUR LIFE.

MY COMMENT: In saying this, I am NOT saying stop your Blood pressure medications.  Normal blood pressure is the GOAL.  In order to do this without medication you need to Eat correctly - Get rid of the GARBAGE- Processed foods.  Get your weight to an ideal - and for some people this will be a BMI of 22 - OUR usual goal is BMI of 24 or less.  Use supplements that are beneficial to your Blood pressure.  And make sure you are taking adequate supplements to correct any losses that your blood pressure medication is causing.

Thursday August 25, 2011

Keep in mind, as needed as an antibiotic may be in a "Bacterial" infection, antibiotics do have their negative.  Antibiotics deplete a wide variety of nutrients, and they deplete normal gut flora.  Good bacterial like Bifidobacterium bifidum, lactobacillus acidophilus, biotin folic acid, inositol, vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B3, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, and Vitamin K.

MY COMMENT: Only take an antibiotic when you are dealing with a Bacterial infection - NOT A VIRUS!  Patients may feel a bad cold needs an antibiotic but it does NOT. Viral colds need a good immune system and antioxidants NOT Antibiotics.  If you need an antibiotic then you need to replace the Gut good Bacterial with PROBIOTICS.  Probiotics are best in refrigerated brands - Just think they are live good bacterial like you get in Yogurt.  Would you eat Yogurt that sat on a shelf in a store in all the heat of room temperature?

Wednesday August 24, 2011

Dr. Enriquue Ginsburg Professor of Surgery in the Division OF Trauma and Surgical Critical Care at the University of Miami has tried giving his Critically ill men on Ventilator's  "TESTOSTERONE" .  Supplementing elderly critically ill men helped them BREATH better.  Dr. Ginsbury stated he has seen totally changed lives in cases of deficiency.

MY COMMENT: Can you imagine taking something that can cost pennies a day and using it as part of a treatment in an area we are used to spending thousands of dollars daily!!!  This all goes back to a concept that some of the best medicine is also the cheapest medicine.  Dr. Ginsbury states that more controlled trials are needed.  But, giving anyone optimal hormones will allow our bodies the ability to work to our God given potential!!

Tuesday August 23, 2011

Omega-3 Fatty Acids Increase Brain Volume.  Lancet presented a study that Children had lower IQ if their mothers had inadequate omega-3.  Omega-3's have the power to preserve cognition and memory and reverse age related loss of brain function.  Omega-3's have been shown to combat forms of mental illness and neuropychiatric disorders.

MY COMMENT:Dosage - Recommendations can vary but autistic children have been given 1.5gms of Omega-3 with 840mg of EPA and 700mg of DHA. Ranges of 1,000 - 3,000 of EPA and 1,000-1,500mg of DHA have been shown to help with depression, aggression , and other mental illness, as well as protective against early cognitive decline amd even early Alzheimers disease.

Monday August 22, 2011

The National Institute of Health sponsored a research study at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health.  This study showed that using estradiol  (E3) may be cognitively beneficial for post-menopausal women with mild to moderate Alzheimer's disease. There are three types of estrogen women make -----

  • Estrone - E1
  • Estradiol -E2
  • Estriol - E3

Each of these estrogens in a women's body has different jobs. When Estrogen for replacment is compounded, usually Estriol and Estradiol are mixed together.  The Pharmacuetical companies Have only addressed Estradiol (which is key for bone - heart - brain etc) but there are distinct roles Estriol has and research is showing more and more roles of benefit for this estrogen.

MY COMMENT: This is a cheap TREATMENT.  Giving Menopausal Women who have Cognitive decline Estriol should be an option to consider.   100 dissolvable estriol cost about 70 dollars. Estriol has also been shown to benefit Multiple Sclerosis Patient by some European studies.  And THE benefit in reversing Vaginal Atrophy for menapausal women has also been very dramatic.

Friday August 19, 2011

Bone-Building is not just CALCIUM -- If we wish to remain young and active then bone health is essential.  Having a Hip fracture past age 60 can yield up to 50% chance of death due to complications and additional disability.  We need to place a great deal of emphasis on maintaining bone health.  Look at your calcium and make sure your are getting the various forms of calcium - plus magnesium - plus mineral -vitamin K1 -K2 Vitamin D - as D3 -
Make sure your hormone levels are being treated and evaluated properly.

MY COMMENT: A true bone program is REPLACEMENT of you hormones with Bio-identical Hormones - Optimal Supplements as stated above - and proper evaluation - Bone density every 2 years and if you have bone loss then the healthy natural program mentioned here and addition of STRONTIUM - Follow your Urine NTX every six months to assess if you are bone rebuilding. As you can see here I do not mention BISPHOSPONATES - Such as Fosamax - Boniva etc.  These are  drugs filled with bad side effects and should  NOT be the choice of treatment.

Thursday August 18, 2011

Magnesium - As the fourth most abundant mineral in the body magnesium is essential to your good health.  Approximately half of our total body magnesium is found inour bones and the other half is distributed throughout the cells of our body tissues and organs. This essential mineral is needed for > 300 jobs in the body. For example:

  • For normal muscle and nerve function
  • For heart rhythm -- helping to prevent irregular heart beats
  • For immune system
  • For strong bones

Only 1 percent is found in the blood stream -- so running a Magnesium level on your blood will NOT help to guide us in determining if you are deficient.  Unfortunately a majority of Americans are magnesium deficient in their diet.
Food sources Whole grains - Legumes - Dark green leafy vegetables - Fish such as Halibut - Spinach, black beans, pumpkin and squash seeds.

MY COMMENT: To make sure you are getting enough Attempt to do a good calcium brand that contains Magnesium - Then look at your multidose and see the amount of Magnesium - Your goal should be to get as close to 1000mg Daily as possible.  There are powder brands that mix to tea format and help with sleep also.  Due to the calming effects on the nervous system magnesium can help ease anxiety, relax muscles, decrease stress hormone cortisol and promote a good night's sleep.

Wednesday August 17, 2011

Prevent Heart Disease is NOT just a Cholesterol ISSUE -- As much as the makers of Lipitor - Crestor - etc. would love the AMERICAN population to believe that when you take these drugs you will LIVE longer, this is not true.  HEART DISEASE is multi-factorial.  There are 17 events that lead our population to the number one killer - not just Cholesterol --

  • Low Blood EPA/DHA
  • Bad Cholesterol Ratios
  • Elevated C-reactive Protein
  • Excess LDL
  • Low Vitamin K
  • Excessive Insulin
  • Unbalanced Hormones - Estrogen
  • High Glucose
  • Low Free Testosterone
  • Insufficient Vitamin D
  • Nitric Oxide Deficit
  • Low HDL Cholesterol
  • Excess Fibrinogen
  • Excessive Triglycerides
  • Excess Homocysteine
  • Oxidized LDL
  • Hypertension

MY COMMENT: Making patients take statin drugs and having them feel they are reducing their chances of Heart Disease without addressing the entire picture is "FALSE ADVERTISING" -- The pharmaceutical companies are making a "killing" on the Cholesterol drug game - but it is NOT changing our American data at all -- This country still is HORRIBLY low in our health compared with other countries and we spend the most.  Heart Disease is STILL the number one KILLER.  You must address each and every one of these "DAGGERS" of heart disease to decrease your risk.

Tuesday August 16, 2011

More on DHEA -
DHEA-S is the sulfated form of DHEA - this is what is measured in the blood. Research has shown that the higher the DHEA-S levels improved concentration, working memory, and executive (decision-making) function.  Scientist from Isreal found that Schizophrenic patients had benefit from congitive function with improved levels of DHEA-S.  Schizophrenic patients given 200mg daily had improved attention and motor skills compared with placebo.
A 2007 study showed DHEA Supplementation of 150mg twice daily improved memory recall and mood in healthy young men.  In the study it was noted increasing activity in the hippocampus, the region of the brain most closely associated with mnemonic fuction (memory).

MY COMMENT: I do DHEA Sulfate levels on all of my patients - Do replacement to your tolerance.  Replace to the levels of a healthy 25 year old but dose will depend on tolerance of your skin.  At certain levels patients may experience acne and not be able to go to the higher amount.  Use a Compounded Pharmaceutical grade DHEA Sustained release. Dose the highest a patient can tolerate to acheive restoration of your DHEA Sulfate level to the upper quartile of a healthy 25 year old.

Monday August 15, 2011

In 2010 a Team of Harvard Researches noted in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry,
"The majority of depressed patients will not experience remission when treated with "first line antidepressants".  What does that mean Drugs like Paxil - etc. - Researchers at Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital gave patients S-adenosylmethinone (SAM-e) to the antidepressant drugs and found 105% higher response rate and 121% higher remission rate.  This was compared with placedo and was published in the American Journal of Psychiatry. 
In 2007 Scientists at the University of Massachusetts did studies showing Sam-e Plus N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) and acetyl-L-carnative helped cognitive function. 

MY COMMENT: It is sad that the studies of these natural items are not being advertised ---- Only the expensive "potential ineffective" regimes of new pharmaceutical drugs are put on the TV.  Patients suffering from depression need optimal Hormones and critical supplements and for many the symptoms of depression would be gone.

Friday August 12, 2011

Living to an old age isn't much fun if you can't remember anything! I recently reviewed the Book -"Power up your Brain - Neuroscience of Enlightenment" - By DAVID PERLMUTTER - Neurologist- Dr. Perlmutter discusses the Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor "BDNF" -- This protein plays a key role in creating new neurons.  What is interesting on BDNF is that not only is this the key to keeping brain neurons from being lost but it also protects against TOXIC exposures.  BDNF production through exercise - diet restrictions - DHA - Curcurmin - (all natural methods) is protective against mitochodrial neruotoxins such as the ones we are exposed to daily in our diet.   Choosing to eat organic foods is best but since it is impossible to eliminate all our exposure we need the most protection we can get.

MY COMMENT: Power up your Brain with the natural items reviewed this week --- Add to your BRAIN protection with Optimal Hormone levels that are done with Bio-Identical Hormones -- keep your Blood levels at healthy 30 year old levels. 

Thursday August 11, 2011

Living to an old age isn't much fun if you can't remember anything! I recently reviewed the Book -"Power up your Brain - Neuroscience of Enlightenment" - By DAVID PERLMUTTER - Neurologist- Dr. Perlmutter discusses the Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor "BDNF" -- This protein plays a key role in creating new neurons.

  • Curcumin - This is the main active ingredient in the spice turmeric.  Evaluations of Villages in India, where turmeric is used in abundance in curried recipes, epidemiological studies have found that Alzheimers's disease is only about 25% as common as in the United States.  Curcumin activates the Nrf2 pathway. This is important protection to the brain.
  • Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) - This is a direct brain nutrient.  The human brain is mainly fat and 1/4 of that fat is DHA.  A study was done of 485 healthy 70 year olds who had mild memory problems - After 6 months of DHA made from Marine algae effects on brain function were outstanding.

MY COMMENT: The average American takes about 60-80mg of DHA -- taking 200-300mg daily would be the amount considered adequate.  This is found in FISH OIL - 

Wednesday August 10, 2011

Living to an old age isn't much fun if you can't remember anything!
I recently reviewed the Book -"Power up your Brain - Neuroscience of Enlightenment" - By DAVID PERLMUTTER - Neurologist- Dr. Perlmutter discusses the Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor "BDNF" -- This protein plays a key role in creating new neurons.  * Intellectual Stimulation -- "BDNF" is increased - this chemical induces positive growth, health, and functionality in brain neurons.  Just as a muscle gets stronger and bigger when you exercise it - Your brain improves with stimulating circumstances.  Inversely, it is likely that individuals who spend several hours each day watching television, playing rote computer games, or otherwise engaged in mindless and passive activities have decrease in "BDNF".

MY COMMENT: Challenge yourself to do new skills and explore new mental activities such as problem solving and exploring novel environments. The old saying "Use it or Lose it" is true for the brain as well as the rest of the body -
On a Hormonal basis - Keep all your Hormones at optimal levels Testosterone - Estrogen - Progesterone - DHEA - Pregnenolone are all important for the brain.    

Tuesday August 9, 2011

Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor 
"BDNF" -- This protein plays a key role in creating new neurons. 
So we all need to know and do the things that keep high levels of "BDNF" ---- This allows new brain cell growth - even as we age - *Calorie Reduction - Metabolic Detoxification - and Periodic controlled fasting - Daily caloric intake for women at 2000 and Men at 2500 -  A 2009 study by German researchers imposed a 30% calorie reduction on the diets of elderly individuals and compared their memory function with a group of similar age who ate whatever they wanted.  
Conclusion: The group who ate what they wanted had a small but clearly defined decline in memory function, while memory function in the group who consumed the calorie-reduced diet actually increased profoundly.  
What a concept -- PREVENTIVE MEDICINE for the BRAIN --   

MY COMMENT: This is very significant data - of course, no Pharmaceutical Company will make Billions of dollars -- 

Monday August 8, 2011

Living to an old age isn't much fun if you can't remember anything! I recently reviewed the Book -"Power up your Brain - Neuroscience of Enlightenment" - By DAVID PERLMUTTER - Neurologist- Dr. Perlmutter discusses the Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor "BDNF" -- This protein plays a key role in creating new neurons.  So we all need to know and do the things that keep high levels of "BDNF" ---- This allows new brain cell growth - even as we age -

  • Physical Exercise - Not forced but voluntary
  • Calorie Reduction - Metabolic Detoxification - and Periodic controlled fasting - Daily caloric intake for women at 2000 and Men at 2500
  • Intellectual Stimulation
  • Curcumin 
  • Docosahexaenoic Acid - "DHA"

MY COMMENT: Cognitive loss in aging is a Hugh problem and with additive medical conditions such as Diabetes - Hypertension - Neurologic problems such as Parkinsons - It is very important to consider all the items needed to keep your brain cells from dying.   EXERCISE DAILY - PUT YOUR WEIGHT AT BMI < 24 - CONSIDER PERIODICALLY DETOXIFICATION - 

Friday August 5, 2011

There seems to be a concern about TOO much vitamin D but little concern about Vitamin D deficiency and Levels that are barely out of the disease range of labs.  A study done in 2002 showed that 10,000iu daily for a half year did not show intoxication.  Dr. Holick from Boston University, Director of Bone Health Clinic, recommends that Children up to first year of life 2000iu is safe.  Chilren age 1 to 12 take 5000iu of Vitamin D. All Teenagers and Adults can easily tolerate 10,000iu of vitamin D without concern for toxicity.  These numbers are far above the numbers usually recommended.

MY COMMENT: I see many patients and measure everyone's blood level of
Vitamin D -25-OH -- Many vitamin D products are not adequate and patients could be taking adequate amounts but the quality of the product is bad.  If you are taking 5000iu and still have poor levels then Change your Vitamin D manufacturer-- Get a better product! You should check your blood level and don't be satisfied if you lab is barely out of disease levels.  You want optimal Blood levels and this is 60-80ng/pl. 

Thursday August 4, 2011

Vitamin D is a hormone and not a true vitamin --
Vitamin D is a key to the prevention and treatment, in many cases of heart disease, common cancers, stroke, infectious diseases from influenza to tuberculosis, type 1 and 2 diabetes, dementia depression, insomnia, muscle weakness, joint pain, fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, psoriasis, multiple sclerosis, and hypertension,

MY COMMENT: What a cheap prevention - - - Look at the Vitamins you take and make sure this is part of the picture.  Vitamin D levels should be between 60-80 and best is to check this once or twice yearly. Most patients need 5000iu of Vitamin D daily.

Wednesday August 3, 2011

Vitamin K is a key factor in overall heart health.  To take one example, a large study of more than 4,800 subjects followed for 7-10 years in the Netherlands demonstrated people in the highest 1/3 of vitamin K2 intake had a 57% reduction in risk of dying from cardiovascular disease, compared to those with the lowest intake.  K2 intake was associated with a 20% decreased risk of coronary artery calcification. 

MY COMMENT: What a cheap prevention - - - Look at the Vitamins you take and make sure this is part of the picture.

Tuesday August 2, 2011

Zinc -was shown by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition from Wayne State- to be a powerful anti-inflammatory.  6 months of supplemental intake showed decrease in plasma high-sensitivity C-reactive protein  and interleukin-6, proving its potential as an atheroprotective agent.

MY COMMENT: What a cheap prevention - - - Zinc appears to have heart protection.  Zinc also is important for our Thyroid function and Bone Health. Make sure your multidose vitamin has ZINC listed in the mineral content.

Monday August 1, 2011

Researchers from Rush University evaluated over 3000 participates in the Chicago Health and Aging project who were 65 and older--
The Results of this evaluation support that high total intakes of vitamins B6 and B12 are protective against Depression.

MY COMMENT: What a cheap prevention - look at your Blood  B12 Level and increase your level to 1000 - - If you are taking Supplemental B12 do the brand that is Called Methycalbalamin - Dissolvable form.

Friday July 29, 2011

What should your sugar be ---??????????
Controlling Glucose is a key for controlling the way our genes control our rate of aging. 
Your blood sugar fasting should be < 80mg/ml
Your after meal (postprandial) sugar should not rise more then 40mg/ml before dropping back to fasting ranges in the 80's. These goals should be met to reduce your risk of diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and Alzheimer's. 

MY COMMENT: Minimal evaluation on looking at patients blood sugar IS NOT ACCEPTABLE.  It takes Looking at FASTING INSULIN - HEMOGLOBIN A1C - and FASTING BLOOD SUGAR.  Every patient that is over a BMI of 24 needs these lab done.  If all markers are not perfect -- START A PLAN TO CORRECT.  

  • Optimal Diet - Start DETOX - Programs like Metagenics 
  • Optimal Weight - Controlled Programs like Medifast
  • Optimal Exercise - 10,000 steps daily (3 mile day)  

Predictions are 1/2 the U.S population will be diabetic or prediabetic in 9 Years!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday July 28, 2011

What should you do if your Testosterone Level is not that of a 25 year old?????
Careful testosterone replacement therapy.  Correcting your level can help Metabolic syndrome and enhance blood sugar control.  Started early enough therapy may slow the progression to diabetes.  Replacement can reduce erectile dysfunction. 
Obtain DHEA Sulfate levels - Correct them to the Upper quartile of the lab norms of a 25 year old.  DHEA helps to produce Testosterone - Younger men may be helped with Human Chorionic Gonadatropin.

MY COMMENT: All men should be DEMANDING their Doctors -"Check my Testosterone level" - (Free and Total Testosterone level) - This should be done starting at 40 or earlier if you are obese - Type 2 diabetic - and Should be checked yearly -
Your blood level should be the levels of a healthy 25 year old NOT your chronilogical age group -(not the optimal in most cases) And if you are cured of Prostrate cancer - for one year - You can also have replacement of your testosterone.

Wednesday July 27, 2011

Declining Testosterone increase risk of Cancer and Heart Disease!
Inflammation is the key to medical conditions like cancer and Cardiovascular disease.  Declining Testosterone levels raise inflammatory markers.  Inflammation is also connected to "insulin" resistence and type 2 Diabetes.  Fat deposited as a result of testosterone deficiency pumps out increasing levels of inflammatory markers. 

MY COMMENT: All men should be DEMANDING their Doctors -"Check my Testosterone level" - (Free and Total Testosterone level) - This should be done starting at 40 or earlier if you are obese - Type 2 diabetic - and Should be checked yearly -
Your blood level should be the levels of a healthy 25 year old NOT your chronilogical age group -(not the optimal in most cases) And if you are cured of Prostrate cancer - for one year - You can also have replacement of your testosterone.

Tuesday July 26, 2011

Testosterone and Chronic Disease

  • Many Chronic Diseases are associated with Testosterone Deficiences
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Hypertension
  • Diabetes
  • Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms
  • Erectile dysfuction

(Remember - by the time you get erectile dysfunction you have a testosterone problem for a LONG time - this is the last thing that goes) ---

MY COMMENT: All men should be DEMANDING their Doctors -"Check my Testosterone level" - (Free and Total Testosterone level) - This should be done starting at 40 or earlier if you are obese - Type 2 diabetic - and Should be checked yearly -
Your blood level should be the levels of a healthy 25 year old NOT your chronilogical age group -(not the optimal in most cases) And if you are cured of Prostrate cancer - for one year - You can also have replacement of your testosterone.

Monday July 25, 2011

Testosterone and Obesity

  • Obesity causes men's testosterone to drop -- the fat tissue converts testosterone to estrogen---
  • Falling testosterone levels (due to age) increases obesity and metabolic syndrome ---
  • Testosterone has powerful impact on glucose, insulin, and fat regulation ---
  • The decline in Testosterone in middle age men gives them trouble shedding weight EVEN through they could be dieting and exercising

MY COMMENT: A cycle of problems for men -- A man is gaining weight -- his testosterone is declining -- A man's testosterone is declining -- his weight is increasing!!!!!
What do you do???
MEASURE EVERY MAN'S TESTOSTERONE - DHEA SULFATE - Start from age 40 -- and carefully do testosterone replacement - by increaseing DHEA - HCG - OR DIRECT TESTOSTERONE --
This is not an option -- this can save a man's LIFE!!!!
Imagine - a 55 year old man - correct his hormones - increase his energy - increase his exercise - then watch his weight - if it is not correcting 2lbs per week toward the weight goal --- do a controlled medical diet - 
Now you have a 55 year old man - strong - fit - heart protected - and No ED!!!!  

Friday July 22, 2011

How can you reduce BLOOD PRESSURE NATURALLY -- Remember 1/2 of American have High Blood Pressure once they are above 60

  1. Hawthorne extract has been shown to treat mild to moderate hypertension -500mg twice daily--
  2. Magnesium has been shown to lower mild and moderate hypertension. Adding Magnesium to Hawthorne would be additive.
  3. CoQ10 300mg three times daily has also been shown to lower blood pressure.

In saying all of this -- Your treatment of Blood Pressure should be monitored by a physician and you should do home Blood pressure Monitoring.

MY COMMENT: We need to have normal blood pressure and Using Pharmaceutical drugs are not the only way to do that. 
You need to get to your optimal weight -- Consistently lose 2lbs per week and if you are not doing this - go on a controlled medical diet (Medifast - etc) Exercise - 10,000 step day or 3 mile day --- every day
If you still have an issue with blood pressure (which most patients will not) - then add the appropriate supplements --

Thursday July 21, 2011

Besides Supplements for getting Magnesium - where else can you get MAGNESIUM ---

  • Vegetables - Green leafy vegetables - spinach etc
  • Nuts - almonds, cashews and peanuts-seeds (pumpkin)
  • Beans - black, white and navy
  • Fish - (halibut and tuna)
  • Unrefined grains - whole wheat flour, oat brain, barley, buckwheat flour -- (white flour is low in magnesium

MY COMMENT:Magnesium comes in various forms.  Each differs in cost and absorption.  Magnesium oxide is most common - about 60% absorption.  It you get diarrhea then you are not absorbing what your taking. So absorbtion may go as low as 20%.
Avoid chelated forms, ---MAGNESIUM ASPARTATE.  
If you take MAGNESIUM by itself then take 500mg daily with your food.   

Wednesday July 20, 2011

A study looking at "healthy" post-menopausal women aged 47 - 78 found that when the subjects were placed on a magnesium-poor diet for six months they developed more heart irritability than normal!!!
Two of the 29 women who were studied had a "fourfold" increase in ECTOPIC beats (cardiac arrythmia).  American women have diets that generally do not meet even the older RDA recommendations of 210mg -- Now the RDA have increased this to 320mg - Now if a HEALTHY women gets "extra beats" or arrhythmia just think about those women who have heart disease or who drink alchohol and excessive caffeine, which also depletes MAGNESIUM.
One of the most common cause of DEATH after a heart attack is ARRHYTHMIA'S ---



MY COMMENT: Just think if every Cardiologist who saw a patient would ------

  • Think about Magnesium and made sure all their arrythmia patients were given 1000mg daily as easily as they write for COUMADIN (a rat poison)--
  • Would make sure patients were given plant sterols and other natural items to address their cholesterol
  • Would optimize a patients hormones (thyroid - testosterone - estrogen - progesterone - all lower cholesterol --)
  • Lastly - help a patient get to optimal weight by CONTROLLED MEDICAL DIETS -- WHO WOULD BENEFIT= PATIENTS

Tuesday July 19, 2011

Vitamin D continues to be an under-checked and underrecommended Life saving vitamin.  This vitamin does not function like a vitamin, it functions as a HORMONE.  
This vitamin has been shown to:

  • Treat Osteopenia
  • Treat Osteoporosis
  • Inpack muscle weakness
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Chronic Pain
  • Fractures
  • Common Cancers
  • Autoimmune disease
  • Infectious Disease
  • Cardiovascular disease 

DOSE NEEDED -- whatever amount it takes to bring your level to 60-80ng/ml -- (5000iu - 10,000iu daily - ETC --)
You need to watch your brands - many OTC vitamin D preparations are worthless and do NOT bring up your blood levels - Get a good quality company and it still will be cheap.

MY COMMENT: Get your blood levels checked and keep them at 60-80ng/ml -- NOT JUST OUT OF DISEASE RANGE!!  The labs will report normal at >30ng/ml this is not adequate. Even more staggering reviews are looking at this vitamin with Increase in Autistic spectrum disorder - Mothers with Vitamin D deficiencies and increase in children with this disorder.  Just think if this country obtained a vitamin D 25-0H level on every mother who delivered (cheap screen - 30dollars) and tracked the incidence of Autistic Spectrum disorder --  Within 2 years we could know if VITAMIN D was a  connector to increase risk of Autistic Spectrum disorder.  We could reduce this debilitating disorder with the simply cheap use of Vitamin D -- AND save our HEALTH care system BILLIONS of Dollars.

Monday July 18, 2011

Did you know how deadly Tylenol is - It results in:

  • 100,000 calls to poison control
  • >450 deaths from liver failure
  • Regular users have double their risk of kidney cancer
  • Incidence of Kidney cancer has risen 126% since 1950
  • In animal studies it induces cataracts 
  • It generates FREE RADICLES - in the body -  Keep in mind all pain suppressing Medications are TOXIC

MY COMMENT:Try natural method to control pain

Acute injuries or Muscular Skeletal Headaches - Aggressive use of Cold packs -  MSM - Methylsulphonyl-methane
High DOSE Fish oil  Glucosamin - Chondritin  And there are companies that produce products from natural sources that are safe and effective - EX: Kaprex from METAGENICS 

Friday July 15, 2011

As if our diet isn't bad enough, Americans are spending billions of dollars on Cholesterol-lowering drugs called statins, that make them even more vulnerable to low magnesium levels and high amounts of excitotoxins.  WHY???--- Because statins deplete the heart of its most important energy molecule, COENZYME Q10 (CoQ10)
When the heart is deficienct in energy, it becomes more sensitive to inflammatory damage.

MY COMMENT: Probably tens of thousands of people have probably died because the medical establishment has ignored these important issues.  Who has benefited is the PHARMACEUTICAL companies --- But who is responsible -- We as DOCTORS!!!! Cholesterol is an item to address --BUT the answer is not in statins -There are many ways of optimal Cholesterol and The most important factor in Creating disease is INFLAMMATION!!!

Thursday July 14, 2011

Another reason to NEVER DRINK - SODA --
Carbonated Soda's deplete the body's Magnesium.  Americans, both young and old, gulp down these dangerous sodas at a frantic pace.  75% of Americans eat diets deficient in Magnesium and Two-thirds are significantly deficient.

MY COMMENT: If your Doctor does not address your supplement and dietary needs then FIND a different Doctor.  Writing scripts for DISEASE modification only BENEFITS the Pharmaceutical Companies -- Research out your Medical problems by METHODS that make your body work better --
The obvious:

  • Proper Diet
  • Avoid the poisons -- MSG - ASPARTANE - ARTIFICAL FOODS
  • Eat like the "Cave Men" - The best in organic foods -- Fruits - Vegtables - and Organic Meat
  • If you have Medical problems - look at the specific causes and work to correct them

Example -- Hypertension - DETOX your diet - NO BOXED FOODS -- Do fruits and vegtables -- bring your weight to a BMI of less then 24.

Wednesday July 13, 2011

Why does Magnesium deficiency not show up on blood test.  99% of Magnesium is located within the cells.  Only 1 percent is in the blood.  Doctors who order a blood test and tell their patients they have normal magnesium levels are not looking in the right place. 
Studies have shown that a person can be severely depleted of tissue and organ magnesium yet have perfectly normal blood levels. DOSE NEEDED -- A safe approach is to add up your Magnesium and make sure you are taking a total of 1000mg daily -----

MY COMMENT: When I see patients who are taking a list of drugs - statins -(lipitor- crestor)-- coumadin - hypertensive medications - proton pump inhibitors (nexium etc)-------
What are the doctors thinking when these same patients are NOT taking any supplements - such as COQ10 (80% DEPLETION BY THE STATINS) - Magnesium (to help correct the arrythmia)
- B- COMPLEX VITAMINS (Severely inhibited in absorption by the Proton pump Inhibitor)

Tuesday July 12, 2011

Magnesium deficiency is critical for healthy blood vessels, but it is also critical for every tissue and organ in the body.  Here is a list of diseases linked to magnesium deficiencies --

  • Heart Disease
  • Stroke
  • Atherosclerosis
  • Abnormal kidney function
  • Muscle weakness
  • Diabetes
  • Insulin Resistence
  • Metabolic Syndrome
  • Inflammation
  • Excitotoxicity
  • Neurodegenerative diseases
  • Impaired lung function 
  • Cancer
  • Immune system disorders

MAGNESIUM has also been shown to be a major weapon against depression and even suicide.

MY COMMENT: READ THE LABELS -- Add your magnesium in your multidose - your calcium and if you are not hitting about 1000mg daily then add more -- If you are constipated taking a product called DR. GILLIAMS MAGNESIUM CALM  (available over the counter or order on the internet) at night will help you sleep and relieve constipation.     


July 11, 2011

Most Doctors are completely unaware of how common magnesium deficiency is in seriously ill patients, and even in chronically ill patients.  Many doctors look at Magnesium as if it were a dangerous substance, when in fact it is quite rare to have any issues even in massive doses. Research has show that magnesium has the ability to relax blood vessels -- decreasing spasm.

MY COMMENT: Attempt to get 1000mg of Magnesium daily (in as many forms that are available) --For example I use a calcium that has Magnesium in both -- citrate - amino acid chelate and oxide.  The same holds true for forms of calcium and Vitamin E -- it is best if we take as many forms of the substance vs just one form of it.

Friday July 8, 2011

AMERICANS SHOULD CONSUME HEALTHY LEVELS OF OMEGA 3 - EPA/DHA -- Recommended by the American Heart Association - 1000mg of EPA/DHA Omega-3 is protective against stroke and heart attack, THE NUMBER 1 KILLER in this country.  But things to keep in mind as you try to do this---

  • Avoid Synthetic or Altered Fish oils-
  • Correct dose - many labels may state high levels of fish oil, but unless there are significant amounts of omega-3 EPA/DHA you can be ingesting oily fillers. 
  • Other elements that are important to know if you want to prevent heart disease -- CoQ10 - especially if you are at risk due to cholesterol - hypertension - Vitamin D- levels need to be 60-80 and Vitamin E (in all its forms) ---

MY COMMENT: READ THE LABELS -- I have many patients telling me they are taking fish oil - but when you review it - IT IS NOT PROPER amounts of the EPA/DHA -- In general if you are getting "stinky" "Cheap" fish oil it is probably worthless

Thursday July 7, 2011

MSG - Monosodium glutoamate can make you FAT!!
A study from American Journal of Clinical Nutrition has confirmed that MSG can make you Fat.  10,000 men and women were classified on the amount of MSG intake and degree of obesity.  High MSG will give a 33 percent more likely to be overweight. A German study also confirmed this.  MSG influenced the brain area involved with leptin.  
MSG is in a HUGE amount of food products --


Wednesday July 6, 2011

High Blood Pressure is 1 out of 3 Americans and if you are over 60 then it is 50% of Americans with High Blood Pressure.
You can do much to control your Blood pressure and stay of those perscription drugs or get off those perscription drugs.

Dietary recommendations

  • Eliminate dietary wheat and unhealthy oils
  • Certain food and nutrients may help promote healthy blood pressure - These include Nuts, Vitamin D, Magnesium. Coenzyme Q10, Omega-3 Fats, resveratrol, acetyl-L-Carnitine and melatonin.
  • Exercise - Do those 10,000 steps or 3 mile day of exercise
  • Weight - Your BMI needs to be less then 24 -

MY COMMENT: I recommend ALL my patients to consider A METABOLIC DETOX - Doing this will dramatically decrease Blood pressure and Decrease Insulin levels - METAGENICS COMPANY HAS A 10 DAY PROGRAM THAT WORKS BEAUTIFULLY ---

Friday July 1, 2011

A 93 randomized controlled trials involving 10,000 patients studied  Red Yeast Rice in lowering Cholesterol.  These studies showed Red Yeast Rice significantly lower levels of total cholesterol, LDL, and Triglycerides, and raise levels of HDL compared with placebo. Red Yeast Rice achieved results without increasing muscle pain or muscle damage. Dosage was up to 1800mg daily --Since Red Yeast Rice works works similarly to statins - it is recommended to use COQ10 while on Red Yeast Rice.

MY COMMENT: Statin drugs for Cholesterol lowering are a billion dollar industry and the pharmaceutical companies are not about to  lose their profit if they can do anything about it.  We as Physician must NOT follow the directions of these companies and seek the best treatments for our patients with the least negative and with the least expense. 

Thursday June 30, 2011

At the 2006 annual meeting of the AMERICAN ASSOCIATION for CANCER Research, a study was presented suggesting that vitamin D exposure early in life may be important in lowering breast cancer risk later.  The researchers found evidence for a significantly reduced risk of breast cancer in relation to VITAMIN D exposure.  Sun exposure factors such as number of outdoor activities at ages of 10-19 and at ages of 20-29, as well as prolonged cod liver oil consumption (10 years or more) and consumption of nine or more glasses of milk per week were all associated with a lower risk of breast cancer.

MY COMMENT: VITAMIN D -- More and more items -- CHECK YOUR LEVEL -- CHECK YOUR CHILDREN'S LEVELS KEEP YOUR LEVEL PROTECTIVE AT 60-80ng/ml --a simple blood test ----|

Wednesday June 29, 2011

Why are so many children OVERWEIGHT??

  • Only 20% of children eat 5 or more servings of fruits and vegetables and 30% of the vegtables are FRENCH fries.
  • In the past 10 years children's daily intake of soft drinks has increased from 11.5 to 19 ounces daily.
  • 12 Ounce can of soda contains 10 teaspoonfuls of sugar
  • In the 1950's a can of soda contained 75 calories -- now a 12 ounce can containes 150 calories.

MY COMMENT: Not only are there major HORMONE imbalances with the above lifestyles -- The incidence of DIABETES is increasing dramatically. Our children are not expected to live the length of life as their parents.  How about HUGE TAXES on Soda and Junk food!! - Maybe the American population would eat less of the foods that are killing them.

Tuesday June 28, 2011

Estrogen Dominance (which becomes more toxic to that women) can be manifests by -----

  • Menstrual cramps (dysmenorrhea)
  • Premenstral syndrome
  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Cyclic migraine headaches
  • Weight Gain
  • Infertility
  • Miscarriage
  • Fibrocystic breasts
  • Uterine Fibroids
  • Endometriosis
  • Low Thyroid Symptoms
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
  • Breast Cancer

MY COMMENT: Estrogen is not a BAD hormone - it simply needs to be in balance.  Meaning - Any cause of dominance EX: Obesity, -- should be controlled.  Balancing with progesterone will help to blunt the Negative effects from this estrogen dominance.  Taking a Medical Food from a company like Metagenics will help to decrease symptoms of Estrogen dominance.   

Monday June 27, 2011

A study of over 4000 men showed that when Magnesium is in the highest quartile of the lab compared with the lowest quartile there was a 40% decrease in all cause mortality and heart disease and a 50% decrease in cancer deaths.

(National Academy of Science U.S.A. 2006 November 21st:103(47)

MY COMMENT: Make sure you are taking as part of your daily supplements 600-1000mg of MAGNESIUM  is critical for your bones & heart--  

Friday June 24, 2011

Men - If you have excessive weight it disturbs your hormone balances.  Men who are obese have increases in insulin levels and increase in Diabetes.  Everything is additive - Take LOW TESTOSTERONE - + Elevated Insulin + Hypertension + Low DHEA + Declining Growth Hormone and you have a perfect formulae for DISASTER.  
Beyond the Heart disease issues (the number one killer of men) -There is an increase in Colon cancer and Prostrate cancer and Dementia.  Even more concerning is if the weight is in the belly-measure your waist - if >45 you have a 75% risk in your life time you will have a stroke or Heart attack - 

MY COMMENT: Things to consider if you are in this situation

  1. Controlled Diet - on your own you can do the "CAVE MAN" approach - fruits - veggie - organic meat -OR a longstanding successful program like Medifast -
  2. Consider A METABOLIC DETOX program like METAGENICS 10 DAYS and it will rapidly decrease your insulin and blood sugar - follow with controlled medical diet.
  3. Start walking 10,000 steps daily - (get a pedometer to count your steps)
  4. Replace those hormones -Testosterone - DHEA - Pregnenolone - Thyroid - 

Thursday June 23, 2011

Men - Prostrate Cancer is not increased when men take Testosterone Replacement.  In fact, many reviews have shown that men who have low testosterone have an increased risk of prostrate cancer.  In looking at men who HAVE prostrate cancer - we see consistently these men will have low testosterone levels. 

MY CO MMENT: You don't need your Doctor to order the blood test if you want to check your levels.  You can pay and have a blood test done yourself.  Companies like Life Extension have contracts with labs in your area and you pay for the test- about 70 dollars or less --- order a FREE AND TOTAL TESTOSTERONE LEVEL.  If your FREE TESTOSTERONE  is not Greater then 20pg/ml - find a Doctor to do the replacement.  Younger Men may be able to Have "HCG" - Human Chorionic Gonadatropin- (like they use for weight loss and Infertility) to increase their testosterone levels.  Though, many men will need direct testosterone. 

Wednesday June 22, 2011

Men - Testosterone plays a critical role in the Cholesterol pathway!  Testosterone enables HDL to help in REMOVING build up of Cholesterol from your arteries. HDL is highly protective against atherosclerosis. Atherosclerosis leads to HEART ATTACKS!


MY COMMENT: You don't need your Doctor to order the blood test if you want to check your levels.  You can pay and have a blood test done yourself.  Companies like Life Extension have contracts with labs in your area and you pay for the test- about 70 dollars or less --- order a FREE AND TOTAL TESTOSTERONE LEVEL.  If your FREE TESTOSTERONE  is not Greater then 20pg/ml - find a Doctor to do the replacement.  Younger Men may be able to Have "HCG" - Human Chorionic Gonadatropin- (like they use for weight loss and Infertility) to increase their testosterone levels.  Though, many men will need direct testosterone. 

Tuesday June 21, 2011


As testosterone levels decline in Men - their risk of dying increases!

What happens with low testosterone?

  • Muscle wasting
  • HEART disease
  • Chronic Inflammatory diseases 
  • Neurodegenerative disorders 
  • Increase risk of prostrate cancer
  • Depression 
  • Reduced sexual desire 
  • Loss of a sense of well being 

My comment -- What level do you want - DEPENDING ON LAB -  But for most lab it would be 20-25pg/ml - This is the FREE TESTOSTERONE LEVELS - Remember - the lab reports the "age average" and will state "NORMAL" even if you are less then "10" depending on your age.  This is NOT normal, just the average of a man in that age. 

Monday June 20, 2011


A group of men suffering from "Chronic Heart Failure" a comparison of these men's blood levels-

  • HIGH levels of DHEA -TESTOSTERONE -and Human Growth Hormone gave 3 year survival at 83% 
  • LOW levels of DHEA - TESTOSTERONE -and Human Growth Hormone gave 27% survival!!!!! 

My comment -- No profit to the Pharmaceutical companies if "Highly expensive Heart Drugs" are not being needed; if too many American Men use natural Hormone REPLACEMENT it could be a finacial disaster for that divison of DRUGS!! -- EVERY CARDIOLOGIST in this country should be an EXPERT on replacement of Hormones, especially for the Men !!!  We went to MEDICAL SCHOOL to learn how to save lives, not put profit in the banks of the PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES. 

Friday June 17, 2011

REPORTS ON DHEA from Germany - Life Extension published this month a German REPORT that DHEA is free of major side effects and it may improve survival rates in situations of Trauma resulting in Hemorrhage and Inflammation. 

My comment -- If you want the best chance of Aging WELL. Insist on getting your hormone levels--

MEN - DHEA Sulfate - Pregnenolone - Free and Total Testosterone and Thyroid (TSH - FREE T3 - FREE T4)

Women - Estradiol -Progesterone - Testosterone Free and Total - Thyroid (TSH - FREE T3 -FREE T4) -DHEA Sulfate and Pregnenolone - 

Find a Doctor to replace these hormones to the levels of a 25 year old and not let the hormones remain at your age average -which is reported by the lab.  

Thursday June 16, 2011

Another ridiculous waste of Governmental energy.  The state of CALIFORNIA has insisted on "warning" labels with DHEA AND PREGNENOLONE.  If you review the "MEDICAL LITERATURE" we have OVER 300 reports from just last year about DHEA and the mulititude of health benefits.  It seems the thoughts of allowing this country to "age" with disease will benefit only ONE group -Pharmaceutical companies.  DHEA is cheap and best compounded.  Yes, you should have a blood test - DHEA Sulfate AND a test for Pregnenolone.  THEY ARE THE PARENT HORMONES.  These two hormones help to produce the rest of the hormones that our body NEEDS.  To tell you how ignorant this California label requirerment is - They are making a warning about caution with heart disease.  DHEA is known to DECREASE cardiovascular risk factors by imporving vascular remodeling.  The NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE QUOTES, "High levels of DHEA decrease mortality from heart disease.  The higher the DHEA, the better the protection against mortality from any cause."-- REPORTED IN 1986!! 

My comment -- I have seen patients who have been on BIO-IDENTICAL hormone regimes for many years and a physician will convince them to STOP.  After very few months the patient will be in the progressive aging process.  Tired - Aching - Sleep issues - Decrease Motivation - Decrease libido - etc. Is this what the medical community wants??

It seems there is no common sense. Our job as physicians is to make patients well - We need to look at how the body works during our 20's.  The body NEEDS hormones! -- The hormones should be BIO-IDENTICAL and blood levels like a 20 year old.
Wednesday June 15, 2011

C-rx protein is a marker of Inflammation.  This marker indicates that the brain could be "on Fire" - Patients who are elevated with C-rx protein will have smaller TEMPORAL lobes and decreased verbal recall.  What is a significant item that puts the "brain on Fire" ??--- DIABETES.  High Insulin freely crosses the Blood brain barrier.  Insulin is like setting a match to start a Fire.  

So if you are overweight and or obese -- Just think about protecting your brain by getting this weight OFF!!!!!! 

My comment -- If you have hypertension - elevated blood sugar - Obesity, get your C RX PROTEIN - if elevated you must get it down or risk DEMENTIA!!!!

Tuesday June 14, 2011

Low Coenzyme Q10 associated with Increased Breast Cancer risk. There was a study at University of Hawii, comparing women with Breast Cancer and women without Breast cancer. 

The conclusion: Women who had breast cancer had Coq 10 in the lowest 1/5 of blood values and those who had values in the upper 2/5 values of Coq 10 were protected.

MY COMMENT: Women with history of breast cancer - Shouldn't we ???? 

  2. Give Bio-identical Hormones that specifically increase P53-GENE THAT TRIGGERS KILLING CANCER - (progesterone and testosterone)
  3. Make sure they have a BMI 25 OR LESS - SINCE OBESITY is an independant risk fact.
Monday June 13, 2011


This months article in Life Extension States some shocking data:

"65% OF AMERICANS are NOW overweight or obese."  This costs our nation 93 billion per year in annual medical bills.  Even more shocking is the prediction that "9" years from now 1/2 of all AMERICANS will be "pre-diabetic" or full blown "type 2 diabetics"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do we need to worry about our country being attacked from outside - we are doing a good job at dieing from our own LIFE-STYLES.  Just think if we eliminated this problem and stopped paying the pharmaceutical companies BILLIONS of dollars - we might have our national debt paid pretty quickly.    

MY COMMENT: What do I say - EVERYONE is responsible for their own knowledge and health.  Our medical community is sold in the disease model - DRUGS - DRUGS - DRUGS.  How do you get healthy and keep yourself from being in the group above. 

  1. If you are overweight (>15lbs) or obese - THEN GO ON A CONTROLLED MEDICAL DIET - I personally have used the MEDIFAST PROGRAM and seen patients lose more then 100 lbs -
  2. GET MOVING -- start walking - 10,000 steps per day -3mile day
  3. if you cann't walk - walk in water - this will allow anyone to exercise, even those in a wheelchair. 
  5. Find a Physician competent to correct your hormones, if you are in your 50's - and up.  Correct optimal hormones allow your body to function like you did in your 20's. 

June 10, 2011

Remember that all we take in vitamins and oral routes that are swallowed must be digested and adsorbed from our guts.  Keep in mind if you have had Bariatic Surgery or other procedure that affect gut absorption -- your risk of vitamin depletion is GREAT. 

Some of the most common deficiencies will be Vitamin D - Zinc, CoQ10, vitamin C, E and glutathione. 

These are also common deficiencies in the senior population.  Often due to Pharmaceutical drug issues.  Most patients will benefit in doing 4000-5000iu of D3 - 20mg of ZINC - at least 100mg of COQ10 - 2000mg of Vitamin C, 400iu of E and 200mg of N-ACETYLCYSTEINE (the precursor of Glutathione).

MY COMMENT: I give patients a core of recommended vitamins that are to protect your brain - heart - gut - bones - We cann't live without BRAIN - HEART - GUT and BONES.

  • Proper levels of B-complex - Multidose vitamin to cover folic acid etc.
  • Calcium + Magnesium + Mineral + D3
  • Probiotics
  • Fish oil - 1000mg EPA/DHA

There are others that may be needed by individual patients but anyone 40 and older will benefit in doing a core of good quality vitamins and minerals ---

Thursday June 9, 2011

At a recent medical conference a question was asked to the speaker DOES EVERYONE NEED VITAMINS??

ANSWER: If you eat locally growth vegetables that are growth in nutrient rich soil, lean meats that are free from pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics, and hormones, if you are STRESS FREE and BREATH AIR that is not polluted and DRINK WATER that is totally chemically free then you probably DON'T need vitamins and minerals. 



 MY COMMENT: I give patients a core of recommended vitamins that are to protect your brain - heart - gut - bones - We cann't live without those items

  • Proper levels of B-complex - Multidose vitamin to cover folic acid etc.
  • Calcium + Magnesium + Mineral + D3
  • Probiotics
  • Fish oil - 1000mg EPA/DHA
There are others that may be needed by individual patients but anyone 40 and older will benefit in doing a core of good quality vitamins and minerals ---
Wednesday June 8, 2011

Growth Hormone helps: burn fat, increase muscle mass, increase bone density, improve immune system, increase energy and improve skin tone.

Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) is the preferred way to monitor growth homone levels.  IGF-1 is measured in the blood.

As your Growth Hormone declines your body loses the abitiy to repair cell damage, and that contributes to aging. 

The most difficult issue with GROWTH HORMONE is the cost - 300 - 1000 dollars per month . 

Keep in mind that Balanced Hormones - AND Aggressive Exercise AND proper sleep are ways of helping your body to inhibit the loss of GROWTH HORMONE production and IMPROVE your GROWTH HORMONE production. 

There is a product called SECRETROPIN RX - that is available for $150 per month that has been shown to help patients that have moderate reduction in GROWTH HORMONE .

Tuesday June 7, 2011

Another piece of data on DHEA

DHEA (Dehydroepiandrosterone) is a hormone produced in the adrenals and the brain.  As you age, your DHEA levels decline.

DHEA is banned from most professional sports --- Why??? it is linked to "improved" athletic performance.

In a 27 year study, men with higher DHEA Sulfate (above 200ug/dl) lived longer when compared to men with lower DHEA-Sulfate levels. 

DHEA HELPS -- reduce "inflammation", improve memory, improve lidido, increase energy and increase IGF-1 (growth hormone).


  • You need this monitored for side effects
  • Your blood will tell how much you need 
  • *You need a purified form of the DHEA that is ususally best obtained from the Compounding Pharmacies.

My Comment: Men are easy to do DHEA replacement - BASED ON BLOOD - AND DOSE ON WEIGHT.

Monday June 6, 2011

Chronic Inflammation leads to chronic diseases and chronic tiredness. 

Ways to Reduce Chronic Inflammation is to balance your hormones ( with BIO-IDENTICAL Hormones). Chronic inflammation accelerates the aging process and is the path of chronic disease. 

Blood testing for measuring inflammation include: C-reactive protein - Erythrocyte dedimentation rate, Homocysteine Levels. 


  • As I mentioned - Address your GUT as a source of trouble
  • Proper supplements such as Omega 3 - (EPA) Eicosapentaenoic acid
  • Vitamin D - get your blood to 60-80ng/ml
  • Think about each perscription drug you are taking and are there nutritional deficiencies associated with that drug example - All the statin (lipitor - crestor etc) eliminate COQ10 and within weeks of starting these drugs you have severe COQ10 depletion. 

My Comment: The longer I am in Medicine the more I am aware of the potencial for harm in what we do if the entire picture is not looked at in regard to nutrition and needed supplements.  Our bodies have a perfect balance that will make us function well.  Keep in Mind things like Diabetes and the use of Insulin - Yes a Diabetic may need to be placed on insulin, but it should never be the final plan.  It is important the help this patient to realize that diet - weight and optimal exercise will save their life -- Not insulin by itself.  We know that insulin is freely crossing the blood-brain barrier and places the

BRAIN ON FIRE:  whether we give it or the patient is overproducing to keep the blood sugar down.  The goal should always be to place this body in a balanced state.


Friday June 3, 2011

Leaky Gut - this is a state where delayed food sensitivity is the cause of increased intestinal hyperpermeability.  This condition occurs when the cells of your intestinal lining (microvilli) become damaged by the foods you should be avoiding.  The food you are sensitive to when eaten will not digest appropriately and the intestinal cells allow toxins and bacteria to pass through you intestinal lining out to your bloodstream.  

What can happen - this process has been associated with Inflammatory Bowl disease, Asthma, Gas, bloating, chronic inflammation and many more complaints; that for many patients have not been explained by the medical community.

MY COMMENT:  Adopting a diet high in fiber and avoiding the refined sugars, while adding more organic vegetables, are important in getting rid of "LEAKY GUT".  Adding Digestive enzymes and proper probiotics are ways of healing the gut.

Thursday June 2, 2011

GREEN TEA - good for us all - There was an investigation that found a 47% decreased risk of breast cancer in women who drank at least 3 cups per day of green tea, compared to those who did not consume any green tea.

MY COMMENT:  Anything that a women can do to reduce her risk for BREAST CANCER is worth doing.

Wednesday June 1, 2011

Fish oil has been a recommended protection against Cardiovascular Disease.  Researchers in France have now looked at data showing FISH OIL also protects against BREAST CANCER.

MY COMMENT:  To get the full protection you need look at the FISH OIL you are taking - Add the EPA + DHA levels and see if they equal 1000mg. 

If they don't then get a better FISH OIL.  The FISH OIL you take should not "stink" like rotten fish and you should not "burp" up fish taste.  I recommend putting the FISH OIL in the refrigerator or freezer to keep it fresh and reduce any problems of "burping" fish taste.  Also it has been shown that Taking higher amounts then 1000mg daily is helpful in reducing your BLOOD PRESSURE.

Tuesday May 31, 2011


They account for 7 million office visits and 1 million emergency room visits and 100,000 hospitalizations-

One third of all women will have a Urinary tract infection by 24 and once you have one your chances of getting another Urinary infection is 20%.  

In 2009 a group of researchers compared antibiotics head-to-head with daily supplements of cranberry extract in women suffering from recurrent infection. Cranberry 500mg and Antibiotics 100mg were almost equal.  Cranberry must be taken daily to prevent Urinary Tract Infection.  

MY COMMENT:  Women in Europe who were menopausal --- 1200 WOMEN - with Recurrent Urinary Tract Infection were treated (1/2 the group) With ESTRIOL VAGINAL CREAM and the other half with VAGINAL CREAM ALONE ---  After 8 months of daily treatment there was a 1000% reduction in Infections ----------

Monday May 30, 2011

Please note that for any Patients who don't have insurance LIFE EXTENSION HAS A SPECIAL FOR HORMONE EVALUATION FOR MEN AND WOMEN THAT IS 199 --- CALL LIFE EXTENSION - 1-800-208-3444 -- THIS IS AVAILABLE TILL JUNE 6TH -----


Friday May 27, 2011

According to the NAMS statement in 2007, women who are considering the pros and cons of Hormone Replacment therapy should be made aware of its link to a decreased risk of diabetes, especially if they're susceptible. This recommendation came from review of three studies - Two reviews of the Womens Health Initiative Study and One analysis of the HERS study.  After 5 years the number of diabetic -prone women was 1/3 less.  Why?? It was due to the improved insulin resistance and glucose levels.  Remember diabetes results in premature aging of your body, increase risk of heart disease, stroke, dementia, and most cancers are increased up to FOURFOLD!  

MY COMMENT:  Occasionally I will have women say they gain weight with Hormone replacement therapy -- This is not consistent with scientific research.  This is more likely due to Diet and exercise issues.  Hormones are one aspect to improving your health.  You must do exercise daily and eat 5-6 low-fat meals daily. --

Thursday May 26, 2011

Elderly women who fracture their hips have a worse prognosis than women at that age who get Breast cancer.  Although breast cancer is a horrific disease, statistics tell us it is about 95% cured when diagnosed early.  Women who are on Hormone Replacment Therapy and accquire breast cancer usually have a less-invasive type that is more readily treatable. 

MY COMMENT: Treating women with Bio-identical Hormones--- It is important that women understand all the issues facing them ------ Doing "nothing" will not save your life.  Death and disability are looming!!   Unfortunately, diet and exercise are not enough.  Seeing women who come in with great weights and great exercise programs but still dealing with Osteoporosis and other problems of aging; as a Doctor we are faced with needing to offer solutions.  The best solution is prevention - THAT IS WHAT HORMONES DO.  Prevention of Disease by:  Diet - Exercise - Proper supplements and Bio-identical Hormones is your best options!!!! 

Wednesday May 25, 2011

Urine was collected from women in their reporductive years in areas of the world of high and low breast cancer risk.  Results were strikingly consistent  with the hypothesis that women who metabolize a high proportion of their estrogens to estriol are at low risk for breast cancer. 

Int. Journal Cancer 14:161-67,1974

MY COMMENT:  Balance is the KEY - Progesterone must be given to balance our estrogen.  Estrogen is not the culprit of Breast cancer it is the ISSUES OF estrogen without the Balance -- Estrogen can even convert to one of its forms that lower breast cancer.

Look at this study - data has been locked \.

Tuesday May 24, 2011

DHEA REPLACEMENT: When given correctly and in the right clinical setting is quite safe and beneficial.  Only take pharmaceutical grade or GMP-certified DHEA supplements.  In the United States, food supplements are not required to under go strict safety and third-party testing, so there are inherent problems with quality control.  In 1998 a JAMA study revealed the over the counter DHEA ranged from 0-150 percent from the amount stated on the label. Compounded DHEA is only 35 dollars for 100 capsules, not worth dealing with the unknown of most of the over the counter.  

MY COMMENT:  This is a cheap replacement when needed - Bio-identical hormone replacement is replacing all our hormones to that of premenopausal levels - This balance between the hormones is the IMPORTANT Item.  Doing one hormone and not the others is like playing one instrument in a band and not playing them all.  The music does not sound correct.

Monday May 23, 2011


  1. A neurosteriod that positively affects learning and memory.
  2. Initiates memory stroage process through stimulating adenylate cyclase inneurons. It probably regulates processing and encoding through calcium pump (ion exchange) in the neuronal membrane.
  3. Depletes with age and consequently exhibits less optimal synchronization for mental functioning.
  4. Probably increases DHEA Levels
  5. Acts as a GABA agonist in low doses and used in generalized anxiety disorder treatments. (like natural valium)
  6. Many believe it helps restore memory, cognition, and emotional "balance".

MY COMMENT:  This is a cheap replacement when needed - if taking DHEA - it can be compounded together with the DHEA --------- Bio-identical hormone replacement is replacing all our hormones to that of premenopausal levels - This balance between the hormones is the IMPORTANT Item.  Doing one hormone and not the others is like playing one instrument in a band and not playing them all.  The music does not sound correct.

Friday May 20, 2011

If a women is taking Estrogen and her levels are adequate - 60-100pg/ml and still having hot flashes - Think of testosterone and progesterone. 

If testosterone is deficient then a women may continue with hot flashes. Putting the Testosterone Blood total at the 50% plus mark can relieve hot flashes. Beyond the hot flashes is an increase in Libido - Energy - Improves body composition (lose fat mass)  and helps in Bone health.  

MY COMMENT:  Bio-identical hormone replacement is replacing all our hormones to that of premenopausal levels - This balance between the hormones is the IMPORTANT Item.  Doing one hormone and not the others is like playing one instrument in a band and not playing them all.  The music does not sound correct.

Thursday May 19, 2011

What about TOXINS???

There are certainly alot of items we can discuss -


BPA's -- Bisphenol A -This is in plastic - Many foods - mouth guards and baby bottles.  This chemical is associated with Cardiovascular disease and liver disease, as well as diabetes.

In 1998 FDA issues a draft report telling us not to worry.  Other countries such as Canada are considering a ban on BPA's - - Avoid this by Not using or reusing plastic containers. Don't leave plastic bottles or containers in your car the heat will add to this - Thermos with stainless steel are the best.  NEVER USE PLASTIC IN THE MICROWAVE!

MY COMMENT:  Do your homework and clean up your exposure.  Shop the periperal area of the grocery store.  (FRUITS - MEATS - BAKERY) and don't buy cans or boxes (found in the center).  Drink water - eliminate soda and juice.

Wednesday May 18, 2011

Life extension this month released a report from Sinapore --studies that VITAMIN E slashed levels of TRIGLYCERIDES by 28%. In the Sinapore study 40% of Adults over age 60 suffer from metabolic syndrome.  Triglycerides are dangerous - Triglycerides contribute to the three-fold elevation of cardiovascular disease risk with patients who have metabolic syndrome.

MY COMMENT:  Vitamin E includes the family of isomers know as the tocopherols and tocotrienols.  The absorption of E can vary widely.  Patients with Bariatic surgery and low levels of gastritis (common with aging) have Vitamin E absorption problems.  Taking a dose of 400-800units daily will probably benefit a number of patients who have the issues with Triglycerides.

Tuesday May 17, 2011

Coffee may not be so bad in moderation:

Life Extension reported a study from a journal called " STROKE "

>34,000 women were looked at and they were followed for 10 years.  The researchers found up to 25% reduction in stroke in women who drank at least one cup of coffee daily.

MY COMMENT:One of the most loved beverages in the world is showing some health benefits.  I wish we could find this for Soda or Pop -- Unfortunately ALL that we study on soda or pop is BAD!!

Monday May 16, 2011

The FDA - Don't assume you have protection!!!

  1. In 1993 the FDA approved a drug called TRASYLOL
    This drug by Bayer made in 2005 300million dollars - It was not till 2008 with a flurry of lawsuits that this deadly drug was removed

    TO THE TUNE OF PROBABLY 22,000 Lives.
  2. The power of the Pharmaceutical companies again came forth when in 2005 Pfizer, the world's biggest pharmaceutical company removed Bextra from the market - This happened after the company had made 1.7 billion and much from promoting the use of this drug in areas it was not approved for. 

Remember this company ranks in revenue annually of 50 billion!!

MY COMMENT: So who is to blame - THE FDA ? THE DRUG COMPANIES ? Well, maybe we as Doctors need to look at ourselves - --- We need to stop managing disease, but look at ways to create WELLNESS. 

Friday May 13, 2011


DHEA -S levels fall with aging, and DHEA is beneficial in lowering chronic inflammation, improving bone density, reducing anxiety, improving bone density, reducing anxiety, and improving well-being.  Side effects of DHEA may include acne in some women.  There has been no association found between DHEA levels and the risk of prostate cancer.  Hormonal balance is best "balancing" all the hormones -- thyroid, progesterone, testosterone, estrogen, melatonin and DHEA. 

MY COMMENT: DHEA LAB should be DHEA Sulfate. When replacing DHEA, monitoring blood levels guide us to the perfect optimal numbers.  DHEA helps your memory and when you add it to Pregnenolone (if low) compounded together it will improve the aging BRAIN.  

Thursday May 12, 2011


Aspartame is found in multiple foods - gum - even "lite" ACTIVA yogurt.  This is a direct "neuro"Toxin...... ! Yet APPROVED by the FDA.  Aspartame has been linked to brain tumors, seizures, depression, headaches and neurotoxicity.  Aspartame is composed of ten percent methanol, and methanol breaks down into deadly chemicals that the body has a hard time getting rid of --- the most damaging of which are formaldehyde, formic acid and diketopiperazine (a known carcinogen).  Consider this -- If you take 4 onzes of 100% methanol, it will kill you!!!!   

MY COMMENT: When I hear of young patients getting pancreatic cancer - and other deadly cancer ---- you have to wonder -- HOW much poison did they get from our AMERICAN DIET!!!  I have had patients who are drinking 6-8 diet coke daily.  Small amounts of Aspartame poison every day. 

Wednesday May 11, 2011

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is one of today's most popular hormones because it has been shown to reduce cancer and heart disease.  Also, low vitamin D has been associated with an increase in autoimmune diseases like type 1 Diabetes, systemic lupus erythematosus, arthrits and multiple sclerosis.  The role vitamin D plays in cancer is amazing.  A study by the National Cancer Institute found that a vitamin D level of 80nmol/L or higher is associated with a 72% risk reduction. 

MY COMMENT: Seeing patients, even here in the Sunny State of Florida, - Rarely do I see anyone who is optimal in Vitamin D.  The best blood levels are 60-80nmol/L.  This level usually will require taking up to 5000iu of D3.  The normal blood levels reported in most labs will be 30-100ng/mL  ---- 20ng/mL is not an optimal level.

Tuesday May 10, 2011

Your MOST basic nutritional need is "water".  Ensuring that your body's hydration mechanisms are operating with peak efficiency is very important.  A major reason for poor hydration as we age is the gradual decline of thirst mechanism in the brain.  Taking enough fluid in daily will influence your:

  • Energy, stamina and vitality
  • Body Weight
  • General Health
  • Ability to cope with stress
  • Aging process
  • Mental Clarity
  • Digestion
  • Skin Texture

MY COMMENT: Fluid intake needs to be 1/2 your body weight (minimum intake of 70oz of fluid daily). 

Monday May 9, 2011

Bowl movements 1-2 times per day are healthy. This helps your body clear toxins out of the body.  The metabolic waste and toxins in the gut accumulate in the stool and can ferment and produce toxic byproducts.  These byproducts, toxins or steroid hormones can then reenter the bloodstream and overload the body, thus causing tiredness, illness and even cancer.  Increase your fiber, vegetable intake, and daily Magnesium (600-800mg daily). Considering a Metabolic Detox program is also an added benefit.  

MY COMMENT: Having Bowl movements every couple days is not healthy.  Once Thyroid is optimal, and diet is correct, Magnesium is adequate,  Fluid intake 1/2 your body weight (minimum intake of 70oz of fluid daily) then you should have daily bowl movements. 

Friday May 6, 2011

T3 from the thyroid is 10 times more potent then T4 - IF the envirorment is not "right" for the thyroid then you won't convert to T3 from the T4.  Factors that effect conversion are Liver disease, renal disease, systemic illness, high cortisol, zinc deficiency, high glucose, selenium deficiency, amiodarone, beta-blockers and steroids.

Results --- If T3 is not at a blood level of 3.5- to 4.2 you will see changes in over 200 things going on with your body.


MY COMMENT: Doctors need to measure  --- TSH -- FREE T3 --- FREE T4 -- having this core of blood testing you can make a pretty good judgement on the status of the THYROID!!!!

Thursday May 5, 2011

Edwin Lee M.D. an Endocrinologist who does an Integrated Approach to treating his patients states:

Low T3 (from the thyroid) is a strong predictor of health in cardiac patients and might be directly implicated in poor prognoses for cardiac patients .  In a 2008 study, intravenous T3 treatments showed no side effects with arrhythmia, and have helped patients with heart failure by improving cardiac function and lowering their heart rate.

MY COMMENT: You need an adequate T3 level to have your body work the best!! Doctors need to measure  --- TSH -- FREE T3 --- FREE T4 -- having this core of blood testing you can make a pretty good judgement on the status of the THYROID!!!

Wednesday May 4, 2011

Diets that are high in protein and low in carbohydrates are going to yield to weight loss. Diets that are high in carbohydrates and lower in protein yield to weight gain.  That is looking at same CALORIC intake with both.  Why is this???

The second type of diet - High CARBOHYDRATE gives negative nitrogen balance -- Meaning you are breaking down your muscles to provide energy for your body.  These high "carb" diets result in excess insulin production and elevated fasting insulin levels -- the root cause of heart disease and the obesity epidemic. 


Eat like the "CAVE MAN" -- protein - fruits and vegtables.

Get rid of those box foods - Processed foods - Eat your best organic items and make your shopping easy -- You will enter the store - and shop the outside of the store --- FRUITS - VEGTABLES - MEAT - DELI - ---- Skip the center isles. 

Tuesday May 3, 2011

What are the essential elements of Healthy Living???

  1. Water - You need a minimun of 65-70oz per day - this does not count any other fluid - ex: coffee
  2. Nutrients - There are a core of essential nutrients that is next to impossible to get in the AMERICAN DIET
  • * Fish oil
  • * Multidose vitamin
  • * B-complex - (unless in your multidose)
  • * Antioxidants -
  • * Calcium + D3 (blood level at 60-80) + Magnesium + Minerals
  • * B12 (blood level optimal > 1000
  • * Probiotics
  1. Exercise - daily and weight training -3 times weekly
  2. Sleep - the number one vitamin
  3. Laughter - Spirtuality - Inner Peace -

MY COMMENT: Just finished the ------- "AGE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE  These FIVE items were mentioned by Derrick M. DeSiva M.D. Who has written "Ask the Doctor" -- Another Physician who is aggressively working to see changes in the American Medical System of "DISEASE" vs "Wellness" MODEL.  He has formulated over 100 different natural products and is Chair of the AAMG conference committe  

Monday May 2, 2011

From - "The Life Plan" by Jeffry S. Life MD. Phd

New book release this week worth looking at - At 73 - Dr. Life has the body of a 25 year old and give a wealth of information on Exercise - Food and Hormones for MEN.

In this book Dr. Life reviews from  The Archives of physical Medicine and Rehabilitation ,  A study that "After following a 10 week intensive back-strenthening regime, 57 of the 60 patients no longer required surgery and were virtually pain free.  There are well over 100 studies that have shown that cardiovascular and strenth-training exercises can alleviate chronic back pain by strenghtening and increaseing the flexibility of back muscles. 

MY COMMENT: Just finished the ------- "AGE MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE ", and received the new release of this book - one I would recommend to my Male patients.  Dr. Life is an example of what all Men would like to be in their 70's.

Friday April 29, 2011

In a study by BREAST CANCER RESEARCH TREATMENT 2007 - (conducted in FRANCE) - All progestins=PROVERA were associated with a significant increase in breast cancer whereas progesterone was neutral.  This study was conducted with 100,000 women. 

MY COMMENT: Patients and Physicians should feel confidence about HORMONE REPLACEMENT THERAPY.  This is a large powerful study. 

Studies and easy to read information on "Bio-Identical" hormones are presented in DR. NEAL ROUZIER'S BOOK - listed below -------
Recommend: Natural Hormone Replacement by Neal Rouzier, M.D. order via Medquest Pharmacy: 1-888-222-2956

Do you have more than 15 pounds to Lose? --------

"FREE"ONE HOUR - from 4-5pm every Friday “TAKE SHAPE FOR LIFE"- Medifast Program email me if you want to attend liveyoungerlongerwithdrpeters@yahoo.com

Thursday April 28, 2011

"Progesterone Inhibits Human Breast cancer cell growth through transitional up-regulation of kinase inhibitor gene."

FEBS LETT 2005 OCT. 24:579(25)5535-41.

MY COMMENT: What does this mean -- It means if you want to help KILL breast cancer and prevent breast cancer take NATURAL BIO-IDENTICAL PROGESTERONE.  Can you believe, I have heard  "ONCOLOGY" calling bio-identical Progesterone the SAME as the Cancer causer PROVERA .  The medical community needs to wake up and see the major differences in these hormones.  One kills cancer and the other causes cancer.  Where is the FDA in this picture -- continuing to allow a cancer causing drug for women to still be on the market!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday April 27, 2011

"Hormone Replacement Therapy after treatment of breast cancer has not been demonstrated to increase risk of recurrence or mortality."

Journal of Obstet Gyncol 2004 Jan: 23 (1): 49-60. "ESTROGEN replacement therapy in breast cancer survivors results in increased survival and improved quality of life. Hormone Replacement Therapy was NOT associated with any cancer recurrence." Menopause 2003 July-Aug: 10(4): 269-270.

MY COMMENT: All women need Bio-identical Hormone REPLACEMENT -- even those with History of BREAST CANCER!!!

Tuesday April 28, 2011

Should you take Melatonin --?????

Patients were successfully weaned from Valium with the sleep regulating hormone melatonin.  Melatonin was not associaated with adverse effects or tolerance.

Archives of Internal Medicine 1999 Nov. 159: 2456-2460 "Night time administration of melatonin relieves migraine headaches." Neurology 2004 August 246-250.

MY COMMENT: Melatonin is best compounded and sustained release.  Dose is dependent on sleep pattern.  Most women will need between .5mg to 10mg and Men 10mg to 25mg. 


April 25, 2011

Should you take Melatonin --?????

We do progressively lose Melatonin production as we age, there are no toxic effects in using this hormone.  More then 10 years ago the NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE published extensive review of melatonin.  It was reported that Melatonin  has the potential for treating and preventing cancer, it has immuno-enhancing properties, it is an antioxidant, and it has the power to induce better sleep and treat jet lag. Side effects have been few - occasionally someone could have headaches or grogginess with higher doses.  Dose is based on sleep parameters.

MY COMMENT: Melatonin is best compounded and sustained release.  Dose is dependent on sleep pattern.  Most women will need between .5mg to 10mg and Men 10mg to 25mg.

Friday April 22, 2011

What about Thyroid ----------------------

The medical community continues to support another set of drugs that do NOT do the job - SYNTHROID AND LEVOTHYROID

Why is that???? They are only T4 -

"Patients that took a combination of T4 and T3 experienced better mood energy, concentration and memory and improved well-being. Patients on just T4 EXPERIENCED NO CHANGE."


MY COMMENT: How can DOCTORS not recommend a treatment that has so much good??  The New England Journal  is considered one of our most prestigious Journals.  Yet, the medical community continues to listen to the pharmaceutical companies.  Is is any wonder that patients do not trust what they are told.  Synthroid and Levothyroid are the controlling drugs for HYPOTHYROIDISM, yet they do not do the job and this is coming from a REVIEW done more then 10 years ago!!!!

Thursday April 21, 2011

"Hormonal replacement therapy in postmenopausal women and testosterone replacement in men reduce the degree of central obesity."

OBESITY REVIEW 2004 NOV 5 (4): 197-216

"Testosterone protects against Alzheimer's dementia, Type 11 diabetes, obesity, depression, osteoporosis,  muscle wasting, cognitive  decline, losss of libido, erectile dysfunction, and cardiovascular disease. 

New England Journal of Medicine 2004: 350:482-92

MY COMMENT: How can DOCTORS not recommend a treatment that has so much good??

Wednesday April 20, 2011

"Administration of testosterone to women eliminates hot flashes, lethargy, depression, incontinence, fibrocystic disease, migraine headaches and poor libido.  Testosterone also improves well-being, sexual desire, frequency and intensity of orgasm."


MY COMMENT: The statements from these articles speak for themselves -

What menopausal women would not want these benefits?? And what partners of menopausal women would not want to have these advantages!!!!!

Tuesday April 19, 2011

Estrogen and progesterone are neuro-protective against cerebral damage.  These beneficial effects were blocked by MPA (medroxyprogesterone = provera)."

National Academy Science US:2003 Sept. 2:100(8):10506-11. (Progesterone protects; Provera causes damage.)

MY COMMENT: The statements from these articles speak for themselves - Doctors should not be saying progestins are progesterone and EVERY MENOPAUSAL WOMEN NEEDS PROGESTERONE

Monday April 18, 2011

"Progesterone inhibits human breast cancer cell growth through transitional up-regulation of kinase inhibitor gene."

FEBLETT 2005 Oct, 24; 579(25)5535-41

"There is growing evidence that progesterone exerts an affect on human breast tissue similar to its effect in the endometrium (protecting against cancer)."

Female Patient: Dec. 2001:3-10.

"Progestin, (Provera) dramatically increases risk of breast cancer 8 times."

JAMA 2000:203: 485-91.

MY COMMENT: The statements from these articles speak for themselves - Doctors should not be saying progestins are progesterone and EVERY MENOPAUSAL WOMEN NEEDS PROGESTERONE

Friday April 15, 2011

"Testosterone protects against Alzheimer's Dementia, Type 2 Diabetes Obesity, Depression, Osteoporosis, Muscle wasting, cognitive decline, loss of libido, erectile dysfunction and cardiovascular disease.  The prevalence of prostrate cancer in men with low testosterone levels is substantial in comparison with high testosterone levels.  Lower testosterone levels increase risk of prostate cancer and cancer severity....."



The statements from this article speak for themselves --- MEN AND WOMEN need to have optimal testosterone levels through-out all of our lives!!!!!!!

Thursday April 14, 2011

"Higher Testosterone levels increase cognition and memory."

Neurology March 2005  

"Testosterone decrease cholesterol and raises HDL."

Atherosclerosis March 1996

My comment:  Can any drug for memory do better then our own protective HORMONES--- Absolutely NOT!!!

EVERY Cardiologist and EVERY Neurologist should be an EXPERT on Testosterone replacement!!!!!
Wednesday April 13, 2011


"Testosterone improves sexual function, bone density, mood, energy, and well-being.  Testosterone increases sexual gratification, desire, arousal, libido, and frequency.  Quality of life is adversely affected with low testosterone."



This data was presented 7 years ago.

So when I hear patients tell me their other Doctors tell them there are no studies to support women getting FULL BIO-IDENTICAL HORMONE REPLACEMENT -- I say,  "are Doctors reading our own journal articles on the topic?"  It does not appear to be that way.   This statement above applies to MEN also - after all for MEN testosterone is their main and greatest HORMONE!!!!  


Tuesday April 12, 2011


"LOW testosterone levels adversely affect women's health.  Testosterone improves women's energy and well-being.  Treatment should begin when a woman's testosterone drops below mid-range of normal.  Testosterone administration has many benefits and no risks.  This is cutting edge work."


MY COMMENT: This data was presented 7 years ago.

So when I hear patients tell me their other Doctors tell them there are no studies to support women getting FULL BIO-IDENTICAL HORMONE REPLACEMENT -- I say,  "are Doctors reading our own journal articles on the topic?"  It does not appear to be that way.  

Monday April 11, 2011


"Testosterone replacement in women significantly decreases carotid atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease."

American Journal of Epidemiology 2002

"Administration of testosterone to women eliminates hot flashes, lethargy, depression, incontinence, fibrocystic disease, migraine headaches, and poor libido.  Testosterone also improves well-being, sexual desire, frequency and intensity of orgasm."

Consultant August 1999

MY COMMENT: This data was presented 10 years ago --- Recently at the American Osteopathic Meeting in San Antonio a lecture was presented by a physician that showed European data on a Testosterone patch for women with excellant data.  Our "wonderful" FDA did not approve this patch for American women.  As a menopausal American Women, I would like to see "something" beneficial from the FDA for all women in menopause.  So far, I know nothing that they are doing for us to properly address menopause.  It seems the FDA's ONLY purpose is to serve the Pharmaceutical companies!!!!!! 

Friday April 8, 2011


"Low normal thyroid levels result in increased cholesterol, increased heart disease, fatigue, low energy, depression, and memory loss.  Thyroid replacement eliminates these risks.  No study has shown any harm or adverse effect of treatment."


My Comment: Optimal levels are beneficial for all hormones and thyroid is no different.  If you age and want good cholesterol - active mind - healthy skin - hair - nails you need an " OPTIMAL THYROID LEVEL. "

Thursday April 7, 2011


"Women with low-normal thyroid levels had a four fold increased heart disease.  This increased risk was equal to the risk of smoking and high cholesterol.  Low normal thyroid levels are a strong predictor for heart attacks"


MY COMMENT:   What a statement -- NON-OPTIMAL thyroid is EQUAL to smoking and high cholesterol!!!!!  Should there be any question that part of treating an aging patient-- thyroid is a critical part of the replacement package. This information was presented in the year 2000!!!!! 

Wednesday April 6, 2011


"Fibromyalgia is frequently seen in hypothyroidism.  There is now evidence to support that fibromyalgia may be due to thyroid hormone resistance (cellular hypo-function)."

Medical Hypotheses 2003 August

My COMMENT:  One of the more then 200 symptoms that are possible with non optimal Thyroid levels is muscle pain and aching. Every patient with " FIBROMYALGIA " needs "OPTIMAL" Thyroid levels.  The addition of a Pharmaceutical drug to blunt the chronic pain is not the answer.  To successfully treat patients who have fibromyalgia "Hormones" need to be balanced.

Tuesday April 5, 2011


TSH is a good test to diagnose hypothyroidism.  However TSH is a poor measure of symptoms of metabolic severity.  Therefore, it is the biological effects of thyroid hormone on the peripheral tissue, and not the TSH concentration, which reflects the clinical and metabolic effects."

British Medical Journal  -- February 2003

My COMMENT: What does this mean - Physicians that only measure TSH are not making a good assessment of a patients thyroid status.  When your Doctor runs a thyroid test - ask them if they ran a TSH.  If this is the only assessment then your thyroid has " NOT " been adequately assessed.  You need TSH - FREE T3 - FREE T4 and your decision on treatment is based on FREE T3  -- NOT the TSH.

Monday April 4, 2011


Combined T4 and T3 therapy resulted in improved symptoms, well-being and weight loss in comparison with straight T4 therapy.  A decrease in weight resulted from using higher T3 levels. 


My COMMENT:  The pharmaceutical companies continue to market to the medical community the use of SYNTHROID OR LEVOTHYROXINE.  These drugs are not BIO-IDENTICAL and they do NOT solve "classic hypothyroid" symptoms and they do not place women in a balance during menopause.  Not only are these drugs NOT the appropriate choice, the companies that produce them were fined billions of dollars due to falsification of the medical research studies.  Yet they are the main stay of therapy used by ENDOCINOLOGY.  If you have thyroid disease you need the exact chemistry to solve the thyroid problem, this is T4 AND T3 combined.   

Friday April 1, 2011

What about MEN and the research????

  1. "Higher testosterone levels increase cognition and memory" Neurology 2005
  2. "Testosterone decreases cholesterol and raises HDL." Atherosclerosis 1996 Mar:121(1):35-43

(can Lipitor help your brain and make sex better?? - Testosterone helps your heart - brain - libido. - Every cardiologist should be perscribing testosterone for their patients. Do you know of any that do that!!!)

My comment:  Our job as Doctors is to make patients feel good and improve their health - NOT just write disease treatment drugs. 

Give men TESTOSTERONE --- EVERY MAN -- who does not have optimal testosterone needs a treatment plan.  Younger men may response with DHEA - Pregnenolone and HCG - at a certain age you have to give a man DIRECT testosterone and the best route is by a twice daily cream. 
Thursday March 31, 2011

Estrogen and progesterone demonstrated no increaed risk of breast cancer.  Synthetic estrogen (premarin) and synthetic progestin (medroxyprogesterone = provera) all dramatically increased the risk of breast cancer.  This was a ten-year study of over 100,000 women, the largest and longest study to date comparing natural  to synthetic hormones. "  Breast Cancer Res Treat 2007: 101:125-134

My comment:  Where is the "wonderful" FDA in protecting us against these Synthetic hormones that are still being written on a daily basis???????????

Wednesday March 30, 2011

Many patients may report their other "Doctors" stating - "You should not take hormones" -- These Practioners give neither any studies or support for these statements because this is a blanket statement about the " WOMENS HEALTH INITIATIVE " study which was about the Horse estrogen Premarin and The NON- BIO-IDENTICAL  PROGESTIN - Provera.  This data DOES NOT cross to Bio-identical hormones and there is a Huge amount of Scientific Justification for Bio-Identical Hormones.  The following is a few examples:  

1. "Estrogen deficiency greatly increases mortality from cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis.  Over 90% of women will die from cardiovascular disease which estrogen can prevent."  Over 40 years of study have well documented the cardiovascular protective effects of estrogen"  -- FROM the Journal of Obstet Gynecol 1996 Jan:87(1): 6-12

(How can any Doctor ignore this!!!!!!!)

2. "The potential lethal consequesnces of osteoporosis are overwhelming. Estrogen is protective but only when certain serum levels are maintained."  FROM the Female Patient -2004

(Most doctors never measure or don't know who to interpret hormone levels.  Your hormone levels must be monitored and maintained to assure benefit.  -- If you take bio-identicals it is critical to maintain an optimal level to "do the job" - ideally estradiol at about 60 to100 )

My comment: I could write about many studies. If your DOCTOR tells you NOT to take HORMONES - make them give the study justifing this -- Studies are out there that give alot of support for Bio-identical Hormones.

Monday March 28, 2011

Reseach shows that adding some "High Intensity" training may release "GROWTH HORMONE" and allow your body to burn fat faster. 

CONSIDER: adding high intensity intervals of exercise to your routine workout. 

y comment :  I have seen patients increase their IGF-1 levels from 100 to 250 with aggressive exercise regimes and this cost nothing.  Human Growth Hormone is a wonderful replacement but expensive.  If your IGF-1 is at least 150 your could improve your status with SECRETROPIN RX as perscription supplement that cost 150 dollars per month.  EXERCISE cost nothing but your commitment and this will benefit a multitude of body system.

Friday March 25, 2011

In The "Journal of Clinical Lipidology" A study was presented on 794 men aged 50 to 91 years old.  Men with levles of Testosterone <241ng/dl were 40% more likely to die of "ANY" cause. 

What do we conclude from this??  Testosterone will save a man's life.  Men need to seek a physician that will measure and treat their Testosterone to achieve healthy levels of a 25 year old. 

What should men have drawn??

  • DHEA Sulfate
  • Pregnenolone

Replace each one to the upper quartile of the lab being used - That will place you in optimal ranges

Thursday March 24, 2011

Dr. Wright in his book "Stay Young and Sexy with Bio-identical Hormones" states The FDA has used all their statements on Hormones from the Womens Health Initiative study about "HORSE ESTROGEN - PREMARIN" and the artificial PROGESTIN - PROVERA to be the same for any hormone.  With this conclusion a womens hormones that she produces successfully till age 40 or so are now looked as if suddenly they become TOXIC. 

What's the FDA's evidence for this conclusion? Basically they have none - the only studies are on Horse estrogen and a progestin -provera.  There is absolutely no scientific basis to generalize these findings to bio-identical hormones.  

Wednesday March 23, 2011

Another "Win" for the Pharmaceutical Companies and "Loss" for American Women - I received a newspaper clip from the "Sun sentinel" with an article by Thomas H. Maugh = email tmaugh@tribune.com ---

In this article he is "praising" the benefit that a new progesterone shot (costing 1500 per shot) for pregnant women who need additional natural progesterone to prevent pregnancy prematurity.  He goes on to say that ALL compounded shots will not be able to be given to pregnant women because KV Pharmaceuticals will have 7 year exclusivity.  THE FDA JUST GAVE BILLIONS OF AMERICAN INSURANCE DOLLARS TO A PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANY!  

Compounded cheap injectable progesterone has been give to pregnant women for more then 20 years.  There has never been a problem and the cost is about 10-20 dollars per shot. 

FACTS - 500,000 US infants are born at less then 37 weeks of pregnancy and 1 IN 8 CHILDREN are at risk.  The MARCH OF DIMES estimates that about 10,000 of those premature births could be prevented if women receive PROGESTERONE INJECTIONS (the article states MAKENA- the pharmaceutical injection). 

MY COMMENT - The FDA should be disbanded IF this is their role - padding the pockets of the Pharmaceutical companies - This new drug is the biggest misuse of a Natural bio-identical hormone yet!!!

Tuesday March 22, 2011

At the recent meeting in San Antonio Texas the American Osteopathic College of Family Physicians held their annual meeting.  Presenting at this meeting was Urologist Ramon Perez, M.D., his lecture wonderfully stated the "Extreme" importance of Testosterone Replacement in Men.  The title was "TESTOSTERONE DEFICIENCY AS THE BASIS OF MULTIPLE MALE MALADIES".  This lecture explained how testosterone, or the lack of it, is a cause of bone loss, muscle strength, sexual dysfuction, decrease sense of well being (depression), and loss of energy  In individuals with Chronic disease including Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Testosterone has been shown to improve mood and energy, even in patients with normal testosterone levels.  This insightful lecture should encourage ALL physicians to be more proactive treating patients and not just treat disease states.

MY COMMENT:  Normal Testosterone levels are not necessarily optimal.   Men - have your testosterone checked and replace the testosterone back to the level of a healthy 25 year old.     

Monday March 21, 2011

Greater then 70% of women complain of Hair-loss.  There are several factors to consider

  • Genetics -- cann't control this
  • Estrogen - drop in estrogen level will create hair loss ex: Past pregnancy  & Menopause
  • Hormone Imbalances - Women who have dominance of Testosterone such as in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
  • Iron - check your Ferritin level and make sure you have enough Iron -- Ferritin should be 50 or greater
  • Thyroid - You could have "classic hypothyroidism"  - You could have Hyperthyroidism -- Or more commonly "non-optimal" Menopausal Lack of thyroid
  • Stress - any major stressers may give hair loss problems.  This may occur even after 3-4 months after the stressful event.
Friday March 18, 2011

Here is another outcome of the " Women's Health Initiative Study " -

Prempro (premarin & provera) and Premarin alone actually DOUBLED THE RISK of probable dementia, compared to placebo. 

Why did this happen?? Using MRI's of the brain it was shown that the 1,403 women who were being studied had significant increase in brain atrophy compared to placebo, especially in such crucial areas for cognition as the frontal lobes and hippocampus.  

How about our own natural hormones and Dementia.  A study from Mayo Clinic showed that women who had surgical Menopause (removal of ovaries) had an increase risk of Dementia.  The younger the women the greater the risk.  This risk was 46% higher in developing cognitive impairment or dementia having surgical menopause vs natural menopause.  

Thursday March 17, 2011

Here is another fact that emerged from the "Women's Health Initiative Study"--- 23,000 women had some form of Urinary Tract infection.  Remember this is one of the largest studies done on "hormones" - NOT BIO-IDENTICAL but horse estrogen - PREMARIN and the synthetic Progestin - PROVERA. After one year on treatment with Premarin and Provera,  the problem of Urinary Tract Infection had DOUBLED and those with leakage of urine had DOUBLED.  Bio-identical Hormones have been show to dramatically reduce URINARY INFECTIONS.  Another reason to never give and for patients to refuse to take "HORSE ESTROGEN" - Premarin or the Synthetic Progestin Provera.  

Wednesday March 16, 2011

About 10 to 15% of women over age 60 have frequent bouts of urinary tract infections.  Vaginal pH is highly acidic and this comes from estrogen.  The acidity of the vagina makes it more friendly to good bacteria " lactobacillus acidophilus ", (same bacteria in yogurt). After menopause, the acidity declines.  This makes the vagina more hospitable to unfriendly bacteria and yeasts.
Here is another study--
In Sweden, 41 elderly women (age 80-90) were given oral estriol  (3 mg daily).  These women were receiving antibiotics for severe stubborn urinary tract infections or vaginal infections.  After 4-5 weeks on Estriol (plus an antibiotic) all the women became infection-free.  The good bacteria Lactobacillus started to return spontaneously to the vagina's of 1/3 of the women. 
 The statements of Doctors there is no data on Bio-Identicals
NEW ENGLAND JOURNAL OF MEDICINE reported a "double-blind, placebo-controlled study" showing dramatic reduction in Urinary tract infection. 

MY COMMENT:  Why is this not available for American women from every doctor's office????  ANSWER--There is no pharmaceutical Estriol.  This is a cheap compounded cream from a compounding pharmacy and any Doctor can write for it.  Every women who has any vaginal atrophy should be offered this to help prevent Urinary tract infection and help in sexual-vaginal health.
Tuesday March 15, 2011

Often I hear from patients that their DOCTOR has said there are no studies about Bio-identical hormones - this is simply not true. 

Vaginal atrophy which causes vaginal dryness, making sexual intercourse painful and increasing the risk of infection is a major problem for menopausal women -- 75% of menopausal women suffer from this without Hormone replacement.  Replacement with Estriol and/or Estradiol can easily treat this.  This effect has been repeatedly confirmed by studies published mostly in European medical journals since the late 1970's.  Estriol is very safe and can be applied topically and "guess what", it is very cheap.  

MY COMMENT:  Could it be that a cheap fix is not wanted by the Pharmaceutical companies?????? Estriol Vaginal Cream compounded .5 mg per gram per cc - apply one cc vaginally daily until you are back to normal - A 100 gm tube will last about 6 months for < 60 dollars. 

Monday March 14, 2011

The Common Symptoms of Menopause----

  • Increase skin wrinkling
  • Hot Flashes
  • Night sweats 
  • Vaginal dryness, atrophy, and infection 
  • Poor libido (sex drive), unsatisfactory sex 
  • Sleeping difficulties 
  • Urinary Incontinence
  • Urinary tract Infection (urinary tract infection, bladder infection) 

I will review these items and the Bio-identical hormone answers this week in the health tips presented.  

MY COMMENT: With all these "lovely" items to look forward to; is it any wonder that American women are looking for better answers? Antidepressant, sleepers, antianxiety pills and pharmaceutical drugs are the medical community answers.  You have to applaud women's advocates like "Suzanne Somers" who have looked at different pathways to solve the miserable state of Menopause.  As a 56 year old women I can see no reason why any women should accept all the items listed above.  Without question, the data supports replacement of "your" bio-identical hormones.  Unfortunately "most" American Doctors have "NO" idea the difference between Bio-identical hormones and Non bio-identical hormones and give women no help at all.  

Friday March 11, 2011

In the Women and Wellness journal by the AOA - it was reported that THE WOMENS HEALTH INITIAL STUDY found no difference in sexual function between women taking conjugated equine (horse) estrogen and Medoxyprogesterone acetate (provera) then placebo (a sugar pill).

My comment: It is not surprising that a horse estrogen did not help women with sexual function and the "cancer causing" provera was not a help to women either.  It would seem that women's sexual function deserve more attention then this.  Women need all their hormones restored and balanced in order to restore their sexual well being.  This means Bio-identical Estrogen - Progesterone - Testosterone - and DHEA

Thursday March 10, 2011

In the Clinical Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism it was reported in 2008 that women who had the clinical features of PCOS (this means obesity - irregular menses - elevated cholesterol etc - and irregular menses) have HIGH risk of Cardiovascular Events and Death. 

My comment - If a women has these features then each item of  her problems needs to be addressed.  Address the insulin elevation with Metformin and Weight loss.  Address the Weight with a controlled Medical diet.  Address the Cholesterol with diet changes and proper supplements.  Address the Hormone imbalances with Optimal Bio-identical Hormone replacement and correct the menstral irregularities.   

Wednesday March 9, 2011

If you have 3 of the following you have METABOLIC SYNDROME

  • Did you know that a waist size 35inches for women and 40inches for men put you in a category of 75% lifetime risk of having a stroke or heart attack. 
  • Triglycerides level higher then 150milligrams per deciliter.
  • Reduced HDL (good cholesterol) -- less then 40mg/dl in men and less then 50mg/dl in women.
  • Blood pressure higher then 120millimeters of mercury or higher.
  • Elevated fasting blood sugar of 100mg/dl or higher

My comment - Don't think taking multiple drugs will change your risk - What will change your risk is the following

  • Lose your excess weight
  • Exercise
  • Stop Smoking
  • Start eating fiber-rich foods -
  • Fish oil will reduce triglycerides and Plant sterols will impact cholesterol.
  • Don't think a "statin" drug is the answer -ex - lipitor etc.
  • "Optimize" all your hormone levels - Testosterone - Progesterone - Estradiol - DHEA - Pregnenolone --
Tuesday March 8, 2011

Metabolic Syndrome- What is it???

It is a cluster of conditions -- Increase blood pressure, elevated insulin levels excess body fat around the waist or abnormal cholesterol levels -- that occur together, increasing your risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes.

Metabolic Syndrome is linked to your body's metabolism, Insulin resistance.  Insulin is a hormone made by your pancreas that helps control the amount of sugar in your bloodstream.  Elevated levels can still be harmful.  Some Doctors call this "prediabetes".  BUT prediabetes is like being a little PREGNANT.  And we all know what happens with "a little pregnancy".  So if you are overweight and think you have risk of METABOLIC SYNDROME, get your "fasting insulin" checked.  


  • Race - Hispanics and Asians
  • Obesity - BMI greater then 25 -
  • History of Diabetes -- Family history of TYPE 2 diabetes
  • Other diseases -- High blood pressure - Cardiovascular Disease - Polycystic Ovary Syndrome -

MY COMMENT - Elevated insulin makes it much harder to lose weight and Metformin is a helpful option to reduce this and aid in the weight loss.

Monday March 7, 2011

etabolic Syndrome- What is it??? It is a cluster of conditions -- Increase blood pressure, elevated insulin levels excess body fat around the waist or abnormal cholesterol levels -- that occur together, increasing your risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes.  If you have any of the components of metabolic syndrome  - - YOU NEED TO MAKE AGGRESSIVE LIFESTYLE CHANGES TO PREVENT THE DEVELOPMENT OF SERIOUS HEALTH PROBLEMS .  Low total testosterone and sex hormone binding globulin levels independently predict developement of metabolic synddrome and diabetes in middle-age men. CHECK THOSE HORMONES -( replace to the healthy levels of a 25 year old )--  GET THE WEIGHT OFF-- ( consider a controlled medical diet like medifast )---  START MOVING -( 10,000 Steps daily or 3 mile day). 

My comment ---If your Doctor does not address all of these items then you need a different practioner.  Drugs alone are NOT the answer.  But, it also takes a committment and decision to get well and only you can do that.

Friday March 4, 2011

Good Medicine does not have to be expensive or complicated --

For example - Thousands of AMERICANS suffer from

" Restless Leg Syndrome " - a condition that give movements and twitching that can severely disrupt sleep and create many secondary problems with fatigue and depression.  Every patient that has this needs a FERRITIN blood level done (cheap test) and if the level is not "50" then you treat this patient with IRON and correct the the Ferritin level to eliminate or greatly reduce the "RESTLESS LEG".  Now no pharmaceutical company will make "billions" on this correction.  Most of the medical issues physicians deal with have basic and cheap solutions.  Unfortunately our System has become a BILLION dollar answer and if the solution is not "costly" NOONE is interested in looking at "cheap" fixes. 

Thursday March 3, 2011

Physical Activity and Cancer Risk-----------------

  • Living a physically active lifestyle is important to reduce risk of a variety of cancers, as well as heart disease and diabetes. 
  • Physical activity is associated with a 20-30% reduction in the risk of colon cancer 
  • Studies show physcial activity reduces the risk of breast cancer, especially vigorous activity.
  • Being physically active is thought to reduce cancer risk largely by imporving energy metabloism and reducing circulating concentrations of estrogen, insulin, and insulin-like growth factors. 

MY COMMENT - The unbalanced state of your estrogen is the real "culprit".  Estrogen in a dominant state adds to cancer risk -  Replacement of estrogen with appropriate Progesterone - testosterone - DHEA - Pregnenolone - reduces your risk of cancer.  

Wednesday March 2, 2011


  • 66% of   Breast cancer patients are obese at diagnosis
  • Age is the most important risk factor
  • Weight gain after age 18
  • Physical inactivity
  • Consumption of one or more alcoholic drinks per day
  • High Breast tissue density or hyperplasia


  • Long Menstrual history
  • Never having children
  • First Child after age 30
  • High dose radiation to the chest
  • Family History (BRCA 1,2) BUT this is only 5-10% of all breast cancers

Tuesday March 1, 2011

DHEA has been reported to have anti-diabetic, anti-dementia, anti-obesity, anti-carcinogenic, anti-stress, immune enhancing , anti-viral and anti-bacterial, anti-aging and anti-heart disease effects.

  • Decreases Cholesterol
  • Hormone regulator
  • Stimulates Human Growth Hormone
  • Boosts immunity
  • Improves cognitive function
  • Enhances mood

My comment- Men are very easy to replace - give them the dose per their weight;  Compounded Pharmaceutical grade ----

Women - a little more management - to get levels up and not get any acne etc.  I start low and work up as the female patient tolerates the DHEA.

Monday February 28, 2011

DHEA is secreted by the adrenal glands, and produced in the gonads (testicals and ovaries), and brain.  DHEA and Pregnenolone are often called the "mother hormones".  These two hormones produce the other hormones in the body. They are the building blocks from which estrogen and testosterone are produced.  They are vital to health!!

DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) is the most abundant steroid found in the human bloodstream.  It is a marker of aging and Millions of patients are taking this on a regular basis.  There are numerous anti-aging  and disease prevention health benefits of DHEA.

DHEA levels decrease with age.  DHEA levels peak at age 25 and decline at a rate of 2% per year after that.  Replace DHEA to the healthy levels of a 25 year old.  Micheal Galitzer,M.D. co-founder of the American Health Institute in California, states the following as " DHEA DEFICIENCY -"-------

  • Poor Memory
  • Poor resistance to noise
  • Anxiety
  • Decreased Libido
  • Decreased armpit and pubic hair
  • Dry skin
  • Dry Eyes
  • Dry Hair

MY COMMENT -- Replace your DHEA - best is a pharmaceutical grade - and it is something that can be perscribed from a compounding Pharmacy.

Friday February 25, 2011

Did you know that caring extra weight increases your risk for " BREAST CANCER ".

  • 66% of Breast Cancer patients are obese.
  • Postmenopausal women with BODY MASS INDEX > 30 have a risk of breast cancer 2 1/2 times more then normal weight women.

IT DOES NOT STOP THERE---------------------------------------------

Having that extra weight and getting breast cancer, you also increase the risk  you still may have reoccurance if you are initially cured. The risk of getting recurrance of your cancer and with distant disease goes up by 48% if you are obese.  

MY COMMENT: All of this data makes sense when you think about the hormone imbalances.  Extra weight creates extra estrogen (NOT THAT ESTROGEN IS BAD) - but estrogen without the balance of progesterone, the bodies imbalance of it's Hormones keep you from having any protection against breast cancer. 

Thursday February 24, 2011

The "Annals of Internal Medicine", as far back as 2000 reported that Women with low-normal thyroid levels had a four-fold increased risk of heart disease.  This increased risk was equal to the risk of smoking and high cholesterol.  Low normal thyroid levels are a strong predictor for heart attacks!!!

Then in "Journal of American Medical Association" in 2004 stated

"Low levels of T3 result in increased disability, depression, decreased cognition, energy and increased mortality!!!!

My comment:  There are numerous reports that support the use of Thyroid replacement to improve quality of life and prevent disease.  The majority of Menopausal Women and Many Menopausal Men  need to have "natural Bio-identical" Thyroid Replacement.  Synthroid and Levothyroxine ARE NOT Bio-identical!!!!

Wednesday February 23, 2011

What Keeps you Awake??

Sleep deprivation is a serious medical risk!  According to Professor Joyce Walsleben of New York University School of Medicine, "It is as serious as a poor diet." 

Inadequate sleep = Obesity, Heart diesease, Hypertension, and Type 2 Diabetes.  The good news is that correcting your sleep can help in addressing the other problems.  

Causes of Sleep problems

  1. You think too Much -- Get up and move to another bed if your thoughts are not letting you sleep. 
  2. Oversleeping on the weekends  -- better to have a regular pattern of sleep everyday.
  3. Hormone changes - if having hot flashes etc. - " GET YOUR HORMONES CORRECTED" - don't fall victum to a "coctail" of pharmaceutical drugs (even though the drug companies love that).
  4. Hunger - Have a high-protein bedtime snack.
  5. Bedroom is a Mess - Declutter and organize - Don't use your bedroom as an office.
  6. Too much Light - You need a cool - dark room - DO NOT FALL ASLEEP WITH THE TV.
  7. Background noises - "it's the inconsistency of sound or silence that's disruptive." A ceiling fan may help in providing - "white noise" - Both blocking our disruptive sounds and providing just enough noise for those who can't stand total silence.
  8. Allowing a pet in the room --- pets disrupt your sleep.
  9. A spouse who snores - This can reach 90 decibels - as loud as a blender. Ask your partner to sleep on their side - Try FDA-approved "Sona pillow" it decreased or eliminated snoring in nearly every patient studied.
  10. Dust mites - can trigger mild to severe allergy symptoms. Vaccuum and dust regularly. Replace mattresses that are more then 10 years old. 
Tuesday February 22, 2011

Osteoporosis drugs linked to leg and hip fractures!  These drugs are

  • Fosamax
  • Fosamax -D
  • Boniva
  • Actonel
  • Aredia
  • Didronel
  • Reclast
  • Skelid
  • Zomet

CAUTION in the decision to use these drugs - These drugs are not the only way of addressing Bone loss -------------------

Use Bio-identical Hormones - Proper Supplements such as Calcium with Magnesium + D3 + Mineral - Weight bearing exercise and monitor your status with Bone Density every 2 years and if you have Osteopenia or Osteoporosis evaluate your treatment with Urine NTX. 

Monday February 21, 2011

Things that create Heart disease:

Even when you exercise - avoid fats - don't smoke - there is still more that you need to consider---------------------------

  1. Inflammatory Triggers - Autoimmune disease - Skin disease like Psoriasis reflects the inflammatory status of the body . This population show similar risk as smokers for developing heart disease.
  2. Getting 5 or fewer hours of sleep each night -- doubles your risk of heart disease.
  3. Patients who have Gum Disease reflect a population that has nearly double the risk of a fatal heart attack.
  4. If you are a women and had preelampsia (high blood pressure and protein in the urine) - this group has double the risk of Heart disease.
  5. Workplace stress - Women with demanding jobs that have little control over this job have 40% higher risk of heart disease and stroke.

Friday February 18, 2011


Literature indicates the use of bioidentical progesterone is associated with a " decreased" risk of breast cancer

  • Research shows us that Bioidentical progesterone has shown beneficial effects on cardiovascular health, including decreasing the risk of blood clots, protecting against atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), and maintaining healthy HDL levels.
  • RESEARCH has shown the use of "non- Bio-identical hormones" such as Medroxyprogesterone acetate (provera) IS ASSOCIATED with the risk of breast cancer, heart attack and stroke!!!!!

My comment -- If your Doctor does NOT know the difference between these hormones and insists they are ALL the same - very simply = GET YOURSELF ANOTHER DOCTOR!!!

Thursday February 17, 2011


6 month study of Perimenopausal women conducted at the University of Vienna in Austria compared creams - estriol vs estradiol Estriol had superior skin results -

  • Another study of twenty women with "crows feet" wrinkling, rough skin and moderate skin tone - estriol showed inprovement
  • In 2007 a scientific study published that "Estrogens prevent skin aging. They increase skin thickness and improve skin moisture.  "Skin aging can be significantly delayed by the administration of estrogen.

My comment ---You can have estriol .5mg compounded with a nice vanishing cream to apply to the face and neck area to help in the battle we have with aging skin.

Studies and easy to read information on "Bio-Identical" hormones are presented in DR. NEAL ROUZIER'S BOOK - listed below -------
Recommend: Natural Hormone Replacement by Neal Rouzier, M.D. order via Medquest Pharmacy: 1-888-222-2956

Do you have more than 15 pounds to Lose? --------

"FREE"ONE HOUR - from 4-5pm every Friday “TAKE SHAPE FOR LIFE"- Medifast Program email me if you want to attend liveyoungerlongerwithdrpeters@yahoo.com

Wednesday February 16, 2011

Estriol:  " A women's good skin hormone "

Estriol not only is helpful in reducing fine wrinkling and preventing some of the age related skin changes, it helps in sexual and Urinary Health.  "Life Extension Magazine" reported a  randomized, placedo controlled study of 88 women.  They were given 2mg of estriol intravaginally.  66% of women REPORTED decrease in urinary leakage.  European studies have even been larger, (1200 women- placebo controlled) and reported the same results.  Yet, our wonderful FDA has not given the "stamp of approval" for Estriol use in Women -- This is a CHEAP effective treatment for women - at high quality compounding pharmacies this is compounded for less then 60 dollars for "6" months of treatment. Vaginal atrophy is severe and debilitating for women and preventable by the use of Bio-identical Hormones. 

 My comment  ----- No big money for anyone, so women suffer because Pharmaceutical companies continue to fight in controlling what is available and paid for by insurance companies.  American women are in a medical system that is not helping us prevent disease.     

Tuesday February 15, 2011


Adolescents having fatty liver disease have Sugar/Fat metabolism problems

  • The body shape of the subjects had no effect on if they had metabolic risk
  • Multiple organs become resistent to insulin in children who have fatty liver disease.
  • Fat in the liver is a marker for metabolic problems throughout the entire body.
  • If you are Obese with no Fatty Liver = LOSE WEIGHT
  • If you are Obese with Fatty Liver = LOSE WEIGHT

Dr. Samuel Klein at St. Louis"s Washingon University School of Medicine Stated " Fatty Liver is completely reversible if you lose weight."  In fact, even in two days of calorie restriction large reduction in liver fat and improvement in liver insulin sensitivity occur.

Monday February 14, 2011

Researchers at Toronto's St. Micheals Hospital have recently reported the link betweeen "fatty liver disease" and Stroke.  How do patients get this - Obesity - Diabetes - Elevated Triglycerides -Gastric Bypass surgery, medications, to name some of the causes.  Fat Deposits in the liver, that take over the liver and in the severe cases cause liver failure.  Seeing increase in liver markers (SGOT- SGPT) can give a physician warning the patient is a risk.  Why some fats (especially triglycerides )accumulate in the liver and muscle of

some people and not others is not known.

What should you watch for

  • Risk factors (as mentioned above)
  • Fatigue
  • Pain in the upper right abdomen

This is another preventable situation for most patients.  Keep your diet healthy with fruits and veggies - low fat organic meat - Keep your weight at a healthy BMI.  Take your daily Fish oil.  Periodically monitory your blood test for Cholesterol - and Liver enzymes. 

On a personal - antidotal note - I have seen patients with obesity - fatty liver disease with  Medifast (used at John Hopkins) lose all their excess weight and bring their LIVER ENZYMES from Fatty liver disease back to normal.  A great weight loss option if you need a controlled medical diet.

Studies and easy to read information on "Bio-Identical" hormones are presented in DR. NEAL ROUZIER'S BOOK - listed below -------
Recommend: Natural Hormone Replacement by Neal Rouzier, M.D. order via Medquest Pharmacy: 1-888-222-2956

Do you have more than 15 pounds to Lose? --------

"FREE"ONE HOUR - from 4-5pm every Friday “TAKE SHAPE FOR LIFE"- Medifast Program email me if you want to attend liveyoungerlongerwithdrpeters@yahoo.com

Friday February 11, 2011


In a Canadian study -(presented in Life-extension Magazine) almost 50,000 women were study in relationship to weight and calorie intake and exercise.  What were the conclusions:

  1. If you are menopausal - High BMI - with high energy intake (high calories in) and low exercise - you have increase risk of breast cancer
  2. If you are Premenopausal - High BMI -(over wieght/obese) consuming > then 1900 calories - physically inactive - you have increase risk of breast cancer.

Think about the hormonal status of these groups of women - When you carry extra weight -- you are producing endogenous estrogen (extra estrogen) - Not that estrogen is BAD by itself - But these women have a very "imbalanced" state.  As with all hormones BALANCE is key -- the right amount and the right balance with the rest of your hormones.  Progesterone, our key Balancing hormone, to estrogen is potentially low and these women have no protection to all the ENDOGENOUS EXTRA ESTROGEN. 


Thursday February 10, 2011

Hearing loss may be associated with drugs that are commonly used by the American Public.  Anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID)- motrin etc., aspirin, antidepressant and antianxiety drugs, to name a few.  Hearing loss can be gradual and patients using these drugs may not notice the effect.  As patients age and are taking multiple drugs the loss can be compounded.  The Pharmaceutical "surge" of promotion of antidepressants is alarming as more and more Americans are being given a cocktail of drugs that increase the revenue of the companies.  You need to always think of the entire picture of what is happening to your body and read - read - read - For most patients above the age of 50 with new onset of Depression - a balanced regime of Hormones and supplements will relieve depression and restore their mood to their pre-50 days. 

Wednesday February 9, 2011


  • "Parent Hormone" -- coming from Cholesterol and producing the  rest of the Neurosteroid family
  • It Regulates the brain
  • It affects learning, memory, mood, sleep, and much more
  • Protective against Dementia
  • With lower levels patients may have mood disorders and mental illness
  • Pregnenolone may help to mitigate some of the effects of addictive substances like alcohol, nicotine, and narcotics.


Tuesday February 8, 2011

Many addictive substances humans consume can have potent negative effects on learning and memory.  Alcohol and nicotine both impair learning.  Having said that it is probably the Effect these items have on Pregnenolone - DHEA - and since these hormones are needed in the productions of Testosterone - Estrogen - and Progesterone - You can see the cascade of effects on your body.  We know that Alzheimer's patients have LOWER levels of Pregnenolone, allopregnenolone (a metabolite of pregnenolone), and DHEA-Sulfate.  The deficiencies seem to be corrolated with neurodegenerative diseases.  So  BALANCING all your hormones is a great protector to the brain. 

Monday February 7, 2011


This is the first hormone in the pathway that geneates a host of key neurohormones in the brain.  Pregnenolone therefore has a dominant effect in a wide range of functions for the brain.  It reduces risk of " DEMENTIA " and improves memory.  As cognitive level is impacted by Pregnenolone it makes sense to consider this replacement.  Have your blood level drawn and determince if you are in the laboratory low range, then replace.  Keeping in mind the lab levels that are usually optimal will be the upper quartile of the ranges given. You want to be in OPTIMAL ranges on your hormones, NOT JUST OUT OF DISEASE RANGE. 

For example if the lab gives a range of 50-150 for a 25 year old then your goal would be about 100 to 150.  

Friday February 4, 2011

Natural Hormone Replacement by Neal Rouzier, M.D.    

Dr. Rouzier writes:

Our own hormones are not harmful to our body. The harm is when our hormone levels fall - that is when we deteriorate and suffer loss of strength, energy, libido, structure, muscle and bone.  That's when we see a decrase in quality of life and an increase in lassitude and depression.  Worst of all is the increase in heart disease, strokes, osteoporosis, Alzeiheimer's and dementia.  Dr. Rouzier states that the last 40 years of medical studies support the benefits of hormones. 

So when I hear patients tell me the statements from --

Oncology- cardiology - Urology - Intermedicine - Gyncology -

stating - "natural progesterone" causes cancer - or treating a man with Testosterone causes cancer, you realize how much the medical community needs to focus on reading our literature. 

Thursday February 3, 2011

DHEA - a hormone that is produced by the adrenal glands - This hormone has multiple jobs--

  • It is instrumental in helping your body heal from injuries
  • Increases insulin sensitivity, decreases abdominal fat, prevents and treats the metabolic synddrome and thereby prevents diabetes (from JAMA - 2004)
  • DHEA was found to be beneficial intreating Lupus patients (Journal of Rheumatology)
  • DHEA treats depression and improves memory. (Biological Psychiatry)


- Yet most Doctors DON'T even acknowledge or assess your DHEA level -


Tuesday February 2, 2011

Iodine is an essential trace element that has jobs in reducing our risk of Goiter - low thyroid hormone levels (hypothyroidism) - fibrocystic breasts - and breast cancer.  The ideal dose is somewhat controversial.  The RDA - states 150mcg -per day and somwhat higher if pregnant or breast feeding.  Iodine supplementation is easy to accomplish using various forms of iodine, such as kelp tablets or Iodoral. 


Studies have shown vegetarians are up to 25% iodine deficient - 80% of vegans, compared with 9% of those people who are meat eaters.

Everyone needs Iodine - but the dose of 150mcg is not clear  if this corrects everyone.  

Monday February 2, 2011


I am often asked the issue of FDA approval -

Keep in mind that the hormone's approved by the FDA have clearly been shown to cause cancer - clot - stroke and heart attack - fetal anomalies if given in pregnancy - These items surround PREMARIN AND PROVERA USE ---- FDA approved and still being written every day in this country -WHY????


Some of the safest and easiest hormonal regimes that are available don't make the compounding pharmacist alot of money - DHEA - MELATONIN - COMPOUNDED THYROID - ESTRIOL -

So the real question does not lie in -"is it FDA approved" -The real question is What does this hormone do and if mine is low how can I replace it safely and easily? Keep in mind when your hormones go down below healthy 25 year old levels, the jobs these hormones do will be compromised.

Monday January 31, 2011

Dr. Paul Thompson - professor of Neurology at the University of California-Los Angeles School of Medicine Reviewed several factor that help you Brain stay HEALTHY!!  


  • Physical Activity
  • Weight Control
  • Mental Challenges
  • Social Connections
  • Healthy Diet
  • Chronic Disease Control

Seems simple, but the path we see this nation going with Obesity - sedentary life style, Poor diet, and Disease model of Medicine vs - wellness and disease prevention, it is scarry to think what can happen to our brains in the next decade.

I will add - missing the needed hormones we lose with aging only increases our Brain's risk.

Friday January 28, 2011

Another study that shows the importance of DHEA.  This critical hormone " slows " the aging process.  A study was done of 2,600 men with an average age of 75.  These men were followed for slightly less then 5 years.  The conclusion of this study showed men low in DHEA had a " higher incidence " of Cardiovascular Disease.  The study found low serum levels of DHEA " predict " death from cardiovascular disease in older men.

How should you get your DHEA level up?  Have a blood level of DHEA Sulfate and you need a compounded Sustain Release DHEA to avoid the fillers and contaminates found in many Over the Counter DHEA products.  You also need to have a Doctor that can decide the dose you will tolerate and the proper levels your blood should be.

Thursday January 27, 2011

Another use for Vitamin D --------------------

At the 91st Annual Meeting, at the University of Minnesota,  the Assistant Professor of Medicine reported that men and women with higher Vitamin D levels experienced a greater amount of weight loss when dieting compared to those with lower levels.

Keep your Vitamin D 25-OH level at 60-80.  Ask your Doctor to run your numbers and take enough Vitamin D3 to KEEP your blood level at these optimal levels.

Wednesday January 26, 2011

We are in the midst of an epidemic of " Dementia and Alzheimer's " disease.  Due to life expectancy, and increase in diseases that increase cognitive decline (like diabetes) - we can expect profound disability if  you are stuck with dementia.  There is an abundance of scientific evidence suggests that a number of " Natural Compounds " can be used to safely and effectively improve your chances of preventing dementia. 

  • Alpha-Glycerylphosphorylcholine - Increases brain acetylcholine
  • Phosphatidylserine - Increases aceylcholine - dopamine- noradrenaline.
  • Vinpocetine - Enhances metabolism and blood flow in the brain
  • Ashwagandha - Prevents breakdown of brain neurotransmitter, acetylcoline.

These are a few of the products that can be protective to the brain -

Bio-identical Hormones have protective benefit if started at the time of initial decline of your hormones and add to the prevention of dementia.

Tuesday January 25, 2011

Look at data when you are told something --

For example - "Life Extension" recently published --

Women with a history of heart attack or coronary artery disease when given Bio-identical Progesterone vs the synthetic Progestin (provera) had an improvement on stress testing after 10 days of treatment!!!! -- Where did this come from " The Journal of the American College of Cardiology ".  So when I hear Doctors saying  "There is no evidence of benefit of Bio-identical Hormones"  ---- What journals are they reading?????

We as Doctors cann't quote every study BUT we can direct patients where we are getting our information.  So if you Doctor tells you something that you have heard differently - "Ask where they got the information."

Monday January 24, 2011


  1. Age -- 25 - RISK IS 1 out of 19,608
  2. Age -- 40 - RISK IS 1 out of 217
  3. Age -- 45 - RISK IS 1 out of 93
  4. Age -- 50 - RISK IS 1 out of 50
  5. Age -- 60 - RISK IS 1 out of 24
  6. Age -- 80 - RISK IS 1 out of 10

So why is the risk in a young women so low when her "Hormones" are HIGH in all aspect - estrogen - progesterone - Dehydroepiandrosterone and testosterone????

As women age the risk of breast cancer goes up and the hormone levels go down.  There is far more to the story then "BLAMING" hormones as a cause of Breast Cancer.   Wrong hormones - Wrong routes of delivery, lack of the right hormones.  READ - READ - READ - THE DATA WE HAVE POINT TO MANY IMBALANCE ISSUES AND EXPOSURE ISSUES.   

Friday January 21, 2011

Diabetes and Genetics:

Genetic makeup addes to your risk of Diabetes.  If your family is heavy with Diabetes --- You are at increased risk.  So you need to be alert and keep an eye on all your risk markers

  • Fasting Blood Sugar
  • Hemoglobin A1-C
  • Fasting Insulin

Be aware that if your weight is "overweight" or "obese", you must bring your weight to Normal ranges.  Use all the tools available

  • Controlled Medical Diet - Medifast
  • Metformin If your risk markers are elevated
  • Bio-Identical Hormones to help your body work better and Optimize all your lab levels.
  • Work with a Medical provider that will help in giving you knowledge and tools to get the job done.
Thursday January 20, 2011

In the past "30" years, pediatric obesity rates have tripled in the United States.  1 in 3 CHILDREN are overweight and 1 in 6 ADOLESCENTS are OBESE!  This is an EPIDEMIC.   At the University of Michigan it was noted in the current years a 100% increase in Type II Diabetes in children.  40% of OBESE children have Fatty Liver Disease.  WHY IS THIS HAPPENING???

Our food is garbage!  Children now get as much as 1/3 of their calories from "FAST FOOD".  Soda consumption has increased 65% and has been estimeated to be as much as 25% of all calories consumed.  Small amounts of this BAD drink can do tremendous damage.  1/3 of a can of coke can result in an additional 50 calories per day and result in 5 extra pounds in 1 year.  As adults we need to set the example -- STOP buying the junk - STOP supporting the Soda companies and don't buy IT.  Remember the health of this nation is number 25 in the world and we spend the most. 

Wednesday January 19, 2011

Obesity is clearly recognized as a major risk for Diabetes.  If you are not Diabetic but are obese or overweight, (especially with a family history of Diabetes) check your Hemoglobin A1C & Fasting Insulin. 

Getting a blood sugar check is not letting you know the whole story of your sugar metabolism.  If your Hemoglobin A1C or Fasting Insulin or BOTH are elevated you have a PROBLEM.  Depending on the numbers you could be Glucose intolerant or Full Diabetic. Seeing the numbers can be a "wake-up".  Get your weight under control - Start checking your blood sugar and Consider the use of Metformin. 

Diabetes raises your risk of Cardiovascular Disease and Dementia.

Elevated Hemoglobin A1C tells you your Blood sugar is not controlled.  Elevated Fasting Insulin tells you your pancrease is on "OVER-DRIVE".  If this state continues you will have consistent elevated blood sugar and "frank" diabetes. If your Fasting Insulin & HgbA1C are elevated taking metformin can help in your "weight"loss program.

Tuesday January 18, 2011

Loss of Height can be a sign of  Multiple compression fractures that are occuring in the vertebral spine and the cause of height loss.

Osteoporosis occurs when the density of the porous center is much less than the outer surface, and the bone literally collapses on itself.  This causes us to lose height with age. The vertebrae, composed almost entirely of the softer, more porouse bone, compact as they lose density and shrink.  If your insurance won't pay for a Bone Density then get a Urine NTX - Urine NTX is an indication of Type 1 Collagen Loss.  If you are > 36 on this simple urine test you need to get aggressive in stopping this loss. -----------------------------------

THIS DOES NOT MEAN TO START Osteoporosis drugs!! The osteoporosis drugs linked to LEG and HIP fractures - Fosamax - Boniva - Actonel - Reclast - etc. -------------------------------------------

You need to look at your hormonal status and the supplements you are taking ------------

  • Keep your Hormones Optimal
  • Take a Balanced Calcium +D3 (blood level keep at 60-80)  
    • Magnesium (400mg daily) + Minerals (best is strontium) 
  • Weight bearing exercise 
  • Optimal BMI - 
  • No smoking   

Monday January 17, 2011

Trying to make lifestyle changes with your diet??

Fresh is best, when selecting fruits and vegetables.  If you cann't get fresh, then go to the frozen section.  Canned fruits and vegatable have the most in sodium - and have the lowest level of nutrients.  Get organic as much as you can.

We as a nation are number "25" in our health with the greatest amount of money spent.  For your health "DO NOT LISTEN" to the ads on TV.

"Most" of the drugs advertised on TV are NOT for your health but for the pockets of the drug companies.  The greatest way to have health and wellness is prevent disease.  Eat properly - Exercise properly - and stay free of food additives and look at your health in the "light" of disease prevention. 

Friday January 14, 2011


It is the transition time for 3-4 years before menopause.  During this time women are at great risk - for depression - emotional upheaval - cancer issues -- Why?  Estrogen is declining BUT many women become estrogen dominant.  Their progesterone starts to lower due to "anovulatory" cycles and "no" progesterone "no" hormone to protect against cancer and emotion instability. 



Women need the great "protector" progesterone for two weeks before the cycle - this should be added to a womens regime of disease prevention as much as telling women in their 40's to take calcium - fish oil etc.   If your Doctor does NOT understand the difference between "BIO-IDENTICAL" progesterone and the "cancer" causing progestin - provera, then do your own reading and get a NEW Doctor.   

Thursday January 13, 2011

Getting seven hours of sleep nightly can cut your risk of anxiety and blue moods threefold, it can lower  high blood pressure and heart disease up to 75%!   Why?  Sleep is when your body and brain reduce stress hormones, repair tissue damage and create immune cells and increase GABA for the "feel good mood".  60 million Americans have sleep issues and every women in menapause has some degree of sleep issues.  You need to work with the natural items available ------

Melatonin -(for men and women) and Progesterone (for women) aid in sleep. 

Wednesday January 12, 2011

To set yourself up to eat healthy, stock your refrigerator and kitchen with healthy food.  Get rid of the boxed foods - canned foods - Have plenty of fresh fruits, vegetables, organic foods - lean protein and low fat.  NO soda -- NO fruit juices. Drink 1/2 your body weight in water.

Set up a schedule to exercise and do your best to keep that schedule.  Commit to goals and write down a plan of how you will accomplish that goal.  A "Diet Diary" can help in weight loss -- One of the reasons Medifast is successful is that Medifast is a 'planned' 'controlled' 'timed' medically balanced diet.  So commit to the type of food that will get you to goal -- Limited carbs - low glycemic foods - AND if you are not losing 2lbs weekly you need to adjust your plan.   

Tuesday January 11, 2011


Women who walk fast enough to make holding a conversation difficult for an hour daily are 15% less likely to develop breast cancer than women who walk more slowly and for less than an hour. 

Monday January 10, 2011

Everyone is thinking about the "Holiday" bulge - those extra pounds that are gained in December. 

Start by getting rid of the Garbage - The University of Texas found that Fructose - affects the liver and triggers fat production - for up to 4 hours when you eat or drink it.  It also increases "LEPTIN" this increases your hunger. You crave more food  and when you eat that food, because of the increase in fat production due to the fructose, this food converts to fat!!



Check those labels - Don't listen to the ads on Tv that Fructose is Natural

Educate yourself and clean up your diet.

Friday January 7, 2011

LOW ENERGY -- think about  *Thyroid  *Iron  *B12   ---

Low thyroid:

  • Vitamin D - You need at minimum 1,200iu and for many patients far more then this depending on the lab levels, some patients may need 5000 and some 10,000 for a time frame to raise their blood levels to optimal.
  • Take a multidose vitamin which contains 150mcg of iodine. -
  • Replace the loss, if your lab is not optimal at FREE T3

Low B12

  • There is decrease obsorbtion with aging - consider supplement-
  • FOOD with B12 - salmon, liver, asparagus, black beans, collard greens - consider a B-COMPLEX vitamin -
  • Goal of lab is an optimal B12 number -1000 for most lab -
  • If taking B12 - do it by the form "Methycabalamin" -

Low Iron

  • Cut your Caffeine intake
  • More Iron rich foods
  • Supplement if your lab is low - aim for mid range numbers on lab
Thursday January 6, 2011

Dr. Oz's one minute quiz on Thyroid:

  • Brittle fingernails and hair --- Yes or No
  • Often feeling Cold -------------- Yes or No
  • Weight gain ----------------------- Yes or No
  • Depression ------------------------  Yes or No
  • Constipation ----------------------  Yes or No
  • * Memory Lapses -----------------  Yes or No

Dr. Oz's RISK TEST --- Vertically line up a pencil with the outer corner of your eye. If there are few or no eyebrow hairs beyond the pencil, you may have low thyroid. 

For those patients who are on Synthroid or Levothyroid and are still answering YES to these questions-- You are STILL "clinically hypothyroid" - this is due to the fact you are receiving only T4.  You need a Bio-identical thyroid which is a mix between T4 & T3.  This must be compounded and is cheaper then the Pharmaceutical Synthroid or Levothyroid.  How do you guide yourself - Get a FREE T3 blood test.  If the level is not 3.5 - 4.2 pg/nl then you remain in a "clinical hypothyroid state"

Wednesday January 5, 2011

Even Dr. Oz IS DISCUSSING the issues of Thyroid

  • More then 27 million women the root of fatigue is their thyroid
  • Most of the symptoms of "low thyroid" minic "normal"signs of aging.
  • In addition to fatigue, low Thyroid can give weight gain, thinning hair, depression, low sex drive and irritability.
  • High LDL "bad" Cholesterol - low Thyroid hormone can increase the risk of high cholesterol and heart disease. 

Women will say - "I woke up" once the thyroid is optimal - The constant fatigue and mental dullness is gone.

TREATMENT - a "natural compounded " thyroid - Adequate Iodine - and Vitamin D supplement. 

Tuesday January 4, 2011

Female Readers ask me for numbers on the lab levels to guide them when they get their testing done.  There are variations from lab to lab on the optimal levels of a 25 year old - So it does take working with a physician knowledgeable in Hormone replacement to give you the best guidance.  But in general the numbers to aim for (BLOOD Testing)  if you are menapausal are as follows:

  • Estradiol  -60-100 pg/ml
  • Progesterone - 30 ng/ml - possibly higher if issues with fibroids -
  • FREE Testosterone - the upper half of a twenty-five year old women
  • DHEA Sulfate - the upper quartile of a twenty-five year old women 
  • Thyroid - an optimal FREE T3 - between 3.5 -4.2 pg/ml
  • Vitamin D 25-OH - keep the number between 50-80 ng/ml


If you are looking to have your hormone levels done on your own - Go through LIFE EXTENSION -  www.LifeExtension.com - they have a good hormone panel  to check your levels with reasonable cost.  

Monday January 3, 2011

Its the First day of the First week of 2011 -- Time to start those "NEW YEARS" resolutions:

1. Increase your exercise - never end the day without 10,000steps or 3 mile day -- AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION RECOMMENDATION

2. Optimize your weight - USE THE BMI charts and aim for your weight goal to rid or prevent - HYPERTENSION - DIABETES AND CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE -- NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF HEALTH

3. LOOK at your Hormone Blood levels and learn what you should be to prevent - Osteoporosis - Help your cholesterol - Increase your Libido - Prevent Vaginal Atrophy - Reduce Erectile dysfunction - and the list goes on --------------------------------

If you want me to cover certain TOPICS ------- email me and I will try to address the recommendations to "LIVE YOUNGER LONGER"

------------ALL THE BEST IN 2011---------
Sunday January 2, 2011



  • Premarin from Horse urine increases clot risk
  • Provera - a synthetic progestin increases breast cancer risk
  • The FDA allows the continued sale of Horse urine-derived estrogens and synthetic progestin.  The excuse the FDA gives is they don't know about safety issues from PLANT-derived estrogen and progesterone which is used in pregnancy????.  Does it make sense TO give women drugs The FDA knows are NOT SAFE!  Lets face the facts, the FDA is politically influenced by the Power of the Pharmaceutical companies. To further add to the problems are the stance Doctors take - follow the direction of the FDA and continue to give women unsafe hormones.  There are safe ways for women to receive the treatment they need.  Read - study the options and look for providers who are looking at all the data and making the safest decisions in giving women the best treatment.

© Copyright 2009, 2010, 2011Live Younger, Longer with Dr. Peters
Site Update: January 2, 2012